CAUTION: [Extremely long chapter :) Enjoy!!!]

IT FELT GOOD TO FINALLY BE SPENDING SOMETIME WITH ADAM AFTER A VERY LONG TIME OF MISHAPS. We took a few pictures which I posted on Instagram which assured me that I still had the world in my hands. 6 million likes in 2 hours is still an achievement although I'd gone down with 5 million.

We watered his plants, made a lot of bizzare foods and of course visited a sick Elroy in the hospital. The irony in that though.

He was connected to a lot of machines and to think he was still alive was like a folklore.

I couldn't help but laugh after realising Adam was solely responsible for his situation. I could barely believe it.

I guess there was so much to his love than I knew. Fighting for me was totally overrated and here I was experiencing it all right from the first blow.

He sure was quiet a charmer.

We were on our way back when Ciara called me.

"Princess to be..." I began in a very fancy sizzling tone meant to adorn her. Not sure if it worked was Ciara I was talking to; nothing was certain!

"Oh God....." she whined and I knew I hit the spot. "Are you busy????"

"Umm...depends....." I replied looking at Adam.

"On what???" her tone immediately changed and I furrowed my eyebrows knowing she had done the same on the other end of the line.

"Are you kidding me??? Has it ever occured to you that soon enough my time will be very expensive and to even grasp a second of me will cost a fortune????" she asked and I bit my lower lip at her pride.

Once Ciara married Griffin, she will surely become a prestigious woman and the company of friends like me will surely be on the controlled edge.

I've never had royal friends before but I was sure and certain it wasn't an easy life.

As Kelly said earlier, the crown is not the only heavy thing that weighs you down when you're loyalty.

I guess the heaviness of responsibility and maintaining a good social character was one of those. Something I would never manage to do, I would never understand and also will never be.

Truth.? Yes!

"What do you want.??" I asked in a very whinning tone.

"A girls day out!!!!" she screamed so loud I had to pull my phone away for a second.

"Hello!!! I love my eardrum!!" I screamed back.

"So do I!!!" she screamed back, again and we went on like that for the next five minutes or so.

"You guys act like babies!!!!" Adam laughed as he brought the car to a stop.

Ciara said she was in a nearby hotel and I had to meet her there.

Her reasons for meeting, really flaccid.

'Youve been locked away in your house for a very long time. Come out and see the world.....Why are you hiding like you've done something wrong???'

She was right.

I didn't do anything wrong and there was no reason for me to keep my face in the sea. I belonged in the clouds and that's where I had to keep my face; just in the spotlight.

It was a bit difficult convincing Adam but he gave in eventually.

"Just keep me updated. Where you are.... at a particular time....and do call me later on....." he snapped before kissing me goodbye. He was such a daddy bear.


The day was well spent with mostly me tagging along Ciara and Caoimhe. At first I was polite and decided to give them sister bonding time but after I realised this was my chance too, life became smooth.

We visited various restaurants and tried different snacks; french, Italian, Hindi, Japanese, Chinese and everything else thought of. I was shocked to even imagine that frogs would be apart of Korean cuisine. Wow!

These people sure have a bizarre taste when it came to foods but I guess.... different values. Who am I to judge??

We visited Caoimhe's favourite salon in town and had our hairs done. Being a royal, she was much more exposed to a new and fabulous collection of hairdo's and I wasn't surprised when she had a whole vast line of choices to choose from.

Ciara was also getting the hang of being a royal and I could see she was upping her game really good.

Me on the other hand: ghetto savage. don't even ask.

I had my hair up in a ponytail of course with an extension and had it go as far as my waist.


We left the saloon and visited the mall. As if what we had wasn't enough, we visited yet another restaurant where I had the courage to order English food. Also, I just loved the design. Instead of dining chairs, they had some that looked like couches all over the place with historical paintings of kings and queens all over the wall. Red padded cushions with gold trimmings resembling a throne, was it for me!

I felt like a princess sitting on their chairs and wow....I've never seen anything as beautiful as that!

To top it all up, they had golden utensils said to be coated with ten karat gold. Tasting their tequila was like drinking from heavens very own fountain.

This place was spot come I never knew of it before???

"That's because am fab.....and have good connections..." Caoimhe winked as though she read my mind. I raised an eyebrow at her and she swore back with her lips.

"Uppity bitch!!!" I said under my breath and she literally narrowed her eyes at me.

"Uh...bathroom break!" I left their midst and raced to the lady's lavatory.

Standing in front of the mirror, I laughed at our silliness and it made me happy to come to such a realisation. I was happy....

I stared back at my reflection and the eye bags I had earlier were beginning to go. My skin was reverting back to its normal glow and I was beginning to love it. I knew I had make up on from when Caiomhe visited her favourite saloon but I knew I was getting back on track.

I pushed my hair back and decided to do final touches on my make up.

I took out my sponge and began pressing it on my forehead to remove the shine when I heard an awfully familiar voice from the bathroom.

''I'll bring her down with me and then you can make your move.....don't worry. I'll do it just right. I'll be taking the next flight to Tokyo tonight. The wedding's over....''

Of course. It was Jeannine!! That witch. What was she doing here???

Then, I heard the sound of a polished toilet and realised she was coming out. I wasn't ready to face her or even talk to her and knew I had to do something real quick.

When the door squeaked open, I dropped my purse exposing all the contents down on the floor. With my knew make over, obviously she wouldn't recognize me and she already had no manners to offer me help. She was rotten to the core.

Just as I suggested, she came out, washed her hands and walked out without offering to help me. Not bad. I was totally expecting that.

I picked all my things and carefully placed them back in the bag hoping nothing got broken.

I quickly went out to see Caoimhe and Ciara suggesting we leave immediately.

"Why?? we just got here...." Ciara objected and her sister in law nodded.

"Uh....I think spar should be the next and last. Remember Adam said I shouldn't stay out long....." I convinced them and fortunately, they fell for it.

"See who's being a superman ...." Caoimhe blushed as she carried her bags.

"None other than him...." I smiled back carrying my own bags and following after them.

I wouldn't be able to live in peace knowing that Jeannine was somewhere around me.

I hated that girl with a special kind of hate and I didn't want even a glimpse of her to be close to me. She had humiliated me in front of the whole world and caused me to lose face.

I was literally walking with my head bowed down because of her.

Selfish brat! I was surely going to make her pay for it or my name isn't Eleanor DelaRue.

"Heeeyyyy....what are you thinking about???" Ciara jerked me and I blinked a number of times before smiling at her,thinking of a good excuse.

"Uh...what do you think Adam's doing? should I call him and tell him am going for a spa???" I asked faking a worry.

" one's going to kidnap you! You're with us ..... what'd possibly go wrong...?? He's your boyfriend not bodyguard....." Ciara brushed the thought off and asked me to get in the car.

"Besides, boys are like birds, if you disturb them....they will fly away....." Caoimhe added as she started the car. I didn't find any sense in what she said but since she had a lot of experience, I'd get her word on.

"So girls....on the count of three...we are all going to scream 'to the spar and I'll capture a it???" Ciara instructed and I nodded. The things we do for our friend's social life.

"Oh please...." Caoimhe rolled her eyes but did it anyway.

"Do it for love sis...." Ciara poked her shoulder and turned the camera on. ""

"To the spar!!!!"