Chapter 148: "You're Here??"

"HELLO??" I asked the moment I picked the call.

"Elly....." The voice on the other end of the line sounded squeak like a mouse.

My heart jumped at the thought of who it was as it's only one person who calls me that. Adam!

I turned around and rested my back on the balcony while I stared into the house.

Ambrose was seated on his chair doing something on his phone. Looking at him gave me some sense of satisfaction and I wondered if I was actually stable on the ground I was standing on.

" missed your shoot today....." He coughed.

"Uh....I was meeting a states agent.... " I replied bitting down my lower lip. How did Adam know I missed my shoot.? The only person who could tell him that was Lauren and not even she knew I missed my shoot.

This was between me and Aaron and there's no chance in the slightest that Aaron would have told him this himself. Unless.....

" did you....??" I asked to confirm my doubts when I already knew what the answer would be.

" your shooting site....."

"What??" I asked not sure if I was happy or shaken by that fact. He was here??

"You'" I asked with a hint of disappointment.

"Well do you have to sound so disappointed??" He asked and I grunted while pinching the bridge on my nose.

"'s not like that...I just...."

"I understand Elly. You might not want to see me after what happened but am back to fix it...." As he spoke, the pain in my blood boiled over and I could feel it flow away from me.

Maybe this was what I needed to hear him say and all my pain would flow away. This entire time I thought I was mad at him and that maybe we weren't meant to be but it was certainly just my anger crowding my judgement.

I love Adam and only Adam.

He was here??? I replayed his words in my head and my heart skipped in joy. I ran my fingers in my hair and swallowed the lump in the back of my throat.

"Elly.....are you there??" His voice trembled and I bit down my lips. I paced up and down, to and fro the terrace while sucking on my thumb nervously. This news of Adam being here was too much for me to take in and I didn't know how to react. I loved that he wished to surprise me but everything about it was shocking. Why now?

Why now when I was suddenly with Ambrose???

"Eleanor!!! Is everything okay???!!!" He screamed and caused me to jump in fright, dropping my phone and breaking the screen. I placed my hand on my chest and took deep breaths while testing my head on the rail.

Then, a soft hand ran down my back and caressed me, long enough to make me feel a king of security I never felt with Adam.

"Are you okay Eleanor?? I heard you scream and I rushed to check if everything was okay....." His beautiful eyes stared at me and I stood there silently looking back at him.

He gave me a caring look and I coughed to break the moment that was happening between us.

" fine!" I coughed and looked away with my hands in head.

"You sure?? You seem.....somewhat distraught....." He asked worriedly.

Not now Ambrose .....not now! I thought and immediately remembered Adam. He was definitely on his way here and I didn't want to have any drama the moment he arrived. I had to leave.

"Am sorry but I need to leave....." I went inside the house and packed my things into my bag. I wore my shoes and got my jacket from the hanger, making my way out.

I hurriedly went into the car and having I settled the key into the ignition switch, I turned the car on and drove off, without looking back!


I arrived at the scene in a few minutes as Ambrose's house was close by. It was almost 6 in the evening and I didn't even spare a moment to think of how embarrassing this was. Who arrives at a shooting scene two minutes before departure time?

I paid no attention to the various stares I was getting and instead ,looked around for a glimpse of Adam but he was nowhere to be seen. I didn't even know who to ask about his whereabouts because I didn't know if he met anyone yet!

The director???

Maybe him, yes!

I rushed to the nearest building but to my dismay, it ended up being the make up house and not where the scene was being shot!

Where was the shoot??

I looked inside and saw Shanice seated on the chair with a whole pack of team that looked like wolves all around her. To the look of things, they had already finished shooting and were waiting for what I had no idea of.

Did they finish the shoot??? Seems like it but how will I know unless I ask.

The moment I walked in, they all stopped their chatter and looked at me like some prodigal daughter. I swallowed my pride and clenched my fingers into a fist!

"Um...excuse me....have you seen the director anywhere???" I asked walking towards them and of course noticed as they exchanged looks before looking back at me.

"No. Sorry....." One of them replied and me being the person that I was, didn't miss the sarcastic tone she had hidden in that! Cheap people!

"What do you want him for????" Shanice asked and the look on her face reminded me of the scene I witnessed of her and him in the ladies bathroom last week. Gross!

"Nothing big .....I wanted to ask if he's met Adam....." I let it out to prevent some drama.

"'re so funny...!" She laughed at my face and I raised my eyebrows to see where she was getting at with this. I spared her my reply and walked out of the room, making a turn at the corner as if leaving when I actually had the gut feeling that told me to stay.

"If her career were to take a downturn, only then would she realise what she's doing wrong....she's so shameless. Is the director Adam's watchdog or something???" Her personal assistant pampered her and I went well with it because she was being paid for.

"'s not like there's just one or two who would step in her if she's ruined....."

"Of course ...until now she's only been the victim that's why people pity her so much...."

"Everyone wants her to leak something. The day she really explodes, She will be totally dead!!!!"

"And that will be the end of Eleanor de la Rue..." They finished their chat with an awfully evil laugh.

Yeah...a very evil laugh!