TIME STOPPED FOR A SECOND WHEN I HEARD HER SAY THAT. i looked at her for a moment and then slapped her shoulder in anger.

"Why didn't you say before???" I asked exhaling heat like an angry dragon. She backed away from me and swallowed as she sat on the hammock.

I got off the bed and approached her waiting for answers.

"I didn't have was unsafe...."

"Unsafe? Are you joking now???" I folded my hands on my chest and stared back at her. She seemed disoriented and confused.

"Look here.....I'll say my side of the story..." she convinced me but I was too angry to be convinced. Caoimhe thought I had experienced extreme adverse reactions and if not for the cut on my hand, I would have easily believed her.

I gripped my hand in a first, exited by what I did.

I was worried about cutting my hand but now I knew it was the wisest decision.

I had the truth with me and it was mine to keep. Whether the world says side effects of a drug, I couldn't care less.

But....what was Lauren talking about?

"On that day after the shoot, I couldn't find you back in the changing room. I looked everywhere for you but you were nowhere to be seen. I called Adam to tell him about it and no one knew of your whereabouts. Fortunately, I bumped into Conan who told us all about the call he had with you. We rushed to the bathroom were gone..." she emphasised on the gone and I also told her my side of the story ; from when I woke up wobbly to when I found myself in a golden palace.

"It must be him I guess....." her eyes widened revealing a brick solid realisation.

I raised my eyebrows questioning her.

"Three days later I got a call telling me you've been admitted in the city hospital's VIP ward which I didn't even know existed...."

"Neither did I...." I wrinkled my forehead in deep thought.

"I raced to the hospital and actually find you. While at the reception filling in your discharge forms, I sneaked into the entry and noticed the number left there was the same as the one I got a call from. I tore it our and kept it with me.....

"When I got home, I called to say thank you and when I asked who it was, it hung up's as if he didn't want me to know who he was...." she held my hand and I carefully listened.


"And I got you discharged, sneaked you out of the hospital and ...."

"...and left me in Adam's old house out of town...." I figured and completed it for her. She nodded agreeably and I gave her a huge hug after.

I was happy that she believed my story and took very good care of me. I imagined what ruckus would have been created after I was spotted in the hospital. It would make the headlines by now and an even bigger confusion would be on every radio and TV station.

"Who was that man Elly???" Lauren asked and I shook my head. Unwillingly, a smile came over to my face after recalling all that happened that day.

"I...I don't know....." I replied. I didn't even ask for his name. How stupid.

"Then why are you smiling???" she asked holding my close and I hid my face dumping my head on her lap. She ran her fingers in my hair giving me a light massage. She was bribing me and I was dumb enough to fall for it.

She massage was good and talking was going to be something better.

I started narrating the story from after I regained my consciousness in the hotel room to when this man came in and rescued me.

I continued to the next day, waking up in his palace and going for a walk with him in the garden.

"He told me I would regain my full vision that night and I'd see his face but when I woke up, I found myself in Adam's cottage...."

"With a full vision of course....." Lauren chattered accompanied with a laugh.

I got my head off of her lap and stared at her.

I knew she could tell I had one more thing to say which I wasn't letting out.

"What is it????" she held my hands in hers before holding my cheeks in her hands. I smiled at her because I loved just when she did that.

It reminded me of my mother. She liked to do that each time she knew I was hiding something.

"We kissed...." I let it out and she wrinkled her forehead questioning what she just heard.

I nodded convincingly and she let out a deep breath.

"A real kiss.....not a peck or..... whatever other expressions are was a real heated, energetic, passionate kiss...." I was worried now that I mentioned it. What would Adam think if he knew about it??

"Are you worried??" her question came as an obvious invitation and I gave her a confused look.

"Yes....what about Adam??? I love Adam and he's the guy am with. It's promiscuity to go around kissing other men when Adam is the man am dating.....and we are going to get married too....."

"Okay I understand that....but let's look at the events one by were drugged right. With an aphrodisiac.....those drugs are arousing and intensify your sexual desire....That's probably the only reason you let this man near you. You didn't even know what you were doing....." she convinced me and I looked at her dumbminded.

Was I really helpless after the drug and he took advantage of me? No. He didn't seem like that kind of man. If he wanted, he wouldn't have rescued me and even after he did, he would have asked for something in return after I regained my consciousness. But nothing of that sort happened.

He honestly brought me home safely and even called Lauren. He was an honest man.

And even when we kissed, it was true I was under the influence of a drug but why did it feel like I willingly gave myself to him?

I would fight him off if I wanted to, and I didn't.

I knew about me and Adam and I still willingly gave myself to him. What did that mean???

"Hey...what are you thinking about???" Lauren gently shook me and I flinched.

"Everything...okay?? Look. Don't worry about were drugged okay....and also....I suggest you never tell him about this....."

"But...why wouldn't ---"

"It's for the me on this....." she defended her point and I nodded in agreement.

" said you got the number....let's try it and see if it works...maybe I can talk to him and he can tell me who he is...." I suggested and she nodded vibrantly running out of the room.

She came back with a wringed paper in her hands which she unfolded and took out her phone.

She entered the numbers and I wondered from which country they were from. The code was rather strange.

"It's dialing...." she whispered and immediately out it on speaker.

After ringing for a few seconds, a reply came through and that which shocked us both.

'The number you have dialed does not exist. Please check the number and dial again.....'

A look of horror spread through my face as I looked at Lauren who had the same look on her face. She was frightened and more scared than I was. Looking at her like this ignited a fear in me too.

She said she called earlier and even got a reply. What happened now?

"It....doesn't...exist???" I asked in shock.

" that... possible???" she asked back a thin sweat racing down her hairline.

What had we gotten ourselves into??