Chp 87 : Staying Home?

Stepping at the front yard of the foster house, he realized that how he missed this place very much. Although he was only gone for a month, to him, it felt like it was a year already.

He had begun to sympathize with the soldiers who left their families and were stationed away from their homes.

This 7500 sq, ft orphanage has changed quite a lot in the past 5 years with the renovation into a 2 stories building and construction of the new bedroom, recreational room, music studio, library, and a few classrooms.

The front lawn was still the same as it used to be, also the backyard garden where his favorite single cherry tree that he used to sit underneath stood tall unmoved.

Well, with that renovation, he could say that he was rebuilding this place to a new one.

The warm light from the sun has been replaced by artificial light. He stepped into the front lawn and heard familiar steps replaying in the background.

8 little paws were fluttering over his direction and hit his body like he was just a punch bag. He stabilized himself before greeted this cute creature.

"Bella, Lola, long time no see buddies. How they were treating you? Did Annie made you wear make-up again?" He hugged and petted them.

Hearing both of them whimper gave the answer he was suspected with. He giggled and shook his head, turning his attention to Mary and Jessie.

They shrugged in response then walk to the front door and opened it for him.

"After you sergeant." Mary held the door and pleased him to enter.

He rolled his eyes at them and entered the living room that devoid of people. He heard a racket from the kitchen and sure they would have dinner very soon.

Luckily for him, Mary, Jessie, and Jodie have finished the meeting before dusk or they would be having dinner outside.

As he stepped inside the foster house's dining room, he was greeted by his foster siblings, a few unfamiliar faces, and Mrs. K.

The dining room was made like a cafeteria where 2 long tables were placed on each side of the section, it enough to be filled with at least 8 people at each table.

They used to have only one table and a small dining room and kitchen, this was also one of the places that have been renovated.

He was also surprised to find that his friend, Anthony, Max, Ione, Robin, River, and Keanu were also there with them.

"Al!" Drew's voice came first then their head was jerked in his direction. Soon everyone also followed Drew, calling his name.

"Hello everyone! I miss you all!" He said.

Drew was the first one who ran in his direction and body-slammed him creating a little tremor to his organs.

His other sibling followed after, enveloped him in a big group hug.

His friend came to him and also enveloped him in a group hug.

"Dude, you are cooler when you are bald!" Anthony said.

"Well, everyone, this is your lucky day. Let's go bald with me together, as a friend, the bald buddies!" He evil smiled.

"No thanks!" The boys replied.

Then he came over to Ione and Robin and hugged them both. The last time they were together, they were almost wrecked havoc on the Royal Family of England.

"Robin! My other half! You miss me?" He grabbed her shoulder.

She shrugged her shoulders and gave him a lopsided grin. "I miss the lesson you give rather than you."

His eyes were twitching, even turned worse after River asked, "What lesson?"

Ione laughed heartily, followed by a confused face of everyone. Robin then added, "Sorry guys, a secret of three of us." She grinned.

They didn't probe more because something weird always happened involving Al and Robin. They were sure if Al didn't know who his parents were, they must be siblings.

After they were done, Al parted to find Alice who was still seated in the chair. She stood up and spread her arms, waiting to be lifted off.

He did, he picked her off the ground and spun her around. Still carrying her in a princess carry, he whispered to her ear.

"Hello little El, I miss you."

"I would say long time no see." She joked. "But I have never seen you before. Soooo it's nice to feel you, Al." She giggled.

Everyone laughed awkwardly, she had a weird sense of joke and they blamed Al for it.

"Al? Since when did you calling me that? Who's been teaching you." He squinted his eyes at the rest of them and grunt jokingly.

"El... call me big brother again or I'll give the best tickle of your life." He put her down and threatened her by holding her shoulder.

"Al, I've grown up. Let me call you Al too." She begged with the pouted face.

"No way! I love the way you say big brother! Please El, call me big brother again." He begged her.

"No, I want to call you Al!" She threw tantrum at him.

"Looks like little El started to get rebellious. Do you know what happened to my little sister who started to rebel? A tickle time!" He reached her love handles and started to tickle her.

"Okay, okay, I give up big brother!" She laughed still and Al released her after she called him the normal way again.

"Okay, both of you, let's stop the drama. I want to introduce you to our new additional family first before we have dinner." Mrs. K warmly smiled at him.

"New family!? Yes, Mary has told me that before. Where are they?" Al asked and started to look around, searching for his new siblings.

