SEVEN AND A HALF HOURS TIME WAS WHAT IT TOOK US BY FLIGHT TO ARRIVE IN PERU. We arrived in Lima first where we spent a night and the following day, set off for Cuzco.

Cuzco was closest to Urabamba valley which was where MachuPicchu district was.

I booked us into Belmond Sanctuary lodge which was right at the entrance of the valley.

Adam was going to be excited to see it.

From the pictures, it was evident that this place was one of a kind and I was eager to see it too as much as he was.

We arrived around midday in the district and we had to get to the hotel either by foot or rail.

"It's unfortunate that you're tired but it would be good to see all these beautiful sites as we walk there...." Our tour guide suggested and I saw Adam smiling.

I shrugged and couldn't wait to get settled and rest after such a tedious journey.

"Later will do....let's get the train please...." I quickly suggested and fortunately he respected my opinion.

"You're so lazy...." Adam let out a growl and if it wasn't for the handsome face he had, I would've jumped on him like a hungry lion.

I walked a few steps further from what seemed like a bus stop and towards the edge. We were on a high land and I could see the entire city way way down.

I immediately took my camera out and started taking a few pictures. This place was breathtaking and I couldn't imagine how I never knew it before.

The amazing beauty of its landscapes, the adventure of ascending the mountain Huayna Picchu. The green canopy of trees in all angles and the beautiful gentle breeze that accompanied the higher altitude.

Looking at it all made my energy get back and I immediately wanted to go for the tour now.

"Be careful...." Adam held my hand back after I took the direction of a beautiful river.The river ws everywhere at the same time, at the source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the current, and in the mountains. It's course seemed to end on the other edge and I was sure there was a waterfall.

"I'll be fine don't worry...." I smiled and captured a few more shots. These would be very good for my Instagram story.

On a vacation with a very handsome man and such a beautiful elegant place made the most perfect company.

"That's the Urubamba River. It cuts through the Cordillera and creats a canyon with a tropical mountain climate...." The tour guide explained it to me and I smiled.

"You have such good weather here...." Adam complimented as we walked toward the rail to get into the tram.

"It's rather cold sometimes..." Protested the tour guide and looked out. It was really getting cold.

A warm fire in a cosy room would do just about the trick. I was exhausted and wanted rest. The tram took off and my heart skipped. I held onto the safety bar after shrieking in fright. So much for being here. No cars.

"It's so graceful to be blown by the wind, to go where the wind takes you. Just drifting over beautiful rivers in a balloon is perfect..." Adam smiled and I thought I heard him say something so sensible.

"That's not such a bad idea.....can you arrange for it???" I asked our tour guide and I frowned when he hesitated to reply.

I sat up and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Ah! Yes. Sure. I can." He replied as the tram came to a stop. He got out and guided us out. The next team had our luggage and arrived right after us. Our tour guide had it transported to our room as we walked over to the reception.

Adam offered me a bottle of water and I received it drinking to half.

"You take good care of me...." I looked at him. I love the way his crimson eyes would look at me with so much passion in them and love.

"You're my woman. I just have to" he pulled me into a hug and pecked the top of my head. I hugged him back smashed my head against his chest.

I loved everything about how he called me 'his woman'. I had a sense of belonging and I knew he was mine and I was his.

This trip was so important to me and I wanted more than anything for it to go perfectly as planned.

Kelly and Sven's wedding wasn't until the next seven days meaning Adam and I could spend five days here and go back two days before the wedding.

That would be so amazing. We need some alone time and I had so many things we had to talk about.

"Ehem..." Our tour guide faked a cough and I knew he was acting awkward after the position he saw us in. I smiled at Adam and he gave me one of his 'awkward moment looks'

"I did mention in the application that we're a couple right??" I asked deliberately to prevent awkwardness next time he finds us in a much appropriate situation as our relationship was nowhere near platonic.

"I remember. That's why I booked you into our special twin rooms. They're a pair among the three that we have. Semi detached and have a communication door in between, intermediate visits without using the main door..." He grinned and I mirrored his action.

I could see through him and was able to notice what exactly was on his mind.

"Appreciated. Thanks...." Adam grabbed my hand, receiving the keys from him and heading towards the elevator.

"Any snacks you'd prefer?" He asked as he followed us to the elevator.

"Brie, Pear and Almond Crostini....for me..." Adam replied. "And my lady will get...."

"Uh...Papa rellena. " I grinned and pressed the button.

"Excellent choice miss.." his voice echoed through the tiny space before it got closed.

"I thought we'd never get rid of him..." I sighed and went back to hugging Adam.

"Tell me about it..." He added and held my hand as we walked out to our room.