"Chest in.... Eleanor....yes that....perfect! Now flatter those eyelashes.....yesss that...Accurate!!" Gemini, my manager kept on telling me. He clasped his hands together and quickly sipped the folder he was carrying into his armpit.

"For this picture Eleanor, give us a look that's more..... know we must fit the Harper's Magazine hit line okay...The swing, the gait, the pose, the allure of these men. We have to give them exactly what they ask for and I know you can do it...." He kept on and I started to get nervous. He was expecting so much from me and I wasn't sure if I was going to offer it.

"You're doing it're doing it!! Bravo!!" He clapped and suddenly I felt relaxed. "Now sit on the couch..." He instructed and I got up from the white floor and walked to the couch. I was wearing a satin sleeveless green dress that had a slit as high as my waist on the left. My hair was trimmed and dyed blonde, going as far as my shoulders.

"Sit with your arms bent on the armrests and cross your left leg over the other...." Gemini instructed and again, I didn't exactly as he did. Then, he called my personal assistant Lauren, who came running to me. She applied some highlighter to my exposed leg and I eyed her because it was too much. She just grinned and went back, back stage.

"Good to go??" Gemini asked looking at me and the photographer. We nodded simultaneously and I took deep breaths as he walked and bent in front of me focusing his camera right at my exposed leg.

"Just this angle and we're done. I know you're tired but I'll need that vibrant you to achieve the look am looking for...okay???" Gemini asked kindly and I smiled at him. I steadied myself and waited for instructions from him.

For the entire day, we had been taking pictures at different places. I had signed a number of contracts which unfortunately demanded my presence today. I had to model for a newly designed lingerie by the famous brand Marks lingerie in various five star hotels rooms in Los Polvorines, for what lasted five hours. Thirty minutes later, I was in the city of Merlo. The gigantic Victoria's Secret building screamed from a far displaying just how out of the ordinary it is. We spent three hours taking a photo and video shoot of their swimwear and beachwear summer collection.

I had been working with Victoria's secret for the past two years and indeed there really was a secret. With the sun up, it was good to have to take pictures by the pool.

That afternoon, I travelled to Villa de Mayo for a 'SaveTheGreenLife' campaign. It server as a relaxing point after the hectic day I had. It really seems so simple when it's just taking pictures but there's more to it than drinking coffee. This person's screaming at you for a particular pose and the other's pointing at your misplaced eyelash. Make up redos and wardrobe malfunctions. It's a scam. That evening, I was back at Buenos Aires finishing my day with a photoshoot for the Harper's Magazine. I was totally excited and yet tired. Anywho, let's do this!

"Remember Eleanor, I need that serious but sexy seductive beautiful look....", Gemini laid down his demand as though ordering chips from a nearby restaurant.

I immediately thought of having chips. I'd been on a diet for the past two weeks in preparation for this photoshoot. I had to maintain my body and workout just to get that shape. All the torture for a few hours and I'll get done with it. Great! Just great! Despite all, being a model was amazing and I happily embraced it. I loved that I could see my face on the city's billboards as well as across the country, on magazine covers, on teens tshirts, on mugcups and plates and everywhere. I literally occupied the entire planet and It was great knowing that.

After all this, am definitely taking Lauren with me and we'll have some french fries.

"Perfect!! That's exactly the look I wanted!!!" I heard Gemini's voice and blinked. A smile broadened on my face and I slid my tongue on my lower lip to wet it a bit.

"Nice one Eleanor!!" The photographer commented and my smile grew wider. I did a few tricks up my sleeves and I was totally impressed with what my brain would come up with.

"That's my girl!" Gemini smiled and his smile often got to me. It was Serene and calming.

"For the very last shot, I want you to smile...give me the best!" He wiggled his eyebrows and I gave him what I could come up with.

" can do this! I know it...." He chanted and I got confused. More?? What did he mean by more???

"Come on Eleanor, don't break my heart.... let's get there.....we've come a long way. One last....let's wrap up and get a good start to the weekend....give me some juice!!!" He screamed and I got afraid. His comments were beginning to wear me off as though I hadn't done my best job.

"Just this and we're done.....I want the in-love smile...think of Adam Jenner!!!!" The photographer tipped in and I immediately freaked. The exhibit....

Adam jenner was an artist and also famously known as my boyfriend which he was. He had his winter gallery exhibit today and I was late for it. Again... It happened again last season when I didn't make it in time for his Christmas release. I was disappointed in myself but he held my hand and whispered better late than never. He was the best.

He was understanding and lovely too. I adroed him so much and not being there when he needed me was a shame. I knew he understood that I had a busy schedule and didn't count it on me. Being the appreciative me, I made sure to be there with him, whenever I could. And today had to be one of those...

'Am sorry for being late...again...I'll make it up..I promise'

'It's okay Eleanor...I also have your thing going on and I don't have to be a pushover...'

'But Adam...I should've postponed some of the---'

''re here and that's enough for me....'

I replayed our conversation in my head over and over again with a huge grin on my face. Thoughts of Adam completely took my soul to another world and I left my body behind. I completely forgot I was at a photoshoot.

"Nicceeee...that's more like it!!! Just perfect!!!!" Gemini's deep voice trapped my soul back into my body and relaxed my leg. Being hooked on top of the other for so long caused me a numb leg.

"Aannnndd.... we're done!!!" Gemini announced while looking at everyone and they all clapped and took deep breaths. He walked towards me and helped me get off the couch. Lauren walked towards us and gave me some water.

"Pack up everyone... we're done....!!!" The photographer instructed his team and I moved to give them some space.

"That was intense!!" I remarked as I took the heels off. My feet were killing me. I'd been in them for the entire day.

