THE INGROWING WHISPERS BROUGHT MY BRAIN BACK TO REALITY. The moment my body assessed that I was not in Adam's arms, it wrecked havoc.

My abdomen began to wring painfully and I felt so dizzy. An abnormal weakness registered in my bones and I got somehow frightened. What was this man doing to me??

As I looked at him, he looked back at me and his brown teeth grossed his whole look.

He was smiling but it seemed pitiful to me.

He must've been thinking this was going to go on for a while but he didn't know that it was the only sauce he'd ever get in his life.

"Am fine, let me go!", I whispered harshly and only got him smiling at me. His eyes scavenged all over my body in a way that made me go green.

I spared a moment to look at him and his face was a little greasy. His eyes were bloated due to a dissipated lifestyle. Poor man. Just then, a thought immediately crept into my brain. He was purposely standing in front of me and he must've known I was going his way. Instead of moving aside, he shamelessly hit me head on.

He was so cheap.

"You know you're very beautiful Eleanor",

"Please....let me go! Now!" I begged and demanded at the same time. Being in his arms was beginning to suffocate me and to my surprise no one was willing to lend me a hand.

Where was Lauren??

Things got to worst when I felt his hand caressing my bare waist. His fingers lingered all over my skin like tiny sensations that marveled my heart and burnt me. This had to stop!

For a respectable man like him, I felt shameful to even be in his presence. How on earth could he do such a thing to me? Imagine what things he had done to some other girls!? He was telling lies on my behalf thinking I will pay for it?He was mistaken.

Seeing that he was refusing to back down, I used my loose leg to kick his shin causing him to yelp in pain.

He dropped me and I fell flat on the floor. This was so much better than being in the arms of such a disgusting man.

"Eleanor!", Lauren screamed after she saw me. She dropped all the things she was carrying and rushed to my aid.

Having approached me, she helped me get up and sat me on the chair nearby.

"Are you alright??", she asked.

"What kind of question is that? How on earth can you ask if am alright after witnessing me fall like that!!!! Yeah am fine!" I pushed away the bottle water and walked out on her.

Anger was building up inside me and I felt absolutely disgusting. This man was the root cause of all my pain and he dare act smart with me.

He had a dirty mind and thought I'd go down that road with him. He was absolutely mistaken.

I rushed to my car and fortunately my staff was there.

"Ma'am...what do you---",

"Take me to the hotel, right now!" I commanded and they all stood frozen like ice sculptors.

"Did you not hear me?! I said take me to the hotel A-SAP!!", I said it in a way that was able to tell them I don't like repeating myself.

"Yes ma'am...", Jimmy ran to open the van's door for me. I got in and he hurriedly started the car. I specifically told him not to take the expressway but rather the controlled-access-highway.

I had to get home as soon as possible.

In less than thirty minutes we arrived at the hotel. It normally took forty five minutes form the shooting scene. Fortunately, I was in a totally bad mood.

I opened the door for myself and walked up the stairs.

"Ma'am...", one of the staff called me and I roared in anger!

"What???!!!" I span around and replied. They all had scared expressions on their faces and I thought maybe I went too far.

"You're wearing your characters costume. You need to might leak the movie's publicity and we might have issues with secrecy....", the young girl standing next to Jimmy explained.

I walked down the stairs slowly, enough for her to get frightened. I saw her back away but not even for a moment did I stop.

She hit her back against the van and I could see her frightened to her belly.

I walked towards her and brought my face so close to her as though I wanted to kiss her.

I could see her wet eyelashes bump against her cheeks staining them in mascara and trying to keep an eye contact with me.

I always told them to look me in the eye when talking to me because I hated shy-acting people. I was the only actress here and I deserved that much.

"I-DO-NOT-CARE!" I sank the words in her brain in a second. "What's the point of having billboards advertising our movie if we want to swear secrecy and privacy!?" I asked remembering exactly what Ciara-Quinn said.

I turned around and ran up the stairs.

"Ma'am need to--" I slammed the door and there went the statement.

I desperately needed sometime alone. Away from managers, away from personal assistants, away from my staff, away from middle-aged men who lust after girls, away from everybody.

I just needed my own time. Me-time.

I used the elevator and quickly landed in my room. It had been a while since I used it. After arriving in San Diego, the constant shootings caused us to move around the city and I hardly had time to rest in my room.

We always had some reserved for us wherever we went and it was good to know that nobody would disturb me at this hour.

"See to it that nobody disturbs me" I ordered Aaron as I got into my room. He nodded and stood right outside. He locked the door the moment I got in and I felt a sense of relief.

I leaned on the door and slid to the floor, hugging my feet against my chest.

I buried my head on my knees and unknowingly, began crying.

Why was all this happening to me all of a sudden??

First the suicide, then the rumours and now the director? Did he possibly think he had a chance with me?? And what gave him the confidence to harbour such thoughts.

I was made for only one man and that was Adam. Even if I wasn't, there was no way in a million where I would end up with a man like him!


I took deep breaths and spread my legs over the floor. I wiped my tears and heard my stomach rumbling.

I was hungry!

I looked at my wristwatch and it was 3 in the morning.

Where in earth would I find food at such an hour?

I got up and roamed around the place but it didn't even have a single snack.

I was impressed. This room was the standard Victoria Secret Model standard. Models were always on a diet and had to stay as far away from snacks as possible. This was just ideal.

I walked to the bathroom and slowly removed my wig. I removed my cloths as well and sank my body in a tub of warm water.

I held my breath for almost three minutes and resurfaced. The warmth felt so good on my skin, and I felt rejuvenated.

I ran my fingers in my hair and tried not to remember anything.

My stomach rumbled again and I knew I had to have it satisfied.

I fetched the bathrobe and headed for the door. Aaron was still standing their firm and composed like it was his first day on the job.

He turned to me the moment he heard the door unlock.

"Fetch me some Chinese food!" I demanded.

He stopped and looked at me like I said something wrong.

He took off his shades and wrinkled his forehead like something terrible had happened.

"Did you not hear me???" I repeated and he coughed.

"But Miss, you're on a diet and ---"

"Are you my manager???"


"Are you my personal assistant??"

"Tsk. No...I just---"

"Please. Do not concern yourself with matters that are not your business. What right do you think you have to give you the audacity to question my decisions??? Gosh! this world just won't let me live in peace....",

"Ma' misunderstood me. I was just ---",

"Fetch me some food. That's all am asking. I'll be in the shower and when I get out I'd better find it on my table....", I finished and slammed the door without even waiting for him to reply.

This hotel had an excellent catering service. Available 24-7. He wouldn't have a hard time finding me what I wanted.

I went back into the shower and closed my eyes hoping no inch of sound will come in the way. And finally....I made it.