Chp 100 : Summer Time

Al felt Toby may have regretted a little for throwing the cake on the point-blank range to his face. Or else, this situation would never happen in the first place.

Toby also seemed to forget that his brother was a vengeful person. He remembered those times when they played together when they were a little. Every time he lost, he would always keep insisted on playing until he won the game; Toby kinda missed those times.

And now he didn't miss those feelings anymore and started to lament it. Al retaliated by picking up the remains of the cakes on the floor and threw them back. It hit him not only his face but also every other kid near him.

Toby also did not expect that his other siblings would also have a thirst for revenge and it led them to a food fight. Those kids took the cakes and desserts from the food stalls and yes, they only took the sweets because when they reached for other foods, Mrs. K immediately yelled at them.

She ordered only to take the cakes or desserts only because she said it would be hard for them to clean the other food after they finish playing. Toby saw Mrs. K tried so hard to hide her smirk, she knew this way the kids won't have any sweets they could eat later.

At first, this food war was only played by the kids but someone in an accident threw the food to Steven Spielberg's face.

They thought he would be mad at them but his son, Max; in his mother's lap was laughing so hard at his father.

He smiled at the kids grabbed the cakes on the floor and threw it to his friend, who they recognized to be Robert Zemeckis.

The only ones who didn't join were Mrs. K, Amy, Max, and Alice who sat as spectators while clapping at their misfortunes. The food fight was erratic out of control. Girls vs girls, boys vs boys, adults vs kids.

A half-hour passed and the food war was ceased to exist. Leaving the trail of the tarnished body and cloths from sugar and sweets.

Everyone became tired from this game and started to clean themselves.

Then Al found himself sitting in the kitchen surrounded by everyone else who came to celebrate his birthday. He also had Max in his lap because Max liked to be around with his godbrother so much.

Then Al looked at everyone else in the room and gave a genuine smile. Another year has passed since his rebirth and now six years have been passed.

Every orphanage tenant, Steven Spielberg and his family, Robert Zemeckis, Ari Emmanuel, Jodie Foster, his friend, his girlfriend who said she was busy, and all his acquaintance on his subsidiaries company.

They were all smiling at him and most of them had a glass of champagne or maybe an apple juice? But he made sure that his friend and sibling had an apple juice.

Mary came to him with two wine glasses and gave one of them to him, "Don't worry, it's just an apple juice." She whispered in his ear.

"Make a speech ED!" Robin said with her face covered in white; maybe a whipped cream or something else. He made his eyes into a slit, giving the impression that she would receive his fury later on and made her cowered in fear.

"Thank you, everyone. I didn't know you were planning this but I really appreciate it. I even forget today is my birthday, I'm too busy packing my things for London tomorrow," He laughed at himself in scorn and followed by everyone. "and I quote the character I played recently, 'Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.' Let's toast!" With him saying the last word, everyone clapped their hand, raised their glass, and drank it.

After the toast, Al was telling the kids his brand new fairy tale that he would put in the new book he would release next Christmas. He called them 'Al's Collection of Short Story'.

He told them a story called "Raya and The Last Dragon" and he brought these kids into another dimension. Other adults who were intrigued by the story also joined the kids sitting on the floor.

As the story reached its end, so was the party. His friend and acquaintance came to him to say farewell and wished him another happy birthday.

He went out after cleaned himself and found his godfather was sitting on the chair in the backyard garden. He went inside, pour a glass of wine for his godfather and a glass of coke for himself.

"Not going home yet, godfather?" He came again and gave the glass to Steven.

"It's hard to see you since you went to England and now you want to kick me out of here?." He said accompanied with a laugh, "Amy still washing Max from sweets he ate, it may take a while. How are you with Stanley? I heard he gave you some chance to take control of things."

"It was hell!" He exaggerated, "Damn old man always found some mistakes I made, even an atomic level."

"He was scary teacher, I do miss it but don't want to repeat it." He said and they both sat in comfortable silence.

"So how's the progress for the film ?" Al suddenly asked.

