Chapter 167: Angel of Darkness

The night finally came after a whole day of doing preparations for the night.

A photoshoot was how we spent the entire day, showcasing the new summer designs. We had shots taken by the pool in the hotel and some in the studio and the beautiful garden in the backyard.

We had lunch at the amazing cafeteria and I must say, it would be fun to take pictures but we weren't allowed to.

Uploading the pictures before the reveal would distort the publicity.

The final chapter was the runway we'd all been waiting for since morning. We had plenty rehearsals after lunch and having concluded everything, we were granted one hour of rest.

I was sitting in front of a mirror, finalising my make up with a touch of highlighter to my black smokey eye, make up theme. I was wearing a black lingerie with wings and it made me look like an angel. The angel of darkness for sure.

"Hey...." I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I looked up, smiling at the face I saw. Ambrose!

"You look pretty...." he complimented me while sitting on the corner on my dressing table.

"Thank you ...." I smiled at him, softly brushing my highlighter and adding some setting spray.

"You okay???" he asked and I paused mid spraying, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Mm-Hmmm" I added and stood up. "Am the angel of darkness that's about to bring pain to someone's world tonight...."

"I...don't... understand nor do I like the sound of that...." he shook his head with a confused expression on his face.

"You will...." I winked and felt shanice's hand on my shoulder.

"Hey...I haven't seen you all night...." I smiled at her, admiring her costume that looked just like mine. Me and her were placed as the opening act and I loved to be the one to open the floor.

"I was busy perfecting my costume...yours is ugly...." she winked, picking my brush and adding some blush to her cheeks.

"Face it douche... we're wearing the same lingerie...." I smacked her back and got her to laugh. I turned to Ambrose who was also smiling at my weird friendship with Shanice.

"I can't thank you enough for this...." she stopped and turned to me.

"Anytime hunnie ..." I caressed her cheek before she abruptly pulled me close and got me to embrace her.

"It's almost showtime ladies, you ready???" the manager of the entire event asked after all of us models had gathered at the backstage.

We cheered and clapped and screamed, happy that we made it to this far.

"Eleanor and're going first. You're opening the floor for us so make sure you show them the standard....right???" he asked and we smiled, looking at eachother.

"As per order of the pageant.... we'll have you to stand on opposite sides of the stage where you'll each come to the middle, and walk to were your friend came through....." Ambrose explained and we nodded. "The rest of you will come behind Eleanor and Shanice as you walk to the front, following their lead...."

"Aye, aye...." We agreed and took our positions. Ambrose left the stage and to resume his seat in the front row. For some reason my heart was beating and I sang myself a song to rest it.

"We're on in the next five minutes....." the manager gestured to me and I nodded, smiling at him. I let out a deep breath as we waited and listened for the master of ceremony to introduce the entire event.

From where I was standing, I could see an entire full hall despite the fact that the lights were off.

One wouldn't miss the aura of an entire crowd filling up the hotel's largest auditorium.

I could see, rich people, managers from several companies and many model agencies seated along the runway ready to spot a particular model and have them in their own pockets. Renowned business men, and ambassadors of different companies also probably sponsors of the entire function, found themselves a seat on the high table. A notepad and a pen in their hands, possibly to spot the tiniest of mistakes that we commit.


I quickly held my head in my hands and rubbed my first on chest. I suddenly felt an overwhelming weakness and dizziness all around me.

"Eleanor???" the manager ran up to me. "Are you okay???? We'll be called any second from you want to sit down and rest??? Should we ask for extra time???"

I closed my eyes as I held his hand, thinking of an answer to each and everyone of his questions.

He wasn't giving me time to rest and all the pressure was getting to me. Instead of answering, Ambrose's face came to my mind.

He had worked so very hard for this. I could see how much effort he had put into this so I wasn't going to mess it up for him.

" fine don't worry....I'll be alright...." I assured him and despite his clear lack of confidence in me, he nodded and stood aside.

After the master of ceremony was done, I looked at the manager who nodded at me signaling me to go for it.

I took a deep breath in and out and slowly, walked out of the auditorium's wings and into the runway.

