Chapter 162: Woman of the year

"So when is the shoot again???" I asked as we walked into the elevator.

"In two days but we can reschedule it depending on your schedule...." he responded pressing on the button and looking at me like it all depended on me.

"Alright uh .....shooting will start in the next two days ....I was just going through the script and I don't really have a lot of work cut out for me so you guys can tell me when you want to have it. Either before I start my shoot or after...."

"Well ...." he scratched the back of his head and stared into his tea.

"I think after will do. Rather within...we can do it in days that I'll be off set.... Besides, I'll be here for utmost ....two weeks??? We still have time...." I smacked his arm and he let out a nervous chuckle, following me out of the elevator.

"Business don't have time, Eleanor...." he pursed his lips and stopped right in front of me. "Although....I agree. We can do it in days you'll be off set. I still have to make sure the preparations are underway then maybe I'll be sure to say we can proceed...."

" always ready. You just tell me when...." I grinned at him tossing the cup in his face.

"I told you you'd like tea..." he looked at me fiercely.

"I did like this one. But that doesn't mean I'll have another...." I shook my head and wiggled my eyes at him.

"Understood...." he replied.

"And. about the house....uh....I know this is going to sound off but---"

"no...I understand. Picking a house is hard....I totally understand why you suggested you need time. Pick the one that talks to you...." he made funny voices and it was just interesting to see him like that.

I smiled back and hurriedly flashed my hands in my face.

"Yes yes ...the house that talks to me, except I can't hear any of them talking to" I shrugged my arms and got him to wear a frown.

"Are you kidding me??"

" not ....But I'd love for you to pick a house for me...." I proposed and didn't miss the shock that spread through his face like a heatrash.


"Consider it my payment for the runway.... " I insisted.

"Noo...." he denied.

"Am serious. Unless you want to waste 5 million dollars on me. Am up for it if you are...." I teased and he narrowed his eyes questioningly.

Suddenly, my phone rang and I opened my clutch bag taking it out. It was Lauren...

"Hey...what's up??" I asked looking at Ambrose who was looking at me before he looked away.

"Check your tap, Now!!!" she demanded.

"Ooh...okay...." I hesitated, looking for my card in my bag and quickly opened my door. "Hold on...." I said to Lauren and looked at Ambrose.

"I...uh...gotta go so think about it okay....??" I asked and he nodded, smiling.

"Oh...and I want a house warming welcome party....for my neighbors to be. You can make that happen right.???" I asked walking in and seeing him nod made me happy.

"Don't forget to send me the account details. I'll send the payment via wire transfer....." I asked of him and like the mute man he became, he nodded. I closed the door and rushed to my tab, opening it and to see that I was nominated for woman of the year.

"Oh My God...!" I screamed and she screamed back.

"Hell Yeah girl....hell Yeah! You made it!!!"

"I can't believe this...oh I can't...." I was almost tearing up to see such an honour trusted to me.

"I know but you deserve it girl. You do. This has been the year that has broken you to pieces and yet has fixed you too. You're an inspiration to a lot of women out there inclusive and you totally deserve to be up there..."

"Aawww. Stop you're gonna make me cry...." I covered my face while trying not to look at her.

"Am certain you'll win this. You're a star...." she went on and I loved that she did.

Notifications from my tablet kept coming in and I looked only to see Adam's post on twitter.

'Shout out to my girl for being nominated woman of the year. I know she's been through a lot this year, had her ups and downs but through it all, she remained awesome and great so I'll say get on your phones and make the goddess earn the crown she you Elly'

"Gosh....did you see Adam's post on twitter???" I asked Lauren and she nodded.

"Girl why you behind??? That post got a million retweets in just thirty minutes. You're trending. You'll win this am sure the other nominees already know you're getting it..."

"Thank much...." I smiled at her and hang up the phone, now calling Adam who didn't reply but I didn't mind.

I left a message in his voicemail hoping he'd see it and listen to it.

Immediately, I took a selfie of myself and posted it on Instagram captioning selfLove. Hashtag feeling so grateful.

It wasn't long before I received thousands of likes in the next half hour and the thing that intrigued me most was Ambrose liked my photo too.

The sight of that was enough to cause me to collapse on my bed and smile, hugging my phone tight as though I'd already won woman of the year award.


Two days later, as planned we started the shoot. I was excited to be doing this and I felt grateful to be here with everyone. As usual, we did a few rehearsals, running through the script with our co actors and actresses and of course our directors and writers, coaching us on how best we can pull out a particular scene.

Rehearsals were always fun, even for the most hostile people like Shanice Dhabi, who couldn't stop staring at me because I was doing my memory check with the director aka her boyfriend.

I only looked at her and turned the other way. I had no time for drama. I was ready to act the shit out of this movie and make a place for myself. This girl had to go big or go home!

After the morning acts, we took a lunch break and I happily announced to everyone that I was bringing lunch.

"Go Eleanor!!!" they all cheered the very time, three food trucks walked in and set the food all over the place.

"We have one hour for lunch folks....let's utilise it before shooting starts. And of course, lunch today has been given to us by our beautiful goddess on earth Eleanor....let's not forget to say thank you...." he clapped and everyone clapped as I smiled for the pictures.

"I can conclude that you sure made my Las Vegas chapter very good...." Brenaan smiled at me and I smiled back.

"So did you, director...."

"Please excuse me...." he requested and I nodded, watching him walk over to the truck and serve himself lunch.

"Do you need anything, ma'am??" the sweetest voice I've ever known, crept from behind me and I turned to find Ambrose!!! He was here! On set....

"Uh...No...thank you...." I held his hand and smiled looking at the happy environment behind us. People chatting, laughing and taking pictures.

"That reminds and I have never taken a picture before...." I took my phone out and motioned for him to come in the picture with me. I took a couple of selfies before handing him the phone to take a video of me.

"Hey guys....It's your girl Marvel here...on the set of Get high with Las Vegas...and we're on our lunch break....I just want to take this opportunity to thank. ...Critics Choice for the opportunity to have me nominated for woman of the Year. This means so much to me....thank you... And before I forget....I will be....on the runway for the upcoming Yde's summer wear and lingerie collection for this year and am super excited. You'll get to know of the details soon. And before I go.....guess who visited me on set??" I smiled asking Ambrose to give me the phone and I quickly took a video of him.

"Oh turn it away, am camera shy...." he hid his face behind his palms and gosh wasn't it cute!

"Yeah...of handsome men and being camera shy...." I said lastly before waving and turning the camera off.

"Thank you...." I took my phone from him and immediately posted it on my Instagram along with the selfies we took earlier.

"Thanks for really makes me happy...." I dropped the phone in my pocket and looked at him.

"Anytime....I can't wait to see as you guys finish your day...." he smiled, looking around the set like a curious kid.

"Yeah....I'd love that. Stick around, will you??" I picked his sides and he laughed, firmly holding my hands away from him.

"No tickling...." he laughed all defensive and I couldn't bring myself to relax knowing Ambrose Yde was afraid of tickling. Suddenly, I span my head around and noticed Shanice and her evil minions seated at the make up parlour not eating anything. They were talking and whispering and it was obviously they didn't want anyone to hear it. Gossip really never leaves this girl alone.

"Are you sure you aren't hungry???" He asked, snapping me off of the obsession over Shanice.

"Ooh...I am..." I smiled trying to make it less awkward for him.

"Thank God, just as I am. Should I get you something???" he asked kindly.

"I'd love that....I'll find us a table...." I grinned and he nodded walking away as I walked away to satisfy my hunger for a fight with Shanice Dhabi.