THAT EVENING, I WENT BACK TO THE HOTEL AND DECIDED TO HAVE DINNER WITH ADAM. I still hadn't heard from Lauren by then and I thought I'd use the extra time to see my sweetheart.

I was in my shiny Versace black gown than ran all the way to my butt. it was strapless and I loved that it revealed all my figure points. I had my feet in calflength stiletto suede sock boots which I was keeping under a sponsor contract. I was to return them in a week and why not shine with them in the little time that I had?

I ran my hands through my now brown hair and took a few deep breaths.

"You look stunning...." my hair dresser complimented and I smiled at her not forgetting to return a thank you.

For the final touch, her colleague walked toward me and placed my ears in beautiful earrings.

I looked back at my reflection in the mirror and it looked spectacular.

"Thanks guys....I owe you one..." I smiled as I rotated over and over again in the mirror.

Man I looked hot.

I grabbed my purse and headed for the door when one of the dressers called me back.

"Just one charm to finish the look...." she approached me and carefully placed a furry chic wrap around my shoulders.

It was lilac and matched my purse.

"Thank you ..." I smiled and twisted the door knob when one of them called me back again.

"Do you guys really want me to go??" I asked a little disappointed.

I had a shoot this evening and needed to make it to this dinner on time in case Lauren called me to leave. Every minute was literally precious. I span around and saw a pair of shades one of these ladies was offering to me.

"You need them...." she whispered and I snatched them from her and wore them.

"Now can I leave?" I grinned and they all nodded simultaneously.

I walked out and found my bodyguard waiting for me outside.

When he saw me, he pressed on his earpiece and whispered a few words. I raised an eyebrow and headed toward the elevator.

He pressed the button and we waited for a few minutes for the elevator to arrive.

I was glad their was no one inside. We stepped in and I gladly pressed ground floor. I took my shades off and steadied myself.

It was only a dinner, why was I getting nervous?

While silently standing in this thing, I took out my phone and immediately went on Instagram.

I remembered a picture I uploaded earlier after refusing to take Jimmy's coffee.

It had over 9 million likes in less than 10 hours already and 534, 675 comments. To top it all up, at the moment I was reviewing it, the numbers were still ticking.

Gosh I was famous.

I giggled as I scrolled down and read some of the comments.

'two of my favourite things too' someone replied.

'marry me Eleanor'

'Are you a person or a goddess?'

'Forget goddess,an angel'

'How can you be so pretty!'

'Pretty's an understatement. beautiful is the word...' I smiled and continued scrolling down the page.

It made me happy knowing that half the planet was with me.

I was happy and excited that I was cherished like that and I hoped it would last forever.

I loved every tiny bit of it.

"Ma'am..." I heard my bodyguard call and when I looked at him, I realised we had arrived on the ground floor.

"Oh..." I smiled and followed him out of the elevator. We walked to the lobby and approached the reception.

I stopped and noticed almost everyone stopped and was looking at me. I got frightened thinking I had done something wrong only to realise later that I was a cerebrity.

"Oh my goodness....It's Eleanor De La Rue!!" someone whispered loudly and now the entire reception was filled with chaos.

Immediately, they all took out their phone and started taking pictures of me.

"You might wanna put your shades on..." my bodyguard, Aaron, whispered and moved close to me. I did as he asked and we picked up the pace and raced towards the exit.

For a woman in heels, I did a very good job.

My driver Brian, was already waiting outside for me.

In less than a breath, he opened the door for me and Aaron helped me get in. He slammed the door shut and I took the shades off as I saw Brian race to the driver's seat.

"Where to my lady?" Brian asked.

"Westgate please...." I replied after remembering a text from Lauren that said she organised the dinner in that hotel.

I took my phone out from my clutch and continued reading through my comments.

Happiness bloomed in my heart again and I was more than excited to know that I was this generation's star. It pained me to know that one day all this was going to be gone and I would be history. The world would have new actors and actresses and a new way of living.

I would be living in a retirement home probably in the outskates of Canada. Funny how life is just like a circle. From one point, you go round and yet you come back to where you started.

But the journey around is always a good experience and even if you end up in the same place. You'd obviously be a different person.

