"GOD, I MISS MY ROOM!" I sighed as we walked into the elavator at the reception. Having arrived from the risky but fun activity, sailing in rapids; I decided we cut through the days activities and rest.

Not only was I frightened but the weather took a rather drastic change and it didn't have our interests at heart. A harsh fog covered the entire valley accompanied by a cold rush of wind.

"Yeah you missed it..." my boyfriend responded as we walked out of the elevator. Remembering our rooms had a door in-between, we went in through my main door and I quickly threw myself on my bed.

"Now this is life....." I mumbled and rolled over again and again on my bed.

"I totally agree" Adam whispered right before he jumped on the bed next to me and led us into a cuddle. I hugged him back we stayed like that on the bed.

My sensors began to melt after being frozen the last 24 hours without a hug from Adam. Now that I could finally feel him next to me, I felt my whole body happily respond to him.

Events of the day one by one replayed in my mind and I couldn't help but laugh at some of the ridiculous things I did.

I was actually scared of a silly folklore. Stupid me.

Then, in a trance, I remembered what one of the raftsman said about not seeing a ring in my finger.

"Adam...." I mentioned his name aiming to have us talk about it.


"About....what...uh...the raftsmen said....." I began sitting up. He was still lying in the bed, his legs extended and one of his heavy arms slipped behind his head. The other was peacefully laying against his constantly rising and sinking chest.

"I want you to be sure....I mean...I don't want to pressure you into can take as much time as you need..... Be ready if you ever decide to. ...Uh...I mean....marriage is huge'll take enough consideration from both of us...." I rubbed my fingers wondering if I was doing a good job.

"Are you listening???" I asked. "Let's not be in a hurry, I don't want you to think am desperate for it or anything but I want you to know I care about you...."

Having said that, I felt relieved. My points were scattered but am sure he got the point I was stressing. I looked at his face and his lips slowly curled into a smile. He opened his eyes and stared at me.

"You're happy he said it for you then, right??" he sat up and asked, with his face only a few inches off of mine.

"Uh... Adam it's not like ---"

"It's alright. I understand. Besides, it's high time we talked about it isn't it? I mean it's been fifteen years already...." he shrugged and I let out a soft chuckle. He just knew how to ease my nerves.

"'s been quiet sometime ...but I don't wanna rush you...." I still maintained my words, playing it safe.

"Right now....if am to get down on my knees and ask you to marry me....right now, literally...what will you say?" he asked and for a second I was excited. I developed a defense against my anxiety with a transformation of anxiety into something more bearable, a melodrama.

I was about to say yes but remembered a woman looses her charm if she acts covetously with her man.

"Try me and you'll see....." was my reply before I held my hands on my chest and held my nose up high.

The echoes of his laugher burned my heart with passion painting it his own. I looked at him and he looked back at me.

"Even if you don't say it, your chestnut eyes tell me everything. You love me...." he challenged and I had no power in me to defend against it.

I blushed, my cheeks red as blood. His eyes pierced through me as he read each and every thought of mine.

I covered my face preventing him from seeing my smile.

Refusing to back down, he pulled me onto him and removed my hands, locking my eyes with his.

We starred for what lasted ten seconds and our faces came closer.

We were about to kiss when suddenly my phone rang.

"Oops...." I exclaimed and looked at him. As though controlled by a magnetic we both brushed off the ambience with chortles of which he gestured me to pick the phone.

I went off the bed and picked my phone.

"I see you've forgotten about me..." the voice on the other end started while I tried to fix my hair as though in a video call.

"Ciara. My beautiful Ciara. How can I forget you??" I tried to appease her.

"Has he proposed yet?" she asked in a low tone and I sucked my lips in, widening my eyes in shame. This girl, really?

I turned around to look at Adam and he was still on the bed, fortunately on his phone as well.

"How about I quickly shower and we can talk about that in detail....??" I proposed.

"Sounds like a deal. By the way, I saw your post on Instagram. How's MachuPicchu? Did you guys spare somet one for rafting down the Urabamba?? I hear it's good...."

"It was so cold that the my hands were too cold to take picture...." I sighed sadly.

"That's a shame...."

"But we did go. I'll tell you all about it....I haven't showered since yesterday...." I whispered and just like the Ciara she was, she made vomit sounds on the other end of the line and I giggled right before I hang up.

I walked back in and plugged the phone in to the charger. I was running low on battery.

"Adam. I'll quickly shower...okay?" I asked and he jumped off the bed heading to his room.

"I'll do that too...." he hugged me and walked through the middle door to his room. I smiled at the thought that despite being famous and having been exposed to so many misconducts, we stood firm in maintaining our celibacy. We needed a medal.

I took my cloths off and wrapped a towel around myself. I threw my feet in shower slippers and happily walked into the bathroom.

As soon as I slid the door open, I froze in my shoes.

Intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust registered in my brain and terror completely paralysed my nervous system.

My emotions led into vigilance and dissociation, as I tried to understand what I just saw.

I was awakened by a tremendous earthquake and finally got the energy to scream!
