FOUR HOURS FROM FLORIDA TO BUENOS FELT LIKE A LIFETIME. Unlike previously, I travelled with Ciara in a private jet and we gossiped the entire trip.

This time around, I was with Adam in a plane and he spent most of the journey sleeping. I wasn't sleepy at first but suddenly the peace that came alongside the arrest of Ivanovich was comforting.

I was relieved that finally we would get to the bottom of the matter and I would be able to pass justice for me.

Someone was abusing corpses and using them for unspeakable reasons. Threatening me to leave my boyfriend for no reason.

Fortunately, this chase had come to an end and soon, I would catch the culprit. Ivanovich would confess to his crime and reveal anyone else connected and involved in this circle.

Soon, I was going to get to the bottom of it.

I pulled my blanket up and leaned on Adam, drifting away as sleep coaxed me to follow it.


We arrived at dawn in Buenos. I missed this place in a whole. The exciting blend of European style and South-American glamour was just a perfect combination. Two different cultures together birthing such a magnificent baby called Buenos.

I kept my head out the window throughout the entire time.

It was still early and the streets were quiet and empty, making a gentle breeze sail through and blow my hair back.

Such a fresh breath of air marked a very good new start and beginning. I was back home and this time around, I was gonna make history. and the kind that would make people remember me.

I lost my cool last time because someone tried to cast an evil eye on Adam and I but now, I was a well composed and grown woman. I was going to learn to live in view of my self respect and not harass myself anymore.

Looking how beautiful and big the city buildings looked, I was fortunate to be just one entity that kept this place beautiful. It was a huge honour.

"I've never had time to see the city like this...." I shook Adam, waking him up from his sleep. Yes, he was still sleeping. Unbelievable.

"Go on and see it...." he turned to the otherside and slept anyway. I rolled my eyes and looked outside.

I discovered the many wonders of this beautiful, busy, old-school charm city. You really realise how much character this amazing city has.

My eyes landed on the biggest billboard in the city and it was the one outside my apartment. My face was shinning and glistening, probably the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. The smile was equally on point and I wish I've stay to look at that sight for a long time.

It was above all my biggest motivation to love myself more so that I turned out to be just the best version of myself and happy too.

"Ma'am...we've arrived..." the driver stepped on the break and I walked out, admiring the longest and largest building in the city, just where my apartment was.

Looking at it now, I realised I had to build my very own house just as big. Adam hinted on our marriage and said he was working on the proposal.

That was my cue to also start my own preparation. I had to build a house and have my own asset at least.

"Uh...." I turned around to Brian. "Drop him at his house will you....?"

"Sure ma'am..." he replied, starting the car.

"Bye baby...." I waved at Adam but laughed after he only showed me his two fingers. Peace!

I shook my head and dragged my bag to into the gigantic building.

I checked in at the reception and went into the elevator. I pressed the button that said 23 and patiently waited as the numbers increased going up.

I took out my cellphone and turned it on. I kept it off after getting on the plane and this entire time am sure I'd missed a lot of things.

It turned on just about the time the elevator docked and I walked out, stood in the hallway.

Messages from Ciara popped up again and again and I decided to give her a call.

"Hello madam...." she replied and I could tell she was just waking up.

"Sleepyhead...wakey wakey...." I kissed her and made sure she heard the echoing sounds.

"I believe you're home safe..." she asked and I nodded.

"Yes...I just arrived. I was about to open the door when my phone turned on and I decided to call you first...." I smiled smashing the phone between my shoulder and cheek while looking for the key in my bag.

These high tech doors commerced lockdown after a week of no entry and since I was away for a month, the pin code lock had surely jammed and the only was in was through the key.

"Found it..." I exclaimed and she giggled on the other end.

I entered the key and twisted it, unlocking the door.

"Am happy you're home safe..." she yawned again and I decided to just let her rest.

"Sleep okay?" I laughed.

"Oh's good you called. I have to wake up and go back to San Diego...."

"Oh My word....does that mean you're in Griffin's house??" I asked, my hand on the door knob bending it down and opening the house.

"Yeah...." she replied happily and I feel the juice in it all. She was excited things were finally on track. And me on the other hand was equally happy for both of them.

"It's not what you think. He has a guest room and--"

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!!" I screamed the moment I opened my door.

A very bad odour was coming from the entire house just as soon as I slid the door open. The house was in a huge mess and I couldn't understand what had happened.

My house was locked for the past month and definitely no one would come in except from me.

Who did this?

How did someone get access to my house when lockdown mode was activated? How was that possible?

"Eleanor?!! Elly...what happened! you scared the hell out of me with that scream...!" I could feel Ciara's panting from the other side of the line.

" house's been wrecked! Someone wrecked my house!" I replied and tears went down my cheeks.

"What??" she asked in disbelief. I squatted and leaned on my knees trying not to cry so hard.

"Someone...wrecked my house..." I cried loudly and fear was all that surrounded me.

"Okay...don't worry.okay....we'll find who did this..." Ciara consoled me but it was of no use.

Immediately, a call was coming through and I added it to the one I was already having with Ciara.

"Who's this??" I asked.

"Conan. Am calling from a private number..."

"My house got wrecked..." I sniffed and told him.

"What???" he asked in disbelief.

"I arrived a few minutes ago and I was on the phone with Ciara while opening the door and it turned out to be in ruins. A bad stench was coming from it as if something rotten was being kept in..." I explained.

"That's very unfortunate...." he began. "Because I have even badder news..."

"Wha-what do you mean by that?" Ciara asked.

"Ivanovich is dead..." he replied and my eyes froze in a single gaze.

"Re-really??" Ciara managed to ask when I couldn't.

"We don't know who did this but investigation says he was poisoned through a cigarette.....we went through the visitors register but no one came for him since his detainment. This means that who did this, is one of our own...."