"So how do you like San Diego?" Brian asked as we stopped over some red traffic light.

"Not as hoping as Rio de Janerio...." I snapped and proceeded with my task.

"I hoped you'd say that...."

"Oh really? How come??"

"If you ask me, the only remarkable thing about this place is that it runs east of the Mediterranean...." he chuckled and I immediately looked at him. "It does?"

"Nope!" he stepped on the break and I laughed.

"Cool joke...." I exclaimed and put my shades back on.

I rolled down the window and the ambience was one I've never seen before. Not even in Buenos.

The road seemed to be made of gemstones unlike tarmac. It glistened in the light and various fountains were installed on both sides of it.

The darkness was compensated for by tiny lights that were planted at intervals along the road all the way to the hotel's entrance.

"Now that's something..." Brian commented as he stopped right in front of the door.

"Tell me about it. So much for running east of the Mediterranean, huh?" I asked as I opened the door.

" much for running east of the Mediterranean....", he smiled and I smiled back.

Aaron helped me get into the hotel and after getting to the reception, he conversed with the receptionist while I stood behind him, still amazed about this place. A golden chandelier hang on the Centre and the rattling sound it made was so peace promising.

It reminded me of when my mother was shaking a rattle just to make me stop crying.

I miss her so much....

"Miss...we need your signature..." Aaron called me and I walked back to face him. He handed me a pen and pointed against where I had to sign and I did without delay.

"Le Crown 2" the receptionist said while having her eyes pierce through me.

I know for a fact am every girls dream but I just don't excuse nasty looks. I was about to reprimand her when Aaron requested me to go.

"Thank you but I will go alone...."

"I appreciate your gesture but it's my job to keep you safe...."

"You've done a pretty good job by getting me to the door. Now please....if you excuse me....I'd better get going. My boyfriend is waiting ...", I grinned and shoved my shades back on.

"Ma'am you have to understand....I ---"

"Oh My Goodness Bebita !! When did you arrive on San Diego and why did you not tell me???" a squeezing voice shrieked from behind me and I immediately recognised it; also knowing that was coming right at me.

I span around and looked at the stunning woman in front of me. Ciara Quinn.

We co-starred the famous chic-lit; Pathetic Reynolds a few years ago. Our characters were two spoilt fraternal twin sisters, Alaina and Allina Reynolds whose life's changed after getting to college.

It was such a great experience acting asides her and I must say I really missed her a lot.

"Quinn!" I shrieked back and ran to give her just about a warm embrace. To my surprise she broke it in a second and I sensed she was up to no good again. She was never the kind to rush through a hug and I knew I had to get my suspicions up.

"Tell tell...why you not tell me you in San Diego?" she asked brushing off a strand of hair from her forehead. "Please get the car..." she quickly turned to the man next who her who I assumed to be her body guard. He nodded and left.

"I came almost a week ago.... we're shooting a movie...." I whispered but she only laughed at me.

"What's the point in whispering when the billboards have it all on air???" she raised an eyebrow and I shrugged mine. One can never be too careful.

"Anyway, you owe me...."

"Yes yes I owe you....dinner for decide the place and what we eat...." I smiled and looked at my watch. I had to get going.

"Rushing somewhere??" she asked.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing....." I asked back and she shrugged. She looked back and also gestured at her watch.

" really is a ride in turmoil..." she began as she started off with the goodbye kisses. "Griffin's banding together a team to take the card back in an elaborate heist.... am not ready for it...." she whispered as she walked past by me towards the entrance. I shook my head and shrugged.

She was never going to change.

"Oops I almost forgot....", she rushed back in. "Care for a selfie?"

"Bring it on. Why not?" I smiled and posed just for the camera to capture the moment. She immediately posted it on Instagram and being quick on my fingers, I immediately liked it knowing it'll take a decade for me to get my hands back on my phone.

"...also....not dinner. cousin's having a reception next weekend. You're my date. Tell that to Adam....", she winked and waved as she walked down the stairs.

I waved back and walked to the elevator. I stopped when I realised Aaron was right behind me.

"You never listen, do you?" I asked as I walked in.

"Nope!" he replied as he stood next to me and pressed the button.

"Right....just right...."