"Thanks Eleanor. That's was amazing...I know there's more in you!!!!" Gemini started his pep talk lectures and came in for a group hug with Lauren.

"Anytime G. Now I need to leave for Adam's exhibit. It started like ten minutes know those things don't even last an hour...." I tossed the water bottle at Lauren worriedly as I walked out of the studio. San Martin Palace was a bit far from the studio I was at. Maybe even thirty minutes worth.

"Heyyy...slowdown....." Lauren ran after me as she held my dress. I almost forgot it had a long tail crawling behind me.

"I can't am going to be late....I mean am already late. No more....!!" I replied anxiously. Then I stopped. "Can you please arrange for a chopper? I'd use one right now...or a jet...whatever will be here first....I couldn't careless I just need to get to San Martin...."

"Relax woman....I already called the Brian. He's waiting outside with the jet..." She replied and pushed the button, getting us into the cape.

"Oh thank God...." I sighed and gestured for her to pass me the water.

"You did great today...your photoshoot was a success...from morning to this've really worked yourself out...."

"I know...." I halfsmiled as we walked to the entrance of the building. My bodyguard was there waiting for me. Perfect! He placed an embroidered black rope tunic over my shoulders. I smiled at him and received it while getting into the jet.

In less than ten minutes we arrived. Lauren slipped my feet back into my heels for me. I pecked her cheek and mouthed a thank you as I raced into the entrance. I took off the tunic and fixed my hair. This was going to be some night....

"Ladies and gentlemen....just the woman I was talking about....Eleanour De la Rue..!!!!" Adam's voice sweetened the moment he mentioned my name.

Just like the artist he was, he always turned my shortcomings into a brilliant success that usually benefits me. It's as if I get late on purpose for him to do that... The crowd cheered and applauded as they patted making way for me. I smiled and kept my eyes focused on just that one guy.

I walked to the front and smiled at him. He offered me his hand and as cameras flashed, I placed mine in his getting up on stage. He helped pull up my gown and I thanked him for it. I was used to having Lauren with me for such kind of things but now she wasn't. She was probably waiting for me in the chopper.

"As I was magnificent masterpiece, which I publicly call Hermosa Mujer...Which is Spanish for beautiful Woman....." He explained as he held the strings of the cloth hanging over the painting.

"As have any of my other masterpieces, it was inspired by the beautiful woman standing next to me....",he turned to look at me and pecked my hand. I smiled back at him adoring each and every feature on his face. I immediately stopped listening and continued with my trance.

Adam was the most handsome guy is ever met in my life. He's everything I've always wanted in a man. Kind, action figure, talented and wise. Finding myself with him has been the most beautiful thing in my life. We've been together for fourteen years. Unbelievable to many, me inclusive.

When we first met, he was fifteen and submitting his recently finished piece, The Carolina; at the Talent Enhancement Farm Project. I was thirteen and getting ready for my shoot. For my very first movie, I was cast as the young Tessa Mont in the novel adapted movie Be Mine, by Alina Ellen.

I still remember the whole scenario like it was only yesterday when it happened. How we became friends and started dating two hours later from our first encounter because we both loved aquatic sceneries.

I smiled and felt a warm hand on my waist and by the electricity I felt within me, I knew who it was. I turned to look at him gesture for me to pull the strings and unveil his masterpiece. I did as he asked and my face dropped the moment the satin cloth fell to the ground.

It was me. I was his long announced masterpiece. He had a painting of me on a window staring outside with a cup of coffee in my hand. I had a headband on and frankly speaking, I looked like Cinderella. Cheap, and beautiful.

I could hear people whisper praises and adoring the picture. They clapped and I was still shocked to imagine that it was me. I looked at him and counted the time backwards from sixty hoping when I get to zero, we'll be alone.

After the exhibit was over, I dragged Adam to his locker room backstage. His team remained in the hall and made arrangements to transport his paintings back to his apartment.

"How was your photoshoot??" He asked as soon as we got the time I'd been waiting for.

"It was really good. To this far, I was supposed to get used to having my face in front of the camera twenty four seven and yet it feels new each time...." I rolled my eyes and flattered my fingers, causing him to half laugh and smile.

"Am glad it was a very proud of you Eleanor....", He pulled me into a huge hug and I didn't hesitate to hug him back.

I clung tightly to him not wanting to let go. I was happy when I felt him do that too. His arms circled around my waist before lightly breaking us so he would raise my chin to his with his forefinger.

"You are my beautiful woman. For so long I've been wanting to do something to prove that I love only you. I would buy you anything you'd want but I choose to show you in the most incalescent way I'd think of....",

"And you made me your masterpiece....",I finished for him and he nodded.

"It's your pre anniversary gift... we're having our fifteen anniversary next weekend... remember?", He asked and I caressed his arms and rain my hands behind his neck and startled ruffling his hair.

"Of course I remember, I made sure to cancel all my appointments and everything demanding my attention on that day.....", I reported happily although I noticed he wasn't happy about it.

"Eleanor, you don't have to space because of me....."

"Ofcourse I have're important too..."

With that, I was able to silence him. He studied my face from my eyes to my lips and I swallowed the bit of saliva that crept into my mouth, preparing for the moment I'd been waiting for. Being taller than me, he bent his head towards mine while I tried to stand on my toes to even up the distance despite the fact that I was in heels. We met in bween and for once I took my attention away from the cameras and unto the handsome man that was right in front of me.

I gave him all I had no less than he did. He swept me off my feet and got me straddling him as he rested his back against the wall. How was he even carrying the whole of me??

"I love you" I whispered into my mouth and I smiled before telling him the exact same thing.

"I love you"