"Kids, come here, meet your eldest brother." Mrs. K said while smirking.

Al heard a wooden shriek from the 5 new footsteps came over to their direction.

Then 5 people showed themselves to his face. Two boys, having the same feature, a twin with brown hair and brown eyes, were at least 7 years old

The third person was a black girl with brown skin and curly untidy hair. Wearing glasses and he thought she was at least 8 years old.

The fourth one was an Asian girl, from the features she was Japanese, with bob cut hair.

The last one, how could he say this, but she was an adult. He didn't know exactly her age but at least she was at least had the same age as him.

She wore an oversized sweater and beanie, had a Hispanic origin, and short unkempt hair. He saw an old Mary on her, different face but same temperament. A mini past-self Mary.

He was sure she and Robin would be best friends with how they dressed. He just hoped his new foster sister won't turn goth just like Robin.

"Okay boys, girls, introduce yourself."

"Our name is Ned and Ted!" The twin said, came over, and hugged Al who kneeled to greet them.

"Hi, Al, um, I'm your fan, Al. My name is Janice." The black girl said.

"I am Hina. It's nice to meet you, brother Al." The Asian girl bowed.

Both of them also hugged him tightly, at last Al has new little foster siblings. The last one was the oldest.

He stood up and approached her to hug her but she kept a distance from him.

"Isabel." The Hispanic girl spoke one word then turned away with a huff. Then found a seat at the long dining table.

Mrs. K sighed, "Forgive your new sister Al. She has an... issue. Also she older than you by one year so you should call her big sis." Mrs. K teased.

Al gasped, "No way! I won't forsake eldest sibling status to anyone! Mary has given me the right and I won't give it up yet."

"I told you he would say that." Mrs. K gave a smug grin to everyone.

"Okay, dinner time everyone!" She added.

"Wait, I don't see Laura. Where is she?" Al asked and the room became silent and nobody dared to answer.

Al suddenly panicked. He thought that something grave happened to Laura but Mrs. K quickly clarified.

"You see Al, she had a rough day on the New Year's Party and has been down since then. Why don't you talk to her later and bring her dinner? She has been eating in her room since that day."

"How about school?"

"She still came to school but quickly went home with Toby."

"I understand mom. I'll talk to her."

Having a nice dinner with his family and friends. This was also the thing that he missed. Al told them what they have done at New Year's Party in England as Ione and Robin took turns to speak their story.

How surprised were they when he told them that he met with George VII's ghost? Although some of them didn't buy it, the kids took no time to believe him.

The new kids except Isabel tried to familiarize themselves with him. Though it took Al a second before he fell in love with these kids, they were really adorable especially Hina.

When he spoiled her, Alice suddenly appeared in front of him and asked to sit on his lap. It seemed that Alice's position threatened.

Her white sundress flutters when she suddenly jumped into his lap, didn't care about whether Al was there or not, she fully trusted her big brother would catch her.

Alice didn't grow much this year, although she was still 9 years old, her body frame was petite and could be wronged as 6 years old.

Robin was looking at him with a smug face and said, "Are you sure you are not their daddy, Al? You look like it than a big brother."

Everyone also agreed and voiced their opinion.

"Hey! I was too young to become a dad!" Al retorted.

"But you acted like it, dad." Toby teased.

"Uh-uh, and Mary will be the mommy!" Drew said.

Mary's face reddened but fortunately, it was covered by dim light. She quickly said, "Oh, so you mean Kate will be treated like a grandma right Drew?"

Mrs. K squinted her eyes at Drew and she leaned back in fear, "Sorry mom."

Everyone then laughed at Drew. But soon Al recovered and asked back, "Wait, you really thought of me as Dad?" Al said with disbelief.

As everyone nodded, Al caressed his non-existed long beard. "That's an improvement and a setback."

"So if you all thought of me as a dad, so from now on I can tell you all a dad's joke right?"

"NO!" The dining room situation turned into panic, the way Al has said that gave everyone a bad premonition.

He was smiling with a challenge, "Okay everyone, What's ET short for? Because he's only got tiny legs!" Then Al laughed uncontrollably.

"Al! NO" After hearing the terrible joke, everyone gave up hope on him.

The bad jokes continued until everyone was faking their nauseous. In the end, everyone laughed together because the bad jokes were good, except for Isabel who was looking at them with hate in her eyes.

She stood up and stormed outside the orphanage. While everyone was still surprised at her, Al tried to chase after her but stopped by Mary.

