Chapter 145 : You Saw What I Saw


"Please....I....I need another chance....." She girl begged.

"Are you out of your mind???? No!" Shanice screamed stamping the card in front of her with the number 4. "Next!!"

" know that wasn't my best but.... I can do better...." The girl begged again and suddenly I took interest in her. She had her hair in two puffs which I did notice but missed the fun-burst hair ribbon she used. I was just confused if it was still part of the audition.

Looking at her, made me realise she was coiling her fingers against themselves and scratching her left chin with her right foot. She was nervous....

"It's a no from shanice...." The director said looking at me. "What's your score....?"

"Well...." I replied placing my pen down and resting my elbows on the desk, crossing my fingers and resting my chin on them, looking sternly at this girl.

"I wasn't that bad...." I chuckled.

"Come on! You saw what I saw" Shanice turned to me and scoffed, giving me one of those looks. The nasty looks.

"She's got talent. She just needs some nurturing...." I defended not because I was siding with this girl but because I wanted to pick a fight with Shanice.

"Absolutely Not...." Shanice jumped in like a horrendous monster ready to devour even me.

"She's fire...." I hissed.

"No she's not!! She's completely overrated!" Shanice screamed and banged her hands on the table like a maniac. I jumped in fright and so did the director. What the hell was wrong with her??

"Get out!!!" She screamed at the girl giving her, her card which I absolutely knew she wasn't coming back.

"Marco!!?" Like an evil witch, she called for her minion who as usual, came running.

"Please can you sage the space???" Shanice asked emphasizing on every word and the entire time, she was looking at me. Reason behind, I don't know. What did Sage the space even mean???

With that, she stormed off and the director excused himself to say he had to announce that we were taking a break.

I heaved a sigh and rested my head on the table. Auditions were much more difficult than I thought.

Thinking through the people we had, Shanice and I were constantly on each others throats at all times and it wasn't birthing any progress.

I never seemed to get it heads or tails with her. She confuses me.

"Ugh..." I took a deep breath and suddenly felt nauseous and rushed to the bathroom.

After I was done, I was about to walk out when I heard whispers outside. I leaned close to the door and placed my ear on it so that I'd grasp something. Unfortunately, this place had very quality doors and it was difficult to do so. I slightly opened the door carefully so that I wouldn't be noticed.

"You'd better behave yourself Shanice!!! This is my project and am not going to let you ruin it for me....." The director angrily spoke to her.

"Oh really??? Why don't you tell that to Eleanor then.....she's obviously the one who's acting upity...." Shanice defended and wore a long face like a toddler.

"You're the upity one bitch!!!" The director towered over her with his height making Shanice shiver in disbelief. Even I didn't believe I'd ever see that side of the director. He seemed calm on earlier on but wow, he had a whole side to him.

"How dare you???" Shanice roared like a hungry lion and raised her hand to slap him but he quickly grabbed her hand, tossed it down and slapped her instead. I widened my eyes in horror and gasped in fear.

Then, he grabbed her by the throat and pulled her closer to him.

"Do you know how much it means to me to have Eleanor in my movie??? We've been trying to have her for years and now that she's finally accepted our offer, I will not let anyone ruin it for me. You do not deserve to be here. You're very ugly, your acting is horrible and you're bad at memorising scripts....! The only reason you're here is because your shitty father paid me a ton heap of money to have you in supporting actress.... so you'd better behave yourself...." He threw her down and I whimpered in disbelief. Everything I just heard was very disappointing and sad.

"Oh yeah.???..." Shanice coughed as she pulled herself together and got up. "I forgot. This is your movie and you're the one calling the shots but am the lead now and you'd better tag along to my side....Eleanor refused to be the lead actress and posted for the supporting role. That's not my problem... and I see you changed the script in many ways increasing her number of scenes in the supporting role when intially they were a few, demeaning me who is the actual lead. You been favouring her like she's your puppeteer and you expect me to just sit and watch you do that????" She asked again almost crying.

"Because baby....Eleanor is the star and she deserves the spotlight. You do not....." He plainly broke it to her and amidst that, I also felt sad. In my being given a higher regard, someone else was getting robbed of their deserved benefits. I suddenly realised I didn't want this. I wanted everyone to earn their spot fair and square. I was being unfair to Shanice in ways I didn't even know of.

