"YOU EMBARRASSED US. YOU TAINTED THE COMPANY'S NAME...." Natalia exploded the moment I walked back into the house.

When we thought the cloud would hail down furiously within a few minutes, the opposite happened. They screeched nonstop like bats flapping and banging their hands against the door.

In this one time, the company did something commendable. They sent security over to Lauren's house and managed to somehow get the situation under control.

Having walked in, Natalia was the only one so vicious. Like an angry dragon, she moved toward me in serpentine motion. With her arms stretched wide and her fingers clenched like sharp claws, she fit the description of a bat-winged, fire-breathing, scaly lizard. Her hair in the background, on a ponytail blew in the long plait like a devil's barbed tail.

"You have shamed us all and exposed us to social media am sure by now we are everyone's laughing stock..."

The entire room was silent, listening to the venom this woman was spewing accompanying her rants.

"You're a disgrace!! Our competitors are laughing at us now for losing such a treasure after landing on it merely on a silver platter. It was a billion dollar deal but you just had to be an idiot and ruin it for everyone...." She paused and I kept looking at her waiting for her to finish. My sight was as sharp as a shark's and my hearing first degree as the rat's. I didn't want to miss every word she was letting out and my brain was doing a good job interpreting it all.

I wasn't in a hurry to respond let alone in the mood.

I just wanted her to finish whatever she wanted to say and then leave, while thinking of a very good retaliation plan. My head was burning and I was dying for a solid cold shower right now.

"You know damn well that we work hard for this group of companies and with that scandal of yours, you've destroyed it...."

"Waait a minute!" I raised my finger in scorn to call a halt and indicate my indifference. Immediately, she stopped. I stood up from my seat and got her to move a few feet back as I approached her.

"My self respect is mine alone to protect not yours....." I pointed at her and in response, the raised the corner of her upper lip spelling out resentment.

She scoffed and caused my blood to boil and just with that, causing my mind to wander off sinking in thoughts I was not proud of. I could really just kill her right where she stood.

Didn't she know that when I get mad, I turn green???

"Self respect??" She repeated before outlaughing causing me to grit my teeth. "Do you even know the meaning of that phrase?? Stop dreaming and wake up. People like you and me don't have self respect in the tell me, what is there left of you they all haven't seen???"

I saw through her words and got foiled. It was impossible to convey, in words, any idea of the hideous phantasmagoria of shifting limbs and faces which moved through the evil-smelling twilight of that terrible prison-house. A minute attempt to describe its horrors would but erupt disgust. Marcus Clarke couldn't have said it better. Whatever he was talking about, it definitely suit my situation. Natalia got me to the soul and beyond words.

She was such a disgusting woman and I loathed the very fate that had us end up together in this particular moment. There are depths in humanity which one cannot explore, as there are mephitic caverns into which one dare not penetrate; b?yet this woman had gone beyond any man would ever imagine.

At such a time, I felt as though I was lying, bound hand and foot at the bottom of a deep dark drench of hell. I picked the glass of juice and had it spilt onto her face. She was taking me for granted and I wasn't going to stand for it. Not anymore.

"Thank me for not ruining your company but rather saving it....." I aimed my finger at her and she stared at me in disbelief.

"A man nearly raped me but there was nothing you or your company did for me. You didn't help me or rescue me despite it all being in the contract we both signed. You have failed me yet again and now that I stand up for myself you're cursing me...." I looked at her worriedly.

"You're wrong. The pain that I don't understand so don't come to me with teachings about how cheap I am. How about you clear the log in your eye before aiming to remove the spec in mine...." I stormed out but she grabbed my hand, squeezing my wrist.

I thrust it off of her grip and remembered there was one more thing I had to say to her.

"I wasn't feeling like it before, but now, this is all I needed to make me execute my plan. I was feeling sorry at first but now it realise there's no need. When you're too kind people mistake it for your weakness and take advantage of you. I guess not me..... really am going to go ahead with Drake's offer....."

"Eleanor you can't do that...!!" Gemini interrupted and came in between me and Natalia.

He understood how angry I was and knew just about how I always threw a tantrum to my satisfaction.

"Think critically about this. It isn't good to make decisions in the fit of rage...."

"I really do not need a lecturer right now....." I let out a grumble, a fit of ill-humour. Gemini was Natalia's fidus Achates and he had sworn to bring out sweets for her each and every time even if it meant he had to go under the authority of succubus herself.

Listening to him right now was superfluous.

"Let her go..." Lauren intervened and I staggered past Gemini walking up into the guest room.