"So far it's fine. I will travel between China and England next year. I wish you were still a kid, Al, I really want to work with you again. You were thinking that I'm too old huh?" He said with a fake angry tone.

"Chill out, my dearest godfather. I'm just joking with you for the last scene." He grinned. "Besides, I gave you a compensation right, so don't you dare to sue me for using your name!"

Yes, he did give him the beta version of the new game, Elder Scrolls. Still, Al was not satisfied with the game. It was so much more alike to The Legend Of Zelda rather than actual Elder Scrolls because the computer graphic capacity that still not yet to use 3D engine.

"I must say the game is amazing Al, and they said you wrote the basic codes. I really love about how we could customized our own characters, choosing weapon, and armor. It was another breakthrough in game industry." He made a gesture as if he was playing the NOTE portable.

"Yeah, and I know you didn't finish any the main quest, you wasted your time playing the sidequest, right?" He joked. "Anyway, I still got 2 game ideas for NOTE console that should be released next year, it's a fighting game called Mortal Combat and a shooting game called Wolfenstein. The code will be harder and we'll need more capital injection."

"Al, that's the news I want to share with you. Last week, Michael Ovitz came to my door."

"He offers you that shitty packaging service?" Steven laughed at his remark. He also hated that packaging thing, but he was also the partner of that agency and received their benefit. Who was he to judge?

"No. He is now lobbying Sony to buy Colombia Picture, also, because of our portable console success, Sony interested to buy our game hardware company to compete with Nintendo." He said in disgust. Steven really hated Nintendo and that plumber game.

"Never!" He said in anger and surprised Steven, "If you sold that shares to anyone, I won't ever forgive you, godfather."

He smiled, "Of course Al, I will never do that. Those shares are worth more than money. It's our dream Al, it's our dream--" He turned his gaze far away.

"Also, Steven turned those shares you held into your family trust fund and you as sole trustee. Trust me on this, this way Niflheim shares should be held by no one but you. No one even your parents, cousin nor spouse could touch it."

Steven didn't understand what was Al's purpose for doing that but because his advice was always accurate, he nodded in agreement.

Al didn't know how he would change the course of Steven and Amy's marriage, but if they did divorce, half of the 35% shares of Niflheim would be fell into Amy and Al afraid of what would she do to those shares.

They both clinked their glass and enjoyed the night before Amy carrying the sleeping Max asking for Steven to go home.

After Al cleaned himself up from sweats and sweets, suddenly someone knocked on his door. He checked the time that showed 12.15 AM and wondered who came to his room such this late hour.

Maybe it was a prank Robin would do. So he opened his door and saw Gwen who was still covered by whip cream and sweets from the food fight.

"Gwen? You are not home yet?" He asked in surprise. He thought Gwen had already gone home with Ione and Robin because he saw them leaving.

Gwen slithered her hands on his neck and hanged her weight on him, "So you'll head back to England tomorrow right?" He nodded at her and she let out a heavy sigh. "I'm gonna miss you."

"Me too Gwendolyn, heck, I'm missing you right now." He grinned.

She smiled, "Can I borrow your bathroom or maaaybeeee, do you want to clean me up, tiger?"

At 3 AM, everyone came knocking on his door because Al was so noisy and disturbed everyone in the vicinity of his room because of their night activity.


As soon as he landed at Heathrow Airport, Vivian came to pick him out, the same as the first day he arrived here. She also took him to the car she first used to pick him up months ago.

She missed him so much and so was he, it has been 2 weeks since they didn't meet.

Vivian said she loved his performance in and she watched it on theatre about three times. Her face became scarlet red when he teased her that she liked his topless scene. It earned him a hard punch to his shoulder from an embarrassed Vivian.

She also told him that since he was making a scene with Charlie Sheen, the paparazzi started to harass her and Stanley. He also became very pissed with him and his celebrity status.

His back suddenly turned cold. "Well shit, Stanley might scold me when we arrive."

