Chapter 156: Adam's coming back!

A WEEK HAD PASSED SINCE OUR VERY FIRST SHOOT. Having arrived at the scene, all I could remember was Shanice whining the entire time of how I was messing with her. Truth be told I really was but I wasn't going to do it anymore.

I went into my dressing room and unlike last time, my make up team was already waiting for me. We quickly went through it and in thirty minutes I was done.

I wore my costume and headed out to where Lauren was waiting for me. She handed me the script and I quickly went through it reminding myself of the lines I memorized last night.

"No fighting!" she snarled and I rolled my eyes at her, snatching the coffee mug from her hands.

"Don't worry, mom!" I let it out before walking into position.

I could see from my peripheral eye as Shanice walked into position as well from her dressing room.

We exchanged looks and that was enough between the two of us.

"Everyone set???" Director Brenaan asked and we nodded simultaneously. "Cameras; 1 to 5 in position????"

"Yes sir!" all camera men responded in sync.

"Okay, kill the lights....." he demanded and it was done.

"Are you ladies ready?? Please...let the movie be the only drama we are here to witness...."

"Yeah sure I get that. Am here to steal the show and maintain my spotlight you know I'll do whatever it takes. Don't worry...." I grinned. "If it's being embarrassed, be rest assured that won't be from me...."

"Alright!" he sighed and turned to Shanice.

"All set...." she nodded and looked back at me.

"On my count, .....5,4,3,2..." he ended it with a signature pose and pointing at us signaling for us to start. Time to play Marvel!

' so glad you finally came....' Lindy began, her voice shaking and trembling as she walked into the living room from the bedroom.

'The pleasure is all mine....please sit...' Marvel smiled as she dropped the grocery bags onto the kitchen table.

Momentarily, a young girl burst through the door and ran to Lindy's side.

'Mummy, am back from school....' she squealed.

'Yeah we can all see that....the house is lively again....' Marvel smiled as she opened her hands for an embrace.

'Aunt Marvel!' she screamed running towards her. They shared an embrace and giggled with bumping their foreheads.

'Mummy, can aunt Marvel make some samoosas while I recite to my homework???'

'Ofcourse kiddo, but mommy's not doing very well so let's not bother her. I'll help with that...'


'Now go upstairs and change' Marvel asked of her and she ran upstairs.

'I don't know what I'd do without you....'

'You'll always have me....' Marvel smiled as she headed for the kitchen.

Not so long after, the doorbell rang and a rather handsome man stood behind it, according to Marvel's perception.

'Uh...does Lindy live here??' he asked.

'She sure does but who are you???' she asked back.

' Gregory...a friend....' he smiled exposing his white, obviously breeched teeth.

'oh Greg. come in....' Lindy groaned on the chair, obviously fighting to get the words out.

After hearing her, Marvel let him in and narrowed her eyes questioningly at her friend who did the same with a smile on her lips.

'I...uh...will be in the kitchen, making some samoosas. Nice meeting you Greg....I hope you're not vegan....I've got lots of beef....'

'Ha! Great joke...' he laughed. 'And am not vegan....'

'Great...' Marvel smiled at Lindy who was obviously shocked by what just happened but chose to such her lips in and pretend it wasn't happening.

"Annd Cut!!" Director Brenaan screamed. "Ladies, that was epic! Bravo!!! Take 3 and we're going to shoot the next scenes immediately. We need to finish all the scenes here as we'll have to do the rest in Las Vegas...."

"We're going to America????" Shanice asked almost delighted.

"Why? Never been on a plane???" I sassed.

"Wouldn't you like to know??" she dissed back and walked past me creating a smile on my face.

She took his advice after all.

"Eleanor....." Lauren called and I walked over to her.

"Adams coming back....." she said in s tone that seemed worried. I looked at her and she looked back at me.

"You don't have to sound so sick about it ..." was all I said before going back to my spot.

Three minutes were almost over and we'd resume any moment from now. Shanice seemed ready and so was Henry Jen, the guy playing Greg.

Looking at them reflected the terror and confusion in me making me realise I wasn't ready at all.

At the sound of the director's voice shouting Action, I could barely understand what was going on.

