Chapter 130


" a good way..." he rubbed his nose against mine before landing on my lips with a very soft kiss.

I wasn't sure how to feel in that moment. There was some astonishment and somewhat helplessness but I had to admit, this feeling was new and enjoyable. His unfamiliar movements made me somehow impatient and burning with desire so much so that though I was calm, I was beginning to go crazy.

For a moment, I thought I was going to explode. All this pressure and heat was suddenly getting to me causing me to experience shortness of breaths. I was sweating and I wasn't sure if it was from the jacuzzi or from the marathon Adam and I were running with our lips.

"Adam ...." I pushed my face away and dropped it on his shoulder, hugging him instead.

"Am sorry...." He sighed and hugged me back. The low, reasonably deep and magnetic voice made me feel at ease. His large arms tightly wrapped around me and I could tell he felt a little distressed.

I pulled us apart and looked at his face. His eyes were filled with desire revealing the fascination that was never there from the beginning. As he looked back at me, I saw his innocence and purity through it all and in that moment, I loved him from the depth of my heart. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Feeling better???" He asked.

"I do now...." I replied as I opened my eyes and looked at him. I have him a brief peck and hugged him again. "Go slow, okay???"

"Okay...." He answered and not forgetting to kiss my hair.

"Let's get into the water, shall we???" He requested and I nodded turning around to get in first. He sat beside me and with both of us not saying anything more than our eyes, I automatically knew this was the beginning of an entirely beautiful night.


The morning sun shone through the curtains and fell on my skin. Having felt the light I frowned and slowly opened my eyes in confusion.

I looked at my palms, turned them over and saw my brazen skin in the sunlight.

I turned my gaze to around the room looking at every corner, and noticed it was my new room. Next to me was another thing keeping me warm and I knew it was cloud. He was still sound asleep and I wondered how I never rolled on him this entire time. I kissed his head and sat up.

I uncovered myself and got out of bed standing on the window, looking at the garden. This was actually a good view from up here.

My gaze went as far as the brick fence when I saw the jacuzzi. I narrowed my eyes for a while and memories of last night crept into my mind like a flood. I couldn't control the smiles on my face and the joy that was overflowing in my heart.

I danced my way to the kitchen and found breakfast cooking. Was Adam awake?


Lauren was here. I saw her walk in from the living room. She was carrying some containers and I assumed they were among those things that I received from my well wishers.

As she walked in, I danced around her all the way to the counter.

"I see you're in a good mood??" She asked and I nodded. I hugged myself and hugged her in the next second.

"Ooh...." She gasped and held my hands against hers. "Am happy you're good..."

"Thank you...." I smiled and took a seat on one of the chairs on the counter.

"You need one more check up before you can officially start working again....."

"....Have you scheduled one???" I asked shoving a spoon of cereal in my mouth.

"This afternoon should do because I got a call from Vogue's secretary and they want to do the '72 questions with vogue' interview with you....." She sounded happier than I was. Of course I wasn't. Why now??? Why did they want to do the interview with me now?

"What?? Why??" I asked as though she'd get the answers for me.

"What do you mean by 'What? Why?' this is a sick opportunity...."

"Oh yeah?? They can go to some other damn model for all I care.....just because am suddenly Goddess on earth everyone finally wants my attention....." I exclaimed and threw my hands in the air.

"Speaking of that....I got two calls yesterday from Gemini saying he has new offers. Scripts he wants you to go through and see if you like them so that..."

"Am not interested....." I quickly cut her through and continued eating my cereal.

"But you haven't even read them ..."

"I know when I know and now I know. It's a No...." I gave her a fitting reply hoping she'd bow down but she proved to be more stubborn than I thought.

She quickly pulled the chair next to me and sat down eyeing me like a fried pickle.

" know....."

"Ouch!" I screamed pressing my forehead and involuntarily dropping my spoon.

"What's wrong....are you okay???" She asked helping me apply pressure on the two areas of on my head. I felt a sudden dizziness that came with a stinging sensation. It was horrible; like I was having a hangover.

"You know what....screw the appointment. Can we have it now???" I asked with my eyes closed tight and bitting hard on my lower lip.

"Okay...I'll get the doctor now....." She rushed to get her phone but stopped for whatever reason.

"Eleanor....are you really sick or you're taking advantage just so you'd run away from our conversation....???" She asked with conny eyes and I narrowed mine at her.

"Are you kidding me right now???" I asked in a very angry-lion tone. I looked at her and she looked at me, placing the phone down and folding her arms on her chest.

I gasped and looked at her in shock. What on earth was she doing.??

."You know what young lady....John Lennon once said that 'life's what happening when you're busy making other plans'....and I think our situation here is self explanatory...." She grinned and I frowned at her.

"What..and you can't argue with a beetle???" I raised my eyebrows at her in scorn.

"Nooo" she defended herself and I sighed walking towards Adam's direction. He was a breath of fresh air and would surely disperse this dark cloud that Lauren had created. Just because I was goddess on earth it didn't mean anyone in need of my attention would freely get it. All these tricks Vogue is playing...really....why now? Where were they when I was sailing in turmoil and living my life in trenches? Why didn't they want to question me then? Just because am now in the spotlight they think it's funny? And these people coming with scrips and movie hell with it.

I don't need anyone's help.

I can survive on my own and make a living just about anywhere.

Do they really think I'll sink without them?? Please....I know the ocean is deep but am certainly not going to sink... certainly not.

I opened the door to Adam's room but unfortunately he wasn't there. Maybe he had gone for a morning jog. Disappointed spread across my face but I brushed it off.

I was about to walk out when his phone rang.

But how did his phone ring when he wasn't here??? Perhaps, was he here??

"Adam???" I called as I walked back in. "Babe....are you here???" but there was no answer, only silence.