Living Ghoul 5

She hastily retreated to the shadows and glared at Xiao Gui. He clamped his mouth tight, his eyes wide in panic. She put her forefinger to her mouth, gesturing him to not make any sound. He nodded. She used her aura to shield their presence. Even if Xuange himself stood in front of them, he might not discover them.

Qi Daiyu, the Great Priestess, frowned. "Is someone there?"

Xiao Gui scooted closer and whispered in her ears. "H—How—How can they hear me?!"

She stilled in realization. That's right. No one was supposed to be able to see him. Then, how could Yu Jian hear him? Could he see Xiao Gui too? Qing'er patted his hand in comfort. She had shielded the both of them and nothing could ever caught them now.