I ARRIVED AT THE HOTEL AND INSTANTLY GOT FASCINATED BY ITS ELEGANCE. It resembled a palace and I couldn't figure out it was actually a hotel. In my entire life, I didn't even know such a hotel existed. The whole place was made of gold and white. A huge chandelier hang in the centre of the room and and was reflected on the tiled floor like water.

"Gosh this place is breathtaking...." I remarked and turned to the man on my left. He welcomed me the moment I got here and asked me if I booked a reservation or was here to meet someone. So very tight security.

I couldn't even imagine it. Who owned this place? Gary Shipman?

"This was ma'am...." he gestured for me to follow him and I did. We went what seemed to be up the stairs and then turned left. I took a moment to look on the right side and I tried not to collapse. I spotted a few famous celebrities and knew they definitely weren't from the blue circle with a silver lining. Rather a red one with a golden lining. They were the kind of people to be in Drake's circle. Rich, extremely famous and poshy.

"You look amazing...." a man's voice startled me from behind. I quickly turned around to look at him.

Drake Anderson.

He was in what seemed to be an Armani suit and I gasped when I priced he had his raven black hair pressed. I came casual. Short peplum black dress with a pair of heels. My hair was straightened and it looked really good as if flowed all the way to my shoulders. I wasn't wearing any expensive earrings; just some diamond studs I bought in Japan on a trip to promote the movie Pathetic Reynolds.

"Please take sit...." he begged and I slowly did so, while he pushed the chair in for me. I comfortably sat down and looked at him.

"Sick place...."

"If you want to boast your business...this is just the place....."

"Oh really?"

"Precisely....all these people you see are discussing business deals. Quarter of them are legit. Two thirds of the half involve murdering someone...." he whispered and I laughed although it wasn't funny.

"Experience???" I asked.

"Oh....a true magician never reveals his sources...." he wiggled his eyebrows and winked at me, which I found disturbing. I acted like I didn't notice and went on looking around the place.

"I feel out of place, I think it'd be best if you went with a regular restaurant...but hotel??" I whined again and disappointment spread through his face. Am sure the hairs on his skin had become erect and he slowly client he'd his fingers into a fist. Was I being too much?

"If you are an associate of Drake Anderson, there's you have to live up to my standards....elegance is my style and classic is my language...."

"Where do I come in then? Why does it seem to be all about you???" I asked to piss him off.

I appreciated him being there for me and caring like that but something about it was not right.

Looking at Drake, I couldn't figure out what he wanted exactly or what was on his mind. Whenever he looked at me, he was smiling with all his teeth out like he was on a dentist commercial. It was so difficult to read his mind.

"Well, miss De la Rue, I offer what life has to give. The offer is open to anyone who's interested. Take it or leave it...." he shrugged and I knew he could tell he's defeated me. I smiled and chook my head while picking the menu from the table.

I was on a diet hence I had to be mindful of what I had to pick.

"We aren't shooting for the next month. You don't have to stress about what you eat and what you don't...." he opened up after he saw me struggling to pick at least a salad or vegetable meal. I was supposed to eat meat in two servings with a seven day gap in between. I was meeting Adam tonight and I didn't want to have anything delayed. Eating meet for lunch would mean I don't have it for supper with him and then it's all going to get so wrong.

"Thanks for bringing that up. Why did you do it???" I placed the book down and looked at him cautiously. He wore a neutral face and acted like he didn't hear me. He opened his menu, quietly flipping the pages looking for just what meal he would pick.

"Mr Anderson am talking to you!" I howled at him. "Why would you stop the movie production for a month when you know we barely have time to finish shooting? The whole filming time is three months in total and if you stop now, it might affect the progress....."

"I detect people overpowering others and testing them as a spec of dust they can easily brush off....."

I stayed silent when I heard what he said. He was probably talking about Natalia. It must've hurt Drake to see her treat me like that.

"I understand but I don't get why you paused the production...."

"For you to recover. Your health is a priority Eleanor. Even if you don't see it, I do and I will do just about what I can to protect you...."

"I am thankful but..."

"but what Eleanor ..."

"but I still think what you did was wrong. I had an equal right in deciding the fate of this movie. Did you forget we're starring it together??? I didn't care if it's a subsidiary of your father's company and if he even donated all the funds for the movie...I don't care. You and I signed the contract and you're equally an actor like absolutely had no right ...."

"Alright....and what if I say I didn't only stop the production but also issues a threatening order against Natalia Ramos?"

"You did what???"

"Sure thing princess..."

"But she's co-CEO of Star can't do that.... you'll ruin her reputation and her company will go down with you ever think about things before you do anything Drake???" I asked pretty angry.

A lot has happened in the two days I was in the hospital and I knew nothing about it. Drake was very impulsive and Natalia was given a court order ?? This was incredible. One slap was costing her too much and am sure she was cursing my name wherever she was.

"Eleanor.....this is how life is in the business industry. You've worked in it for fifteen years....why are you acting so new to all this....???" he asked and I took a deep breath. He was right. Such scandals weren't new at all. They are the common things that constant happen and kept decorating the internet. I just never thought I'd be a victim some other time.

"I guess you're right...." I sat back on the chair and looked around the place. I was eager to eat in here but now all my appetite had completely disappeared. I just wanted to go home.

"I have one more piece of news to tell you....." he smiled and I looked at him.

"Tell me it's something good ..." I sighed and drank from the glass of wine that was on the table.

"Considering this break in the production of the movie Rustom, I thought I would do something for you in return...."

"and what is that???"

"Your very own agency under Anderson enterprise....."

I couldn't believe it. I choked on my wine and he quickly handed me the handkerchief. I wiped my face and tried not to let the shame pull me down.

"What did you say?? You better tell me it's the truth as I couldn't choke on it for nothing..."

He laughed.

"It's the truth.....we want to create an agency just for you...."