Chapter 136

I KISSED CLOUD GOODBYE AND WALKED OUT, CLOSING THE DOOR BEHIND ME. I walked through the corridor and when I got to the stairs, I saw Adam at the foot of the staircase waiting for me. He was in a black charcoal tuxedo and a purely cloud-white shirt. He had a red bowtie on to, which matched with my dress and lipstick. His hair was pressed like some royal and he had a red rose in his hand.

"For you ....." He bent with his hand on his back as he offered me the rose. I smiled at his sentiment and received the rose.

"Thank you ..." I took the last step and stood by his side.

"You look beautiful tonight ....." His lips twisted amazingly as the compliment escaped. He studied me head to toe and back making me feel shy and somewhat uncomfortable and I blushed looking heavenwards. 'Of course I have to look beautiful for you'....I thought.

" don't look bad yourself ...." I replied.

"Uh...thank you???" He gave a quizzical look and made me laugh. "Of course it's a compliment...."

"I wasn't sure about that....." His pretty eyebrows rose as he stared at me. Then, he put out his hand to me and asked just the question I've waited for.

"Shall we???"

"We shall..." I replied, of course with a smile.


It was about 7pm when we arrived to this not so familiar place. At first I thought it was a hotel but looking closely at it I realised it was a mansion.

From the lights of the car, I could see the huge gate was black and gold with an iron arch in the colour gold, embossed on the center.

The moment our car got close, it automatically opened and Adam drove in.

"Who's place is this???" I immediately asked as he stopped in front of a huge wave of stairs.

"I told you didn't I...? I was taking you to some place you've never been before...." He smirked bringing the car to a stop and walking out the door. I sat still as the gentle lady that I was, waiting for him to open the door for me.

As expected, he rushed to my side and did just that. I held onto my purse with both my hands like a princess and stepped out of the car.

A security seeming guard, walked to us and asked Adam for the car keys which he gave and a few minutes later, our car was driven away to the garage by him.

'wow...' the inner me gasped. Just amazing.

Looking around this place, I was certainly going to get a neckache from constant turning. This place was so unbelievable. How did I not know it existed this entire time? My head moved 360 degrees as I surveyed the beautiful landscape of the property. Big trees, Beautifully trimmed bushes with various shapes, Bermuda grass, gazebos, ponds and different kinds of flowers you name it.

Adam held my hand and walked with me up the stairs. The floor was pure white and as we walked, my heels echoed my steps as I layed my feet down. Adam turned to me, exposing his blinding teeth in a smile.

I smiled back and loved that we had such enormous chemistry.

As soon as we got to the top most stair, my heart felt relieved and happy that the first battle was over.

With Adam leading the way, we walked through a huge door which opened the moment we approached it. I tried to look disciplined and controlled how my eyes looked at things but I couldn't.

Instead, they grew big as I surveyed the interior of the house. The furnishings looked so elegant, luxurious and extremely expensive. The walls were in the colour rose gold and the mouldings were all gold.

"I must admit, you do have good taste my love....." I tapped his hand as we walked in.

"They don't call me Adam Jenner for nothing...." He smiled and I was puzzled for a moment.

"Because that's your name...." I asked.

"Exactly..." He laughed and I laughed too but at his silliness.

"Okay take a seat here and I will be right back....." He sat me down on a white Victorian sofa. I nodded and he left making me act savage for the next couple of minutes.

I immediately took out my phone and took as many selfies as I could irrespective of the fact that a million surveillance cameras were all over this place. I didn't care.

So what if am a celebrity...I have a tiny girl inside me too!

I placed my phone back in my purse and continued admiring this place. Well-crafted counter tables, porcelain and gold figurines, Persian carpets, original paintings and many more. Everything was so expensive I could hardly breathe in this room.

At the centre was a huge white marble staircase which had polka dots in different colours but instead of dots with solid edges, they looked like paint drippings. It had a glossy solid gold railings on both sides. Below were two identical cupid angels with arrows in gold as well.

"Whose house is this???" I asked myself again trying to decipher the mystery.

From the look of things though, this was certainly an artist's house.

I turned and looked at the paintings on the wall again and after looking at them one by one, I finally got it! This guy had the exact style like Adams and some of his bends were similar to his. They had a similar way of painting. He mentored Adam for a very long time and has nurtured him in mastering his talent. I couldn't wait to meet this guy.

"Figured it out yet.??" Adam's voice screamed from behind me and I turned around to give him a hug.

"Yeah...." I replied. "Fernando O'Connor....."

"Oh man...was it that obvious???" The man we spoke of emerged from behind Adam and sprang his arms left and right for a hug. I hugged him back happily.

"It was tough at first but the paintings gave it all away. You have a similar style.....and the only person who qualifies to suit your standard of excellence is him!" I replied all bubbly.

I barely knew an artist would have such a beautiful mansion. Hmm...I should think about that...what have I done as an actress??

I need to talk to Aaron to link me with a states agent. Am definitely in luck.

"You guys have some fun...I leave for the night..." Fernando waved at me and hugged Adam goodbye. I was not curious about where he was going nor was I willing to ask.

I couldn't wait for him to leave anyway so that the real fun would begin...