"Al, leave this problem to me. If you go, it will have an adverse effect."


"She was older than you by 1 year. And I think she won't be told by someone of the same age as her. Besides, you have another task to do."

Al nodded and as everyone finished their dinner, the night turned darker every second. His friend also said farewell to him and went home.


He stood by the room on the second floor with the L-word hanged on the door and gave a soft rhythmic knock to it.

"Laura! I brought you dinner." He shouted and waiting for the door to open. A few seconds passed and finally, the door was opened.

Though it was only opened for about an eye-width, he could see her crystal blue eyes that told him more things about her.

Afraid and anxious were the emotions he saw within her and many more would also be seen.

"Hi, Al, You came. You can put the tray in front of the door." Laura softly said.

Al sighed, "Laura if I want to deliver the food, I won't go knocking on the door. Can we talk? After you finished the dinner first."

Laura looked at him wryly, she was unsure to let him in or not because he was the last person in the world who she wished to see her like this.

She thought she would be okay in few weeks and everything would be back to normal before Al came but it did not. It still haunts her.

That day, after she sobered up, she ran away back to the foster house with scrambled cloth, leaving the boys who saved her behind.

She remembered everything before and after she was drunk, how her cheerleader friend said that one of the linebackers was interested in her and how stupid she was after she agreed to be dragged to him like food in a platter.

He was scary, big, and ugly, he said his name was Aba, and the way he saw her was just like a meat to be ravaged upon. She hated him very much, especially those lust-filled looks that disgusted her.

Not only him, but the jocks in the room was also sexually harassed her and many cheerleader freshmen.

Why can men as descent as Al or River?

Then she remembered how she was given a drink, an orange punch they said but she was fooled. It was an alcoholic drink and it was a strong one.

She knew something new about her body. She was a lightweight with alcohol. Also, they seemed to say that her boobs were big. Was 34D even big? She never knew that but seeing Mary and his brother's best friend, Robin. She didn't think they were big at all.

She became drunk, wild and even took off her tee-shirt in front of everyone. She danced in his lap, which she regretted it and he even said the black pole or something, of course, she knew what he meant.

Birds and bees, the lesson she was traumatized about and she almost got it from the one she didn't love.

Then she remembered how Toby and the boys kicked his ass, how River with his skinny body picked her up and carried her away from that sty they called house.

At least his brother's friend was decent enough, especially River, he was cute.

After she went back to the orphanage, she thought she would be grilled alive by mom but she didn't. Only hugged her and kissed her forehead with love and affection. Told her not to worry and wasn't her fault.

That made her gut twisted and haunted by guilt. If the boys didn't come, she didn't know what would happen to her and she kept imagining it.

What if the boys didn't come? Would she raped and ravaged by them and become tainted and dirty, treated as used goods. She thought about it every day and always made her felt guilty and nauseous.

Mom already talked to her every day and she felt better but not good enough.

"Laura," Al called her again and she snapped out from her musing.

"You okay? I've been calling you a few times already."

"I'm not," She started to teared up, "I'm not okay Al!" She opened her door and hugged him tightly.

She started sobbing on his shoulder. She cried, wailing hard and letting out her burden on her shoulders to the world.

"Hush, just let it out sweetheart, let it out." He hugged her back with one hand, while the other hand lifted the tray so she won't be dirtied by the food.

He dragged her to her room and laid her to her bed. Her room was full of girls' things and the interiors were painted in pink.

Her bed was also pink, along with the pillow.

Al put the tray on the table and sit right beside her on the bed. She went back again and cried on his shoulders.

A moment passed and her tears began to lessen, she still hugging him tightly like a baby sloth.

His smell made her calm and she always thought about how warm his hug was, like a furnace in the winter night.

She always thought that Al was a scary but caring person. How they always fight for toys when they were little and he always won. When she cried because she lost, he was the one who hugged and comfort her, to play together again.

"Sorry Al, I'm a mess right now."

"Shush, it's okay Laura. The big brother always took care of his little sister." He smiled fondly at her. "Besides, I don't know what's happened to you and I'm blind about this. But seeing your condition, something awful must be happening to you."

"Sorry." She looked at the ground, then decided to tell him what happened to her.

After she told him everything, for the first time she saw the furious Al.

When he was angry at her, sometimes he shouted a little or at least pressed his words to her.

But now, Al was like a cold-blooded killer in the thriller movies. His amber eyes were glowing in the dark and she could see fury behind the beautiful glow.

