I BIT MY LIP TO PREVENT THEM FROM QUIVERING. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to remove the cloud and chase away the blur clouding my judgement. The man in front of me deserved to be seen.

His stare was piercing through me and directly stirring passion in me.

He was looking at me with a deep desire and I blushed and looked down and to the right, then up and to the nearby willow.

I turned my gaze to him and saw that he was still staring at me.

I covered my mouth with my hands and tried not to laugh. Adams flirting was just the kind to get me off guard. He was quiet unique in comparison to other guys and it was admirable.

I waited, gnawing on the inside of her lips. His face changed as he saw the dance of laughter in my eyes. I took a few steps back but he lunged for me. I fled with a shriek, skirting nimbly around the car, but he was as fast as a leopard; to his advantage of course because I was wearing heels. After snatching her me with ease, he deposited me on the boot of the car and pinned my arms sideways.

Without warning, he kissed me with love and I understood the effect this wedding had on us.

"Now that the wedding is over, will you stop shadowing Ciara and...tug around me...??" He asked pushing his face onto mine and biting my nose.

I freed my arms from his grip and pushed him a little.

"Yes...I'd love that...." I nodded, my actions resembling his and surveying his face with mine.

"I miss you..." I said in a very low voice but I was sure he heard me.

I missed him, his tight hugs and long sweet kisses. The kind of kisses that I never wanted to end. I miss his hands on my hips and him rubbing my back without being asked. I miss the long nights laying on his chest while he played with my hair. I missed everything about him.

"I miss you more...." his reply was just as the beautiful wedding we just witnessed. Priceless. He missed me....

He tangled his hand in my hair, and the other cups my jaw. And he guided me, gently, the way my head moved, his hand in my hair, I felt so safe there on the very edge of my self. Our kiss was like an accident—a beautiful gasoline rainbow.

"We should get you too married as soon as possible" I gasped and turned the direction of the voice. It was Ciara's of course. She placed her hands on her hips with her elbows out to the sides.

I turned to Adam and smiled at him, forcing us both to let go.

"Hie Ciara...." Adam waved and she grinned at him.

"Adam..." she raised an eyebrow and turned to me.

"Did you tell him?" she asked and I had completely forgotten what I had to tell him.

Staring at him right now was all I wanted to do. He was mesmerising to the eye and I knew mine weren't done yet.

"Tell him what??" I asked curling my hair around my finger and looking at Adam.

"Oh dear...." Ciara sighed and heaved another.

She walked past me and turned Adam's face to her. Apparently he was also looking at me the entire time. It made my heart flutter knowing that i was beautiful to him.

"Adam...Eleanor and I landed on a very catchy discovery....." She started and immediately my phone rang.

I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was my personal assistant, Lauren.

"I was beginning to think you've forgotten about me...." the usual dramatic Lauren. I missed her so much.

"I believe a causal phonecall starts with a greeting that goes like hello?..." I asked with a smile on my face.

"Oh yeah...I see you're busy dancing the tango and going mountain hiking.... you have just the perfect life don't you?" she asked and my memories flashed back to that terrible scene in the hotel room. The smile on my face faded and I couldn't believe it had really happened.

"Why did you call?" I asked seriously. My mood had changed and I wasn't going to let it dominate me. Today was a happy day and I just had to be.

"Have you forgotten?? Your month's notice is over. Do you remember you're shooting a movie at all???" she asked in her usual motherly tone, bossy and sealed with a tight attitude. I had no problem with it at all but that this moment, I wasn't up for it.

"Oh...yeah....that...." I rubbed my face and paced up and down around the place.

"Eleanor....are you alright??" she asked.

"Uh...sure...when's the shoot starting?" I asked to change the subject.

"We have a review and briefing on Monday, so you're scheduled to start on Tuesday...." she replied and I took a deep breath and nodded.

"It's only Friday. I'll be there on time...." I assured her and hang up the call.

Duty sure calls.

The fun was over and time for memorising scripts was back. My life had turned back to wearing hideous costumes and terrible make up making me look like an old woman from the 80s.

Back to fighting with Natalia and that horrible director Lane.

Then there was Drake.

Thinking about all this just made me sour and I felt like someone had jinxed my fate. From an awesome month to a terrible comeback.


I turned around to Ciara and Adam, noticing that Conan was with them too.

"Miss Eleanor, your friend here has explained the entire scenario to me with Ivanovich and we have managed to hatch a good plan...." Conan explained.

"I called Griffin to come over here and pick me up with Ivan and we hope he doesn't suspect a thing...." Ciara explained and I nodded.

I was so happy that she was happy about all this. I was going to curse myself in anything bad happened to her. My Future queen...