One foot in front of the other, I walked trying my best to smile for each and every camera that was constantly flashing in my face, blinding me. I could see Shanice on the other end, coming my way and she was doing so good. Looking beautiful, smiling and of course posing for the camera whenever she could. Why couldn't I do that???

Halfway down the runway, my left foot got crouched around my right leg, making me trip and fall with my face flat on the red carpet.

Immediately, the guest booed at me and some where laughing. Ambrose rushed to me and asked if I was okay but before I could reply, he stood and walked away, hiding his face from all the friends and investors invited to the function. I looked around and no-one was offering to help me. I tried to stand but my legs were tied against eachother making me realise I never fastened my heel's straps. My eyes watered and suddenly the tears flowed down my cheeks as I forced myself to stand and get away from this shame. I reached out for the barner to support myself when suddenly...

"Eleanor? are you okay? You're up!" the manager beckoned me and I looked at him surprised.

Quickly, I looked around and realised I was still backstage, waiting to be signaled to go down the runway.

A smile of relief spread across my face.

"Yes...yes am fine. Thank you...." I held his hand and fixed my wings before breathing in and out, the smile never leaving my face.

"Go Eleanor, go..." I heard him say and I walked out of the backstage and into the runway.

I walked out confidently, with my hands on my waist and eyes on the front, one foot in front of the other. I felt like an angel walking down a staircase from heaven to being glory to earth, except I was wearing black.

An angel of darkness, risen from hell to mess with the life of Adam Jenner for cheating on me.

He thought me a fool but I'll show him exactly what I can be like. I had always tamed the beast inside me but he had pushed me to my limit to unleash it. So then, I'll show him what I can do.

I looked ahead and saw Shanice who was looking at me and smiling. I smiled back at her and when we both reached the centre of the runway, I stopped and lifted my hand, looking at her though the shoulder while she lowered hers flattering out her wings. As epic as if felt for us doing it, it seemed pretty terrific even for the photographer's taking the pictures and the round of applause from everyone in the audience.

A second passed and we waved at eachother proceeding with the runway, walking to the other end and stopped to pose for the cameras.

I looked into the crowd and my eyes landed on those beautiful eyes which were looking at me at that particular time.

I smiled and blew him a kiss, a gesture which am certain was caught on camera. He pretended to catch it and keep it in his pocket which made me laugh and proceed to the other end.

The moment I got there, one of the employees was ready to help me change I to my next outfit.

"Coming through, Eleanor DelaRue is on the way to the changing room," she announced and a team of make up artists followed me.

They quickly removed my eyeshadow and lipstick, applying a blend of red and orange for my next look.

I helped with the lipstick as some changed my shoes and others my hair while some worked on my outfit.

I was ready to go in five minutes and I stood behind the next model. When it was finally my turn again, I confidently walked down the runway and stopped for the first pictures before I stopped in the centre.

I turned my body around for the photographer's on the other side, only to see Ambrose in his seat, same position as before, staring at me. He clapped and smiled at me, wiggling his eyebrows which made me very shy.

His eyes sparkled in the dark and I could tell they were laser focus on me which made me blush even more.

Thinking about it, I realised Adam has never looked at me like that before.

I quickly brushed the thoughts of him away and carried on walking to the other end, not forgetting to stop at the centre and pose for the cameras.

I went on like that for about three times before wearing the red lingerie which was deamed the star of the show.

It featured the name 'reduction' a combination of red and seduction also implying its ability to reduce a man to his weakest point.

I was so proud of myself when Ambrose asked me to be the model to wear it. He believed in me so much and I had to be sure I wouldn't let him down.

I wore it for the final round and walked to the stage standing in the middle and posing before walking to the other end. Since this was the last round, I walked back to the centre and posed while the rest of the models came through from the left and right, standing on my sides.

Standing in the centre, I felt like a star, an angel, a goddess, owning the world in my hand and watching it revolve around my wrist.

I loved this.

Thanks to Ambrose! Being amidst all of these talented women, I felt respected and honoured to work with them.

They were the best team and I was grateful to have been one of them.

"Thank you...." I read Ambrose's lips as he clapped along with everyone else. I smiled at him and shook my head mouthing back, Thank you before turning and following the rest of the models back stage.