"ELEANOR....OH MY WORD AM SO SORRY...." A depressed Ciara matched our of a sparkling white limousine. Her hair was to her waist, straightened and shinny. She was wearing a black bodycon dress which streamlined her curves in an ultimately sexy way giving her the Nicki Minaj physique.

So sleek her skin, so faultless was her make.

" so sorry am late....I was..." She paused and then spared a moment to look at me. Her eyes widened and then froze.

"That was my exact reaction...." Adam joined in spreading his arm around my shoulder. I blushed and tried not to make obvious the fact that my heart was fluttering due to his closeness.

"Girl you look so fly....." She gasped as she ran towards me. Her long coffin-shaped pink nails flashed in the air as she held my hands in hers.

"You're just the model we needed...."

"..about that..." I interpreted thinking this might just be the best time I tell her I won't be modeling anymore.

Luna Washington was the one for it. One encounter was all I need to prove that she was the one. I know I badly wanted this advert but it'd do her good than it would do me.

"...what's up?" She asked her smile slightly fading.

"....well...I was actually thinking---"

"Excuse me??" Someone beckoned from behind me. I immediately recognised the voice. Jeannine...

I quickly span around and looked at her. She was in a whole different outfit. Earlier when we met, she was in jeans and a pink tube top which matched her make up, no wonder she maintained it.

She uped her game with a beautiful red single strap dress that exposed her cleavage.

She had round golden mirrored sunglasses on which she pushed up to her forehead the moment I looked at her. Her hair was in a messy bun and I couldn't deny it. She looked hot.

"Is that the car taking us to the airport????" She asked and I breathed in shock. What?? How did she know?

"Uh....and your name is???" Ciara asked. She took her phone out after receiving a phone call.

"Hello..." She replied and went silent for a minute, then cutting the line after saying 'okay'. She received a message their after and then once she opened it, she went through what seemed like a list of names.

"Ayesha Hart, Carmen Marlene, Jeannine Lana, José Luis...." She paused and then looked at Jeannine.

"Carmen, no, José, came be Ayesha either.....then you must be ...."

"Jeannine Lana... exactly....." She smiled notorious and walked pompously towards us like some rich spoilt girl.

She clearly saw that Ciara and I were standing so close to each other but she dared to push her way through. I was left staggering and fortunately for me Adam, caught me.

I took a deep breath and suddenly thought of Ciara. I looked at her and she was standing firm in her feet.

"What the hell?" She asked hot like a loose cannon.

"Please be a dear and get the driver, would you??'re in my way...." She turned back around and walked majestically into the car. Ciara looked at Jeannine then at me, then back at Jeannine.

It didn't take much for her to figure out there was something between me and Jeannine.

She placed her arms on her waist and raised an eyebrow at me asking me to explain.

"Please....I have no time....." I remarked annoyed.

This thing called Jeannine had become a pain and trouble for me. I had to get rid of it as soon as possible.

I held Adam's hand and walked into the limo.

If it's a fight she wanted, then a fight she was gonna get.


We arrived at the airport in less than thirty minutes. I was relieved it didn't take long as I felt stuffed after sitting in the limo alongside Jeannine. Fortunately, I was sitting next to Adam and his company was more relaxing than the agonizing silence of Jeannine Lana.

I dropped off the car and followed Ciara to the check point. I walked after her through terminal for a full body scan. Suddenly, the light turned red and the alarm went off. I was asked to stand aside so that I would be searched again. I got nervous because I didn't carry anything suspicious with me.

Everyone turned to look at me and I felt my heart sink. It didn't take much for murmurs to brew among them making me feel like a naked kid in the streets.

"Ha! It's not everyday you see something like that...." Jeannine smirked as she walked past me to the boarding area.

I could feel my face turn pale as I clenched my hands into fists while gritting my teeth. I narrowed my eyes at her and hoped I won't see her again because if I would, she'd be sorry. I wasn't going to let her the the last laughter.

"Hey....calm down babe...." Adam wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. I felt like crying. This was embarrassing.

"You forgot to take off your watch...." He said assuringly wiping off the tears in my eyes. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He took it off for me and asked me to go through the machine again.

Fortunately, this time nothing humiliating happened. I walked past without any alarm wildly going off.

I looked at him and he had his hand extended for me. I placed mine in his and he pulled me close.

"Thank you..." I whispered tanning my hand around his waist.

"Anytime...." He replied locking his fingers with mine, making me happy.

We walked to the boarding area and he helped me get up into the jet.

Frankly speaking I didn't expect a jet. Whose wedding were we really attending? The president's daughter?

" come sit next to me...." Ciara pulled me away from Adam's grip and propelled me onto a golden couch that was shinning in the middle of the room??

"Hey! But what about Adam?" I asked thinking about unpleasant things that would happen if he wasn't with me. I was still in shock after the detector accused me of being something I was not and it would in so much of a second be news around the globe if not for Adam.

"A.J you mind joining the guys in the next room? We sorta wanna do girl-stuff in this one...." Ciara enticed him to leave and I knew he would fall for it. He loved it when she called him A.J

"girl-stuff??" I asked cautiously. What was she talking about.

"It's chismes my dear, no boys allowed...." She grinned and held my hand so that I lay loose on Adam.

"I...guess I'll see you later??" He waved and felt strange because he was leaving.

"...after twenty four hours to be exact...." she corrected. "B-Y-E ADAM....." her tone showed how desperate she was for him to leave. He shook his head and walked to me. It was going to be a whole 24 hours and I think we deserved to say a proper goodbye. I hugged him and he hugged me back. It lasted longer than I thought it would but fortunately it ended in a beautiful snog.

"Enough enough...we know you're in love...." Ciara just couldn't give up.

She separated us and I happily waved at my boyfriend as he walked to the other side of the door.

"Finally...." she whinned and took a seat.

"Umm...I have to use the bathroom real quick...." I pleaded guilty and put my hands together.

I could tell she was angry but her motherly instincts made her nod. She was two years older than me, hence I sometimes referred to her as older sister.

I turned around to look for the bathroom when I felt a freezing water penetrate into my dress tearing my skin. Gosh, it was so cold.

" sorry I didn't see you bad...." yet again, the agonizing, nerve wrecking, peace stealing voice of Jeannine echoed in my ears. Then I knew she did it on purpose. She wasn't going to give up, was she?

"Are you kidding me?!!" Ciara poked her but she was given a deaf ear. Jeannine only turned her head slightly and looked at her like she was looking at some piece of dirt.

"Trust me, you don't wanna go down this road with me...." I hissed like an injured snake. Pain swimming through my body. But of course, my ego had been bruised and pride shaken. What was I going to do?

"Believe me when I say, am ready...." she replied.