"Brenaan....!" Shanice called the director by name and I was taken aback. I didn't know they were so close to relate to eachother on such a personal note. I opened the door further wide and saw him stop and turn around to look her.

"What about that night??? I....I gave...myself to this how you repay me???" She asked worriedly. My stomach dropped to the ground and I couldn't believe it. Was this what was happening between them?? That explains the making eyes and the secrets stares. Oh My goodness....these two were more exclusive than I thought.

I looked back at the director, who was now seemingly in a 'very good mood'. He fixed his jacket and walked closer to Shanice. His face was full of malice and contempt, I feared for what was to happen. Shanice, in my shoes, saw through what I saw and moved backwards away from this monster.

My heart boiled in rage wondering what I should do. If I go out right now, I will expose them and the entire course of the movie will be disturbed and awkward that a possibility of either me or Shanice backing down was very likely. To me, it wouldn't amount to anything but to her, it will destroy her already struggling career and possibly put her at the same end of facing this evil directors wrath.

But I can't stay here and silently watch her suffer.

"My father doesn't know about that night you know..." She sneaked and narrowed her eyes at him. "He was busy crediting your account unaware of the fact that I was already in your bed paying for the same spot! Now...what do you think he will do to you if he finds out???" She asked in a very low but threatening voice.

What would he do?? Even I wondered? To this far, I only knew Shanice was the daughter of a famous industrialist putting them on the list of most influential people on earth. But why did the director have to keep aware of??

"You sly, crazy fox....." He got to her, pinned her against the wall and pulled her leg crouching it against his waist. She corresponded by putting her arms around his neck and smiling immersely at him.

"Crazy???" She laughed. "Though spiteful and vindictive but never crazy...." She spread her fingers on his face and he immediately bent his face and kissed her on the neck. He slid his arm into her blouse and God I had no idea what was happening but from the look on her face, she was enjoying it. I blinked at how disturbing it was to witness this.

Shanice and the director??

Oh my God...

"Heeyy...slow....down...." She whispered in pleasure and I peeped one last time to see him toss and turn his arm in her skirt. Yuck! Remind me never to shake that hand again!

I shut the door in displeasure and rushed to the toilet to vomit! The loud bang must've been a good cue for them to stop what they were doing. Am pretty sure there were many rooms in this building and the lunch break was rather long and they'd both satisfy their lust in thirty minutes and in a much decent way that climbing on one another on a wall in the ladies bathroom. Seriously?

Have some dignity people....

I flushed the toilet immediately after vomitting and as I walked out, I saw her stand in front of the mirror.

She was smiling .... I knew why!

Her eyes met mine in the mirror and the smile turned into a frown. She span around to look at me forcing me to ignore her and walk to the sink to wash my hands.

We stayed there in silence for what seemed like ten seconds and even my gut could feel the tense environment and wouldn't stop rumbling.

"Don't expect me to bow whenever I see you....." She began as she washed her hands. I smiled and walked to the drier.

"Did I ask for it???" I asked.

"Oh just putting it out there ...just incase...."

"Don't bother not interested in that, least of all from you...."

"Because you know it's never going to happen???"

"Because I know you are uppity!!" I screamed and regretted it the next minute. Her face immediately turned pale certainly remembering what just happened with the director earlier. She looked at me, her pupils dilated and vibrating like she was about to cry. Tears glistened in her eyes and I knew I'd hurt her although she'd never admit it.

She stared at me one last time before bursting off but I quickly grabbed her hand.

She still facing the door and thoughts were racing in my mind. I certainly did not think this through. I couldn't say sorry to her and lower my own standard. I meant what I said but not in the way Brenaan meant it. I also couldn't try and get friendly with her because she wouldn't believe me and accuse me of many things instead.

She sniffed and turned around to look at me, pitty all over her face like she was screaming for mercy. Of course she was. I could see through her and saw a little girl screaming and shouting for help locked within the standards of this world and the nasty ways of showbiz!

Wearing make up and looking all beautiful and yet at the end of the day being reduced to nothing but a mistress. Very painful.

"Let. Go.Of. My. Hand!"