Chapter 150: "Eleanor....would you forgive me?"

HOW COULD I KISS SOMEONE ELSE WHEN I HAD ADAM AS MY BOYFRIEND??? And this entire time, I've been obsessed with getting him to propose marriage to me, accusing him of many things and demeaning his brilliant well brainstormed ideas all to get back at him. But for what???

I was the one who didn't deserve him!

If he so much as found out about my behaviour....he wouldn't want to have anything to do with me.

"Eleanor .....what's wrong?????" He asked back concerned this time. He looked at the picture and back at me and all I could do was tremble.

" you remember.....??" I stammered.

"Remember what????" He asked calmly.

"Director Lane...the man who wanted to assault me.....???" I began and a gush of tears ran down my cheeks.

"Oh my God, why are you remembering that???" He quickly wrapped his arms around me forcing me to cry out even loudly.

"Shhh...." He pacified me and rubbed his hand on my back.

"Don't think about it.....okay?? And what has suddenly brought such to your memory???" I sobbed and held onto him tightly.

"Don't think about such things okay???" He asked and I nodded, slowly quieting down.

I was crying yes. But for myself. Crying because I was shameful and sad and a traitor. I betrayed my boyfriend and here I was expecting him to ask me to marry him.

I was so cheap....

"Adam I want to tell you something..." I broke the hug and looked at his face. If I was going to be his wife I had to be honest with him.

" can tell me later. I have something to tell you so I've got to go first.... remember our date.....I had something important to ask you..." He quickly held my hands in his but knowing were he was going with it, I took my hands away and held his arms instead.

"No can ask me later. I need to tell you first..." I interrupted him.

"Elly I came all the way here just for can't wait.....we can talk later, okay??? Let me go first....." He convinced me and I felt like I was losing.

" no babe won't take too long.....I promise ....." I said about to drag him to sit with me but he pulled me back.

" first.....please....." be begged and I gritted my teeth knowing I had lost.

If Adam was going to propose to me now, I wasn't going to forgive myself for it. I closed my eyes and nodded telling him to go first and in that moment, I was saying a silent prayer in my heart wanting for it to not be the proposal.

Adam was a very good man and his goodness deserved an equally suiting and complimenting fire. He needed a woman who cared about him just as much as he could give it all away.

Having reflected upon it, I realised I wasn't that. He was a giver and I was a taker. He needed another giver to compliment every second of his goodness or else a taker like me would drain him of all he has.

Looking into his eyes at the moment felt like torture compared to all the moments I'd look and see love. His innocence and serenity removed the blindfold I had and I saw him for the honest lover he was.

"I love you Adam....." I whispered for him to hear and he smiled and nodded. I sniffed and wiped my eyes with the back of my hands before taking the seat opposite his as instructed by him.

"Eleanor.....would you forgive me???"

It came first as a shock! Then, the whole world stopped spinning and I blinked several times to be sure the zombie apocalypse hasn't began yet. I looked around and I realised the environment was still the same with nothing that had changed at all.

So this was happening.....

Forgive me???? I recalled the question and immediately my heart sank in disappointment. Really??


"Please forgive me. For all the moments I acted like a jerk and an undeserving boyfriend....and..."

"Stop. Please...stop!!!" I quickly walked to were he was and held his hand in mine.

"If there's anyone who isn't grateful and is very unappreciative then it's me. Am so sorry.....please forgive me?????" I asked back and the look on his face was surprising enough.

"I forgive you..." I whispered back and got him smiling.

"I forgive you too" I replied, looking straight into his eyes as much as he was. Time felt like it'd stopped for a second and regardless of whether we'd been together for a long or short period of time, the intense eye gaze signified our deep affection and a mutual sense of belonging. The huge number of emotions flooding in the moment caused my hands to start trembling.

The background noise disappeared and my eyes felt mesmerized by his penetrating gaze.

I blushed and got up to walk to the kitchen.

Adam followed me and I could feel his heat radiating off to were I was. I looked away and tried not to be obviously captivated by his presence right now.

I walked to the sink and opened it, pretending to wash my hands when Adam stood by my side and looked me in the eye from the side. I sucked my lips in and grinned at him.

As a surprise, I splashed water on him and raced up the stairs to the room.

"Wh-what???" he asked in shock and disbelief. "You're gonna pay for that....." his tone of voice made me laugh hard and made it hard for me to finish climbing the stairs.

I fell on the first and seeing him walk after me, I decided to not run.

Instead, I walked down to him and we met in the middle. He looked at me and I looked back at him. No words left to say, we sensed a coat of happiness between us and everything seemed brand new to me.

As though under a spell, he held my hand and led me up to the room with him. I didn't hesitate knowing I had nothing to hesitate for.

Adam was the author of me and finisher of my love. Everything he desired, I was going to do it for him...