I WOKE UP A BIT EARLIER THAN USUAL. The hotel was great but the ambience was just different. Different from Buenos. I'd lived there for what seemed like my entire life and I was happy to finally think of getting my own house there.

I hired a good contractor and he was working on it for me.

I had a bath and and decided to text Adam after. I missed him so much. This is the longest we've spent apart and I was beginning to crack. I remember he once told me to get used to not shadowing him everywhere but I insisted saying what was ever going to happen to make us stay away from each other.

I smiled at the thought and fetched my phone. It was peacefully lying in the night stand. I took it out and texted Adam from it. A minute passed without a reply and I thought he was still asleep.

He always replied my texts in time.

I left it down and took my back up phone. I remembered giving Lana my phone number but she hasn't called me since.

After talking to Ciara about her, she agreed to recruit her as one of the models trying out for the company but she was doing the MAC cosmetics for free alongside me. I was excited for her.

People like Jeannine suppress uprising stars and I didn't like that.

Given the chance, I would always want to intervene and show just about what I was capable of doing.

I went through the pictures I took back at the salon and loved only one despite the fact that I took forty. I deleted the rest. In one picture my nose looked crocked. In another it was my eyes, they were popped out as though I had exophthalmia. In another it was my lips, my dress in some, the contrast in some... so many faults. I never wanted to see those pictures again.

I deleted them and to my dismay, they went to the trash bin.

I spared no second to go to the trash bin and the frown on my face turned into a smile. The pictures and video deleted by Jeannine's assistant were in my recovery bin.

I could recover them any minute.

Jeannine had her way, but now I would have mine.


A knock beckoned me and I dropped my phone on my bed to get it. I slipped my card through and opened the door. I gasped.

It was Kelly! Why was she here? She brought her escort with her too.

Did she take Jeannine's words to heart and decided to throw me out anyway?

"Good morning?" she asked bringing my daydream to an end.

" come in please...." I smiled and moved out of the way.

"Wait here...." she told her escorts and got in, closing the door behind her.

Her gait was what fascinated me the moment she walked in and took a seat on the couch. She crossed her legs together and slipped one foot behind her other ankle. Just like a princess.

"How are you Ms. De La Rue??" she asked in a frivolous tone that caused me to miss blinks in staring at her. She was definitely here for the issue with Jeannine.

"Quiet are you, your highness....?" I asked back.

"Am alright. I must say am rather pleased to have a personal encounter with you. I believe you're here with, ms Quinn?"

"The honour is mine ma'am...and yes, that's here with Ciara..." I smiled.

"My best friend prince Griffin is Ciara's fiancé but unfortunately, these royals are stuck up with old traditions and want her to marry Lady Margaret of Wales....." she explained and my jaw dropped to the ground.

Ciara is engaged?

Now that makes sense.

Griffin was the one she called last night. I understand why she told him she wasn't calling about her! They must've been talking about Margaret.

"You already knew of it, didn't you? You seem quiet close...." she asked.

"Uh...yeah... of course..... of course..." I lied.

It would be awkward if I told her the truth.

"Also....." she sat up and placed her hand on my knee. I was surprised by her change of behaviour. From a serious well-bred bent to a small gossip town girl. I was in for a lot today.

"Yess??" I asked nervously.

"I am a huge fan of Harper's magazine and when I saw you in the cover last month in that green gown, you really hit the Harper's hit line. I mean I've seen some other celebrities do it but you're just on point. The swing, the hair, the pose, the allure of these did it all....I wish I'd do those things...."

"Well...why can't you?? I're in a better position than me to get a link anytime you want...."

"Eleanor....the heavy crown is not the only thing that weighs you down when you're a royal...." she smiled with a hidden sadness within.

The smile on my face faded while trying to understand her.

I Knew perfection was the language of the rich class people but I never expected life to be difficult for a princess. She could get anything any minute she wanted.

"My father for one didn't build his multi-billion legacy sitting around and having pre-wedding parties...neither did my mom and living up to that is very difficult for me....." she explained.

"I can't say I understand because I come from a different background but I believe everyone's a star and we shine in our own way....I believe you'll do just great...."

"Thanks Eleanor. I've always known you to be noble and respectful. I feel confident talking to you. In fact, I was thinking of being a donor to your campaign. Save the green life..." she grinned and I jumped like a girl on Christmas morning.

"I watched your last preview in Villa de Mayo and I was fascinated. You actually got people to plant trees all over the city. You're phenomenon...."

"Hearing that from you makes me feel like one of a kind...thanks your highness...." I felt proud.

I've never encountered a princess before and being with Kelly showed me just how amazing it was.

I've read so many books and became equipped in aristocracy and other nobilities they try to adopt.

Etiquette and other British trainings to create just about the perfect being.

It was too much. I completely understood when she said the crown isn't the only thing that weighs you down.

I could tell she had a lot of dreams but despite having so much, she had little. She was limited and trapped in ideologically differenced world's and had to maintain balance between both.

As much as being a royal was the wish every girl had, I knew behind the pretty smile and fancy wave was a world of tears.

Fortunately, there was absolutely no chance that I would ever become a royal.

"By the way, what's the hot bread between you and Jeannine??" she asked and I coughed. This is what she really came here for.


"Don't get me wrong but as I said, I put in so much effort to raise this whole thing....I don't want a woof of it going wrong. I won't afford any mistakes....and I can sense tension between you two women...."

"I understand...." I said placing my hands on hers. "Jeannine's onto me...."

"I know that but I don't understand why??" she asked curiously. I took my phone and showed her the video which is recovered earlier on.

Her face changed as she watched it and I could tell she had the same thoughts as mine.

"I blackmailed her into paying the girl, $200,000 or else I'd upload this on the internet ...."

"...I see..." she nodded and handed the phone back to me. She looked at me and caressed my cheek.

"Thanks for your time Ms De La Rue...I will be leaving...." she stood and headed for the door.

"Please....just fine...."

She smiled and nodded before closing the door.