IT WAS THE FIRST THURSDAY IN THE MONTH OF APRIL. I was sitting on the massaging chair at a spa as two other people did my make up. One was brushing my face and another was filling my nails.
A week had elapsed since we started shooting the movie and so far things were going quiet as planned.
For the past year, this has been the forever hit move that was talked of by my agency as one of its proposed movies to have produced. Since the setting was a bit historical, it was difficult to find actors to fit in the roles as most people only preferred modern setting movies.
Like everyone else, I was a bit hesitant to take the role when proposed but my manager, Gemini, advised me to go for it.
He said even if the movie doesn't make a lot of money on the market, if have done my best and that's what mattered.
Loving his point of view, I decided to play along in his lines and accepted the offer.
Two days later, we flew to San Diego for the shoot.
Going to India to match the actual setting of the original movie was regarded as mission impossible as we were communicated to that the weather there was hot like a boiling pot.
Instead, we had background edits and a few green wall effects to achieve the old historical look and it was just perfect.
I was happy that Adam came a long and instead of having to follow me around all the time, I advised him to take advantage of the blessing and use it as some time to cool of and think of better arts. o reminded him he once told me he requires a relaxed mind to come up with magnificent pieces of art and he agreed to meditate for it.
He also agreed and stayed in the hotel while I went to the city's best place for a spa and some makeup before the shooting began that day.
"Here's your coffee ma'am" I recognized the voice to be Jimmy's, my errand boy. Anything I needed, I'd ask him for it and I'd have it in no time.
This morning, I asked him for some coffee.
"Tripple espresso with foam??" I asked as I held out my hand to him and he carefully placed the mug on my palm.
"Yes....." He agreed. I opened my eyes and asked her to stop the make up for a moment. I took my hands from the other person and demanded I be given my phone.
Lauren quickly searched through my pocket bag and handed it over to me.
Having had my phone, I turned my camera on. I took a few selfies and immediately had them posted on Instagram. Then, I handed the mug to Lauren.
" drink it...." I grinned at her gaining an angry snare from Jimmy.
"I ran 200 meters just to get you that...." he cried and I stood up to look at him.
"Tsk. Do you know how many calories I can gain just from a sip?? Sorry,am not ready to jog two hours just for that..." I laughed and fixed my wig while updating my caption.
'My two favourite things...' not forgetting two hearts in the end.
I handed the phone back to Lauren and sat back down on the chair, and had the two women carryon with their make up.
In this movie, I was cast as Cynthia Pavri, beloved wife to commander Rustom Pavri. When the casting of roles was being done, I denied Cynthia's role because she had to cheat on her husband.
I wasn't ready to display such even if it was just in a mere movie.
My manager Gemini burned with rage and said I was being unreasonable. Adam agreed and said it was all an act besides I was cast as lead and that's what was important.
With a lot of convincing I took up the role.
Today, we were shooting from the moment, Euston finds love letters in Cynthia's wardrobe and confronts her.
Having fixed my wig, I looked in the mirror and ... I looked old.
"That's the look....." Lauren smiled as she drank down my coffee.
"I look....old...." I cried.
"Exactly to fit your role. You're even wearing a wig...not so bad....." she grinned and sipped more of her coffee.
"Are we set for the shoot???" a man from the agency came in to the spa and I nodded.
I followed him outside and along with Lauren, he drove us outside to the actual place from the spa.