"Relax, Al. I will always be here for you." She held his arms while watching the road.

He grinned "Thank you, Vi, you are the best sugar mommy I ever met." She just rolled her eyes at him.

He always loved the scenery when he traveled down to the countryside of London to her house, it's like he was brought to a different world. When they arrived, he finally met with Stanley Kubrick who looked furious at his appearance.

"You really make yourself a ruffian with your last action." Before he even greeted him, Stanley immediately cut him off.

He guessed it must be the scene he made with Charlie Sheen. There's a lot of disturbing news about him since the premiere night. But most people thought that their fight was for movie promotion and publication.

"Sorry, Stanley, it's not my intention that it would have happened. I was just protecting my friend from him." He bowed his head and cast his eyes somewhere else.

"Dad!" Vivian screamed.

"Vivian! It's okay, everything is my fault. I shouldn't make a scene like throwing him to the pool."

"Yeah, your action not only attracted those assholes from British paparazzi but also everyone else. I don't know if I regret letting you join my film or not. You know publication things should be handled by studios right? Not their actor."

He looked at Stanley in guilt, he had burdened Stanley twice with those flies. First because of his accident, now he made a scene with Charlie Sheen.

He hoped the shooting did not delay anymore because of those flies.

"But congratulation." He raised his head and looked at Stanley. There was no lie in his eyes, he praised him. "The film is a success, right? I also watched it and I liked your acting. Perfectly executed breaking the 4th wall? I really like it kid." He then laughed until the wildlife stayed away from him.

"Damn, old man! You are giving me a heart attack there! So you're not angry?"

He scoffed, "Ha! I faced those flies for more than 40 years and yours was nothing. But please don't add any more trouble, having you in here was enough trouble for me."

Al smiled in relief, "I won't old man, thank you, I appreciate it."

He turned his back on him and walked inside his house "I'll wait for you in my study after you packed out. We need to discuss your job tomorrow as my assistant director. Also, I hoped your duty as my assistant won't hinder your true profession in this film as an actor, understand!"

He gave a military salute, "Sir, yes sir!"

The next phase shooting would be held in Bassinbourg Barracks, Cambridgeshire and Epping Forest, Essex.

"Okay everyone, this scene is over! DoP said it was all good!" Al screamed using a megaphone and everyone was clapping their hands. Finally, the shooting ended.

It has been 2 months passed since his birthday celebration.

A lot has happened during these 2 months. Such as celebrating the summer solstice on 21st June. He and his fellow band of brothers decided to have a quick look at Stonehedge then continue their shooting. They ended the summer solstice by swimming on the lake near Epping Forest.

Robin also came one day before the summer solstice, and she joined them swimming. The moment she stepped on using her two-piece plain black bikini, and colorful pattern summer wraps to cover her lower body, every male in the set became a wild animal in their mating season.

Her wardrobe showed much of her fleshy skin and her bonny figure, especially her assets. Al scolded her and forced her to wear appropriate cloth and covered her skin.

She made an ugly face that gave Al the impression that she was pissed at him but when he turned his attention to somewhere else, she beamed in a smile.

There was also the 4th July celebration; an Independence Day and they would be celebrated outside of the USA. Because it was right on shooting day, they celebrate it after finishing the scene and playing fireworks.

Of course, there would be chaos if there were Al and Robin. Their fireworks were malfunctioning and hit one of the Jeep for prop and it exploded.

Both of their faces paled looking at that scene and everything recorded within Vi's camera. It was fun to see them panicked, her words. Both of them finally could breathe in relief after Stanley said it should be covered by insurance.

All of them ended Independence day with a campsite and bonfire. Dancing freely under warm light and Al's soothing voice with the guitar he played.

Mid-August came, the shooting also finally ended, and also together with their summer break.

Al felt time really flies fast when you enjoyed your work or having fun with it.

To Be Continued...

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Special Thanks to my patrons:

Executive Producer 1: Valoui

Executive Producer 2: Oli

Produced by:






vegard larsson


Donga ten