All I could see were people talking and I was talking but it was all incomprehensible. Having heard Adam was coming back, I couldn't explain what I was feeling.

My mind completely stopped.


"Any plans yet???" Adam asked as we sat in his condo besides the fire while he showed me a few more estates he found of my interest.

"On what???" I asked faking a curious face while sipping my hot chocolate.

"Come on...don't act like a blind bat...." he poked my hand with his pen making me laugh.

"Are you kidding me? Bats are blind...." I shoved his joke down and got him furrowing his eyebrows in distaste.

"But you know what I mean. Adams coming back....."

"Well...." I let out a sigh. "Is It weird that I suddenly have.....well....sorta..... questions regarding our relationship???" I placed the mug down and looked at him.

"Ooh....that's new..." he gasped putting his mug down slowly and turning to look at me. "Are you alright????" he asked.

"I ....I mean.....ever since The time I was involved by know.... big old Anderson Playboy... being hunt down by a psychopath using Angela's body and to being kidnapped by Jeanine, almost raped by the evil director...and now, Adam leaving to Britain..... " I paused and rubbed my temples letting out a sigh.

"Through all that....I....I don't know....I just can't point at it but something about us is unstable..." I managed to say and looked at him.

"But it's been fifteen years already....." Ambrose turned to me, giving me all his attention.

"I know....." I nodded. "I understand but....I don't know..." I stood up from the chair and walked to his gigantic glass window. "Am just....not enthusiastic about the idea of me and him anymore. I used to be head over heels with that man, you absolutely have no idea..." I chuckled and laughed it off remembering all the stupid things I did with and for him.

Adam was the epitome of my happiness and I couldn't even think or imagine my life without him.

He was all I had and all I've ever wanted and having him was more than enough for me.

"I do have an idea, Eleanor....I've been in love before...." he walked towards me and stood by my side as we both looked outside his glass window.

"You have??????" I asked.

"'s magical and beautiful and....all sorts of glorious..... You literally feel like you're holding the entire world in your hands and just by the snap of your fingers you can turn everything to your control all to please that one particular person....." he responded looking at me.

"I get that....I mean I do. I've literally stopped amidst photoshoot all for him and as petty as it seems, you know how big it is for me and my career..."

"I do ....."

"I have had moments were I've given up the opportunity to be in a big movie all because it has a kiss scene and I wouldn't want to kiss anyone else but Adam. I've lost myself in many ways all just to be with and to make him happy at my expense and I didn't complain....."

"I know....."

"I....I have no memory of a time when I'd think of myself without him attached to was always Adam first.....and I was happy like that....."

"Then what's changed????"

I looked at him, back at the glass door and back at myself. My mind couldn't think of what could be the perfect answer to his question.

I really had no Idea to what was going on or what had changed but I knew I didn't want it to.

"I....I don't know..." I breathed heavily and stared down at my wrist admiring the two golden extraordinary bangles. "But....the magic's just not there anymore....."

"Well....maybe there's something you so deeply desire that Adam hasn't given to you despite all the time you've been together....."

I quickly looked at him the moment he said that, my mind suddenly running through the time I was obsessed with anticipating his marriage proposal.

"What???" I asked to be sure if I heard him. He nodded.

"Is there.....such a thing????" he bent down and looked at me. At this moment, I was so sure my facial expression was giving me away into answering his question but I wasn't going to let that happen. Suddenly my fingers clinged around the bracelet and the clicking sound got him to fix his eyes on them.

I followed his gaze and a memory of how I got them rang around in my head. A wedding gift.

"Or ..." he continued. "It could be the magic has really faded. That the spell is broken and things are finally unravelling to expose their real nature....."

"So are you saying I never really loved Adam? it was just what, a magic trick???" I asked all confused and a little cynical about it.

"No, no....don't get me wrong. That's hardly what I meant. Very far from what I wished to say..... just could be that you guys are just going through a happens to all lovers....." he sipped from his cup before putting it down and folding his hands around his chest.


"Or.....the thorns in the rose bush are suddenly making efforts to be seen too...." he let out a sad cough as though out of experience and looked at me.

"The thorns in the rose bush....." I repeated and faintly heard him murmur. I stood still for a moment, playing with my bracelet before I turned to him and smiled.

"I think I need to go...."