Chapter 133


I COULDNT BELIEVE IT WAS HER WHEN I FIRST SAW HER. She emerged form behind some other pretty girl, her words throwing arrows. She took the product bottles from the nearby table and tossed them at this other girl attracting everyone in the saloon.

"So what are you gonna do now, Tamil??" Shanice asked as she held her hands on her hips, pushing her long hair back.

"Nothing ....I won't do anything's because of rich brats that the world isn't a better place to I'll take the higher road and spare you my comeback...." the other girl replied and turned around to leave. She walked towards me and leaned forward to get her bag from the benches behind me which I didn't notice where even there.

"Please excuse me...." she asked and I moved my legs aside so she would pass through. I peeped through her shoulder and saw an angry Shanice. She didn't seem satisfied with what had happened. It was as though she still had some venom to spur and wasn't getting the chance. I really can't believe what am seeing.

The same elegant girl I just admired is actually some beast?? Anywho....who am I to judge .....I don't even know what they were talking about.

This girl, after getting her bag, sat next to me and was busy looking through her bag.

I went back to reading my magazines and while at it, I suddenly felt something hit my face with force as though it was aimed at me on purpose.

To my misfortune, it pushed my hat off making me insecure and accidentally hitting my wounded forehead against the glass table right on the wound.

Then, everything went black...


"Eleanor ...are you alright???" I heard sounds asking me this question and some rubbing my hands. I slowly opened my eyes and the darkness faded into light.

I looked at the faces in front of me and manages to recognise the two nurses I had come with.

"Are you alright miss???" the red headed nurse asked and I nodded getting up from wherever I was lying.

I looked around and realised I was in some sort of sick bay.

"What happened???" I asked putting my legs down.

"Shanice hit you with a moose can. Am so was actually aimed at sorry it hit you....." the girl fighting with Shanice apologized.

I shook my head while holding onto my forehead which was still stinging.

"Oh no's don't need to apologize...." I smiled at her as she helped me get up and stand on my feet.

"Yeah! Shanice is the one who needs to apologize....." the other nurse said firmly before bursting through the door.

"Am Tamil by the way....." she introduced herself. "Tamil Nadu"

I smiled at her and was about to introduce myself when she stopped me. "You don't need to introduce yourself. I already know who you are...Eleanor De La Rue. Goddess on earth....."

"Oh wow..." I laughed shyly. Did everyone in the whole world know I was given the title goddess on earth?

"I admire what you did for Angela. It's not everytime you find someone fighting for someone they don't know. You even risked your life just to clear her name and be sure that her killers were punished for it. I honestly can't thank you enough.....and I really can't wait for the trial....I really want to see what the judge will say....." she said warmly and I think I liked her.

She had a serene spirit and spread love with whoever she encountered. Now that she already knew who I was, I found it as an opportunity to feed my gossip diaries.

I was curious about what happened between her and Shanice that caused such a ruckus in the shop.

"By the way, what's wrong with you and Shanice....if you don't mind me asking....." I began pushing my hair back.

"Well....she's bossy and probably the worst person on earth. I don't hate her....but I can't say that I love her either...."

"Oh...that's too strong....."

"Oh it is's my misfortune that we share a father. My mother was working at her house like a cleaner when she got involved with him and bore me. Because of that, I was always taunted and made to believe I wasn't worth anything. I was denied help from my very own father as he was bound to the clutches of his new family....a witch mother and a her evil kin daughter...."

"Now that's just something.....why don't you seek the law to help you??"

"Oh please Eleanor....I've lived like this for my entire not in need of their help now....I've managed to raise my mother and myself through the minor businesses that I do. I make Jewellery; necklaces, rings and bracelets....I bring them here for business and it's pulled me through to this point..." she explained handing me my hat. I loved just about her spirit and admired her confidence.

Coming from a very sad background, she didn't sink into the despair that people fed her with but rather rose to the top and shone like the star that she was.

"Am glad I met you Tamil're one courageous woman there anything you want me to help you with???" I asked.

"Oh my God really???" she asked in disbelief.

"Yes..." I nodded my head vigorously.

"Um is a very difficult one....but uh....I would love you to help me publicize my business for me. I need people who can support me and help me to grow my business so that I can earn enough and help my mother with....."

"I promise I will do that Tamil...." I assured her giving her a hug. She was so small and tiny like a little girl making me love her even more.

It's very sad that people like her and Lana Washington as well as Angela have to supper and be victims of abuse coming from those on the top who only trample down on them and use them. I for one will not do it. It won't happen on my watch. Am not Goddess on earth for nothing. Am here to help people and I will do just that.

"Thanks so much Eleanor ..." she broke the big and just hang their staring at me.

"What's your phone number?? please write it down for me somewhere .....I could've given you my number but unfortunately, I don't have a actually on the way to buy one from here...." I giggled, embarrassment flashing across my face. How can Eleanor De La Rue not have a phone???

"Okay...I left my handbag back in the saloon....I'll give it to you there ...." she smiled and turned around to leave when we heard the sound of a shattering glass. I fastened my hat before running off with her to see what was going on.

When we arrived, the entire salon was in a mess. There were broken pieces of glass on the floor and the once beautiful salon looked like a playground for cats. What the hell happened.

"What's your problem???" Shanice yelled at one of my nurses whose names I remain oblivious to.

"You are the problem here...." the other nurse pointed a finger at her and you could tell she's angry. All the customers had gathered around the cite to witness whatever was going on.