It had so much hate than she could imagine. She imagined that if she was the one who has been directed his anger at, she rather have a suicide.

His cold eyes looked at her and her body jerked back in reflex. Al realized his mistakes and his emotion turned calm again. "Sorry, Laura, I must have been scared you." He turned back to the kind Al.

She just nodded furiously. Al laughed a little and brought her back to his embrace.

She unknowingly purred and her body quivered.

"It's okay Laura, it's okay. You are safe now. I'm sorry I wasn't there. Are you afraid of them?"

She shook her head, "I'm not afraid of them, Al. I'm feeling guilty for all of you. What happened if I was raped. Would you still accept me?" She started to tear up again.

"Laura, don't imagine something horrible. Even if that happened, I'll never reject you. It's the opposite, I will be the one who cares about you the most. Also for that rapist, I'll release my vengeance upon them. I'll release hell on them."

Laura suddenly shuddered, he said something scary while smiling. But remembered it was for her sake, she gave him a warm smile. "Thank you, Al. You are the best brother that little sister could get."

They both sat in silence, she still had Al closed to her body. He was so warm in this cold winter February.

"Am I forgiven?" She suddenly asked.

"Yes Laura, yes you are. But you should have brought Toby there. Ione and Robin will also gladly accompany you there. Just don't leave alone anymore, promise me." He spoke with affection.

"Pinky promise!" She gave her pinky finger out to him. Al also gave out his pinky finger and it intertwined with hers.

She beamed brightly at him and Al returned her smile with fickling her forehead and she whimpered in pain.

She felt better, the best one she had for the past month. Her body warmed out and the guilt started to evaporate the minute he said she was forgiven.

There was also a weird feeling coming from her gut, just like a moth crawling to her stomach... yep, she was hungry. She forgot to eat her lunch at school today.

Al heard her belly growling said, "Okay, now you have been fine and also hungry, it's time to eat."

"Can you feed me, Al?"

"Don't push it, Laura." He stared at her.

"O-okay then." She was stuttering and slumped her shoulder.

"Just kidding, everything for my last favorite sister."

"Last?" She slumped again but this time she giggled, at least she was being fed by him.

Al was happily fed her with chicken broth. Outside he was happy but inside, he was dreading.

He thanked God and whoever it was for making Toby and the other boys came on time.

If those Neanderthals did rape his sister, he won't show mercy to them.

He knew how cases of rape were not welcomed. Not only the rapist got a free jail card because of their age, but they also didn't get bad treatment from the community because their daddies were rich.

The underage victims of rape were always be blamed. Especially if they were filling up the reports to their assailant.

Not justice they got but instead they would get blamed because they wore outfits that showed little cleavage to tempt their rapist or blamed because they were drunk and let their rapist rape them.

They were even convinced that they should be grateful to be fucked by popular jocks.

They would always be outcasted by society. Treated as sinful creatures, a vixen that wished to be fucked.

If that did happen, Al wasn't kidding before. They shall know what pain is, he will create hell for them.

This time, he would give them a warning not to mess with his family, a painful warning.

After he was done feeding her, he began to have a small talk with Laura, talking about her doings since he left for a month.

"Hey, I heard that River was the one who carried you all the way while you were running away from them."

She suddenly blushed, "Y-yes he did. He was such a nice guy."

"Do you like him?" He teased.

"No, not like him, he is cute though." Her face reddened. Al smiled and squinted his eyes. Then he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, because I will have a nice long talk with him later." He said.

"Al! Please don't scare him!" She gave exasperated sigh to him.

"I'm not, I'll just a pleasant chat with him tomorrow."

She rolled her eyes, she knew something will happen on that "pleasant chat".


The next morning.

Al arrived in front of the comfortable small cottage in the Beverly Hills area. When he said small, it meant moderate size for other people besides Americans. The bigger the better the said.

He knocked on the door and it opened, showed a lady with graying hair wearing a blouse and long skirt. She wore a scarf to her neck, today's weather was a bit windy than before and cold wind sometimes blew hard to the west coast.

"Mrs. Eleanor Bergstein?"

"Yes, it's me," She gave questioning look to him then it clicked, "Oh my you must be Alphonse! Come in."

"Thank you, Mrs. Bergstein." He smiled warmly at her.

To Be Continued...

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Executive Producer: Oli

Produced by:





vegard larsson


Co-Directed by:
