Chapter 138

MY HEART SANK, AND MY ILLUSIONS CRUMBLED IMMEDIATELY ON THE GROUND. This was beyond devastating. My judgement was crowded with disbelief and I couldn't understand how to react exactly. Anguish. Disbelief. Pain.

These were the only emotions rattling in my brain as I questioned my very own fate.

Blood drained from my face as the shock I was in robbed me of my speech. Suddenly my heartbeat got increased and I was shocked. I wasn't able to move even, it was something like explosion of energy within and what could have been a long time. My stomach twisted in discomfort and I took a deep breath to try and let all the tension out.

"N-now??" I asked still in shock.

"Am sorry....arggh!" He smacked the table and bent his head down, touching his forehead against his fisted hands.

A tear dropped down my cheek knowing how this phone call ruined my night. I looked down at my naked finger thinking I would be wearing a ruby red ring by now and the biggest smile on my face. But to my misfortune. It all got ruined.

I looked at Adam and he seemed just as devastated. He still had his head bent down and unsure of how to respond to all this. He was completely frozen, rooted to his position that he didn't. I wasn't going to let Adam see me or he would get suspicious.

"But why now....when the coronation is in a month???" I really was concerned. Why know?? She's not getting crowned tomorrow. It's just a stupid picture. Why not that it had to cost me my ring??

"I also don't understand. He said that according to the palace's program placement, I'd have to arrive as soon as possible. They apologized in advance and said they would compensate me for any inconvenience that arises.

"Oh really?" I gasped a laugh wondering how exactly they were going to compensate for my ring.

Do they even know I was in the middle of getting my proposal and they ruined it? I can't believe this. Just because they were royals didn't mean they'd behave in any matter they wanted with common people.

They had to respect our views on this.

"Elly am so sorry.....I actually wanted this to be the best night of our lives but...."

"" I got off from my seat and walked to his side. I gave him my hands and he held onto them and looked at me.

"I don't mind....Adam this is a very sick get to live in a castle for the rest of...I don't know how long...."

"Probably a week or less but not more than that..."

"See....that's beautiful! You're going to love with royal people. To heck with this date. Am not dying tomorrow neither are you, we can always make up for it...." I convinced him and managed to get him to hug me.

"Thank you so much so lucky to have you...." he squeezed me tight causing my eyes to water.

Adam was so innocent. How could I do this to him?

" the lucky one...." I whispered back and broke the hug.

"But why are you crying??"

"Tears of joy my love....come on let's take a picture...." I pulled him close to me and asked one of the musicians to get a shot of us and he did.

Looking at them, I loved them all. I placed the phone in my clutch and asked the waiter to pack my meal for me.

"Shall we??" he asked and I shook my head.

"No go...I'll catch up with you..."

"What?? I can't leave you....."

"It's okay have to pack and leave. They're probably going to be sending a limousine to pick you up from home and they have to find you all set. I'll catch up with you. Okay?? I just need to get my take away box and I can summon as taxi..." I smiled and pecked his nose so that he does as I say.

As timid and naive as he was, he nodded, put his jacket around me and hugged me one last time before leaving.

As he ran down the stairs, I couldn't shake the feeling that he was going away from me.

I felt a form of insecurity that I've never felt before and it was making my heart ache. Tears streamed down my face but I immediately wiped them off the moment the waiter came in.

I received my box and raced down the stairs. I burst out of the room without even admiring this castle of a place once more. Rushing through the stairs, I tripped on a loosened strap of my shoe which I barely noticed and landed on the floor breaking my heel.

"Darn!!!" I yelled and removed the shoes tossing them on the floor. I got up and tripped over something falling on my butt, making me testify of how concrete the floor was.

"Miss Eleanor....are you alright???" someone rushed to my aid and offered a hand.

I took it and stood up to almost trip again, thankful there was someone. It was the security guard we met earlier.

"Are you alright?? Shall I call a doctor???" he asked and I looked at him a million thoughts running in my mind.

'Do I look okay?? How dare you even ask me such a fine thank you carry on!!' the inner me yelled out but I simply closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I fetched my clutch but it was immersed in chicken soup. The sauce I was given had spilled all over my dress making me seem like I vomited on my self.

My hands were soaked and stained in soup that I almost smelled like a chicken ringlet.

"Ma'am...the gentleman asked me to drop you off at home since there aren't any taxis here...." he reported to me and I only nodded. I had no energy to fight anymore.

I just wanted to be in the comfort of my bed with Cloud and fall asleep.

We got into the car and he started driving me home. I kept my head on the back of the chair looking out into the darkness remembering how exited I was for tonight. I went to the mall yesterday and ended up in a fight with Shanice Dhabi. I came back and went through the effort of giving myself a manicure. I had to wear this beautiful dress as well as classic heels but it was all in vain. All in vain. My dress smelled like vomit and my heels were broken.

I had bruises on my elbows and my butt was hurting so bad. As if that wasn't enough, the car abruptly came to a stop and I wondered what happened.

"What's wrong???" I asked anxiously.

" not quiet sure...let me just check...." the driver laughed nervously as he walked out of the car despite it being very dark and late at night.

It was almost midnight.

He came back, knocking at my window giving me a fright.

"Am sorry ma'am...the car broke down...."

"What???" I asked all teary and I knew this wasn't a time to get embarrassed. I cried my heart out as loud as I could.