Chapter 158: Memories

WE FINISHED PREPARING THE DINNER IN ALMOST AN HOUR. I was so grateful to Lauren for everything she did.

"I can't thank you enough for this..." I smiled at her while looking at the beautiful dinner set on the table.

we prepared his favourite. Baked potatoes and coleslaw mix with grilled goat ribs.

The love of my life will surely love this.

"Don't worry about it....." Lauren smiled. "I'll always be your man in the chair...."

"Believe me,I know that....." I smiled back.

"How's Ambrose???" she asked and I rolled my eyes.

"He's great. Helping me find the house I want.... remember??" I immediately changed the topic knowing where Lauren was going with this.

"I remember sweetheart....I do. I hope you find the house that defines you...." she caressed my cheeks and turned around, taking the dirty plates to the kitchen where she placed them in the dishwasher.

"I should be heading out....." she murmured and I nodded. I look off my apron too and walked her to the door.

"Oh he's gonna love this....." I giggled looking around the place.

"It's not decorated...." Lauren snapped walking towards the car.

"I know...." I nodded. "It's just going to be us. This night is about us. Making memories is what we want to that the thorns don't resurface...."

"What thorns???" she asked curiously and I looked at my palm, noticing the scar.

"Never mind...." I quickly shoved my hand in my pocket and opened the door for her.

"You should be getting ready now....." Lauren rolled down her window and started the car.

"Yeah....I'll working on a few...." I agreed as I moved back.

She waved at me before rolling the window back up and driving off. The moment she left, I let out a sigh and walked into the house, to be welcomed my Cloud's constant barking.

"What's up buddy? you hungry???" I asked walking to the kitchen, preparing him a bowl of milk which I placed in his cottage for him.

I smiled when I saw his tongue quickly savour the milk. Am definitely taking him on set with me next time.

"I'll be in my room if you need me, Cloud..." I kissed his head and raced up the stairs to my room.

I removed my cloths and jumped into the shower, scrubbing my body with my favourite shower gel not forgetting to shampoo my hair.

I finished my bath and wrapped my hair in a towel when my phone vibrated.

My eyes popped out when I read the text. 'Adam's plane had landed.'

"Thanks Lauren...." I smiled and immediately fetched my hair dryer. I had no time to waste at this point. I planned to have it curled but because of time, I just brushed it and threw it in a ponytail.

I scowered my wardrobe, looking for an outfit to fit the occasion and I figured the pink Versace dress of the 1860 collection would do. Adam was the one that bought it for me.

I know he knows I didn't really like pink but I made sure he understood that I cherished his gift.

The moment I admired my reflection on the mirror, I couldn't help but love what I saw.

"This is for you Babe...." I kissed his picture frame lying quietly on my dresser.

I quickly put some make up on and took a few selfies before walking downstairs to the living room, waiting for him.

If it was upto me, I would have gone to the airport and wait for him right there but Lauren adviced against me being a helicopter girlfriend.

Hence I stayed home.

"How' you holding up???" she asked on the call.

"Nervous....great....and happy...Please tell me this is the last visit...."

"Eleanor....only your boyfriend can answer that so ask him. I don't know..." she brushed me off and I nodded.

"You're sick of him constantly leaving.....I mean how long does it take to paint a portrait???"

"It doesn't take long. Am certain they already finished a long time ago.....he sure must've been going only for visits....."

The moment I heard that, the cat in me rose.

"Only for visits??? Meaning???" I asked.

"I don't know Eleanor. Am not an artist...ask him yourself....he'll be able to answer. He'll be there in a sure..He's already landed and it's only 30 minutes to your house....right???"

It took me a lifetime to respond to her but I sank it in. Roses against thorns.

"Right..." I hang up and sat down, calming myself down.

I walked over to the kitchen to see if everything was in order, or perhaps if I was missing something but it was all in place.

I walked to the balcony and waited for the familiar vintage car to drive in. But it was out of sight.

In the meantime, I went through the internet to appease myself with whatever celebrity drama was going on.

The waiting continued.

Thirty minutes....

Then an hour...

Then two hours....

Still no sight of Adam.

I looked at the time and it was almost midnight. I thought of calling Lauren but obviously she must've been asleep.

I wouldn't even want to bother Aaron so I had to think.

I tapped the tip of my heel on the tiled floor and the moment I stopped, my nerves got irritated and I quickly decided to call Adam.

"You've reached my voicemail, please leave a message after the beep!"

The anger in me began to rise and I my blood boiled in rage. How could he??

Never before ....not even once had he ever put me to voicemail. What was going on??

My eyes immediately watered as I fell to the couch. I was trying my best not to let the tears out but it seemed futile.

Here I was like a fool trying my level best to remove all the obstacles between us but what was he doing? simply making them invade our love.

How could he do this to me???

I wiped my tears and walked to the window one last time but still no sign of his car.

Quickly, I took my phone and went to the internet looking for one particular person.

Princess Iridessa!

She's the woman that had stolen my Adam from me!

I went down her page but it didn't really give me anything significant.

Of course she's loyalty and she can't have any social media contacts.

Frustrated with my findings, I threw my phone to the floor. Nothing helpful was coming up!

Like a snake, I cooked myself on the floor and closed my eyes. I didn't care about how terrible the weather was as it was cold. All I wanted was to see my Adam.

Suddenly, as though from a dream, I heard a car pull up in the driveway. I quickly rose and ran to the window invited by the magnificent sight on the other side of the glass.

My brain stopped functioning, unable to register what was going on.

Should I be happy or sad? I couldn't decide.

But I knew for sure, sooner or later, Adam and I had to make sure we eliminate the thorns and make good memories, all beginning with this particular moment.

I watched as he walked out of the car and his bodyguards carried his bags for him.

He walked up to the front door and the moment he opened it, my eyes were met with a pair of familiar dark brown eyes staring at me intensely.

In a blink, he rushed to me and embraced me warmly.

No Way!

This Could Not Be Happening!!! Could It?

Then, I started to think silently after my frozen brain finally fixed the dots and told me it was Adam.

"Elly! My Elly....." his voice still attractive and alluring as usual dispersing all my anger in a blink.

"Adam....." I choked over the name as I slowly raised my hand and hugged him back.

If every puppet had a puppeteer, Adam was my puppeteer because at the moment, I felt like a puppet!