Fortunately, no one had their phones up and this was not recorded. If only I'd do that....the inner me smiled remembering what I did to Jeannine.

"Am gonna make both of you pay for this humiliation. How dare you call me a problem?? I'll make you pay...." Shanice frowned and took out her phone and dialed a particular number.

"Hey Hayley.....please call animal control...I think the zoo's missing it's giant cat....." the nurse with red hair hissed, removing her hand on her friends shoulder and crossing them around her chest.

Everyone in the salon was entirely shocked and dumbstruck as much as I was upon hearing that comment.

Who does that to Shania Dhabi???

"How dare you???" The giant cat howled and raised her hand to slap Hayley only for her friend to come in.

"Hey hey hey....easy careful. You frown too much it'll give you wicked witch eyes...."

"Nice one Jillian...." Hayley laughed raising her hand for a high five.

"I am not your sweetheart!" she spoke within her gritted teeth and snatched her hand away.

Immediately, the police walked in along with a black woman in a grey suit.

"Arrest her officer!!! She's the one that caused this ...." Shanice raised her finger and pointed at Tamil.

"Officer, arrest her now!!! Am the manager of the shop, you have my permission...." the black woman in a grey suit and black deemed glasses sided with Shanice and I knew she had already had her bank account credited. I saw a police woman walk towards us while other male officers stood by the door. I watched as she walked to where Tamil was and handcuffed her hands.

"Officer...that's unfair!" Hayley screamed. "Shanice did all this, she's supposed to be arrested not her...."

But the officers have a deaf ear to what she said. Am sure they had also tasted of the butter that Shanice had given and didn't want to disappoint her. Unfortunately for them, I was here and ready to work.

"Officer stop! let go of her...." at my command, she immediately stopped and unlocked the handcuffs from Tamil.

"Heyy....what's your problem....why are you interfering when am doing what's right???" she glared at me and I stood there quiet waiting for her to finish.

"Are you done???" I asked seriously with an expression that perfectly matched my mood. Shanice laughed and held her nose up high making me see through every word Tamil said about her.

"Am going to file a case of assault against you....on my account. You threw a moose can at me and until now I haven't heard any sorry. Everyone in this shop is my witness and am sure I can get a surveillance footage as my evidence in court if need be....." I began and she immediately went silent.

I walked past her and to the manager of the shop.

"Are you the manager of this shop???" I asked again and she nervously nodded.

"Am going to file a case of fraud against you. You falsely accused Tamil Nadu of destroying your goods when you knew for a fact she wasn't the one who did it and am certain it was Shanice who did. By siding with Shanice it simply means she's bribed you and by taking her side, you're ready to face the penalty of your felony...." she looked at me quietly before looking at Shanice who only rolled her eyes. Dirty bitch.

"And you....." I turned to the police "How can you just go on and arrest someone without proof or any strong allegations???"

"Don't tell me how to do my job madam....I've been doing this for years....I know exactly what to do and when to do it....." one of the male officers spoke to me defensively and Shanice laughed at me. I knew she was laughing at me.

"Okay....if you know how to do your job then am well aware that you know you're supposed to come with an array warrant that reports who's been arrested and on what charges along with the city council's police seal. May I please see it???" I asked politely holding out my hand to him when I confidently knew they didn't have it.

It was purely opposite.

Upon hearing my question, they murmured against themselves and the once arrogant man now turned into a nervous puppy even begging me for his freedom.

"Please forgive me madam....I didn't mean to ...I'll never do it again...." he pleaded and even went as far as kneeling down and holding my legs. I could hear everyone else laughing under their breath as he did that.

"Please don't touch me....I hate being touched..." I emphasized my point and he immediately let go of my leg.

I walked over to the policewoman who was already nervous before I even talked to her.

"Please call your boss for me...." I requested and seeing how serious I was, she did as I asked and handed me the phone.

"Hello....??" the voice on the other end replied.

"Hello sir, this is Eleanor De la Rue calling from Pacific mall, Astrid's hair dressing salon, 18th floor..."

"Okay...what's wrong miss Delarue....???"

"I have some people here who are looking to sleep in the cells tonight....some of them are your very own employees...."

"What???" he asked in disbelief.

"They're all connected in a circle of fraud centering around Shanice Dhabi and..." I took the phone off my ear and turned to the manager. "What's your name???"

She gave me such a dirty look and I knew how much she wanted to strangle me in that moment.

"Astrid." she replied sternly..

"...and Astrid..." I finished my statement. "Please come as soon as you can...and be sure to bring a lot of very sure this presidents daughter will definitely want a police escort...." I joked and everyone else laughed. They all laughed except you-know-who!

After hanging up, I gave the phone back and requested she handcuffs Shanice instead as well as Astrid. Making the phone call made me so powerful enough that every wish of mine was being granted.

"Seize this shop and be sure it's reopened only after she's paid her fine..." I assigned the other policeman such a task because I knew he'd get it done at any cost.

Following that, we went down through the elevator and as soon as we got to the reception, everyone around was shocked to see the daughter of a big shot in handcuffs.

The police had already arrived and I asked them to contact me if they needed help with anything. I filed all the cases I promised to and ensured that they all get the penalty aimed against them.

Now I didn't do what I did to be praised, but I did it because it was the right thing to do. After that, I lost interest in shopping hence I just bought the new phone I wanted, dropped off this nurses at home and returned to San Martin at Adams house to rest and get ready for my interview the next day with Vogue.