Chapter 176: Am here to see Ria

AS IF FROM A DREAM, Ria's thought swam to the front of my mind and I immediately booked the next fright to England. A smile sprang across my face as I lightly slapped my cheeks with my phone. This should be fun....

Two days later, I arrived in London, having left Buenos Aires the previous day. It didn't take much for me to find my way to the kingdom. The golden coated building in the entire world; more like the white house, who wouldn't find it?

Maintaining my dignity, I booked a taxi. I had shades and a scarf coated around my head to prevent crowd pulling. I certainly wasn't in the mood. I had questions which needed answers and at any cost I had to find them.

Adam was going to marry me. Yes he was. But suddenly, he was acting like he wasn't interested in me anymore. I called and he never picked up. I booked dinner and he never arrived. Why? And all the only excuse he kept having was Europe. What on earth was it that Europe had that kept dragging him back here?

I was happy for him after he got the chance to paint the Princess's coronation portrait but I was hoping they'd walk their separate ways presuming the business deal was over. Why was it then that they kept clinging to each other so tightly? If Adam wasn't going to give me the answers I was looking for, I bet this so called princess was going to. The dust was certainly not going to settle until someone else told me what was going on.

"Stop here...." I ordered the taxi driver and he did. I paid him his money and looked at the massive building right in front of me. This girl had class, that was certain but stealing my boyfriend was just off the list. She had no shame or manners. I fastened my scarf and began walking against the winding road surrounded by green slopes. The sun bit down harshly and I figured it might be a good day. It often snowed in Europe and yet the sun was up today. That was a good sign.

I smiled after I arrived at a familiar gate entrance. I've never been here before but the Internet did quiet a good job touring me around. Beyond the barred gate, a white gravel meandered up a hill to the golden coated palace. The surrounding was green and quiet. I could smell lavender, and a hint of citrus which I suspected was from lemon glass. I peeped through the gate and saw a garden.

Hoisting my chest and pouring my lips, I strode toward the gate like I was entering my very own bathroom. I told myself I could do this. Confidence was my middle name. I'd been on several runways wearing nothing but a bikini. This was nothing. As usual, I'll hold my nose high and exude it. I pulled the gates handle and to my dismay, it didn't budge and instead, a guard stood alert.

His uniform featured a white, double-breasted tunic with gold shoulder trim and a stiff shako hat with peaked front. He looked like a guard from my fairytale dreams.

"Halt!!!" He wandered over, raising his hand requesting me to stop. I stopped. Not because I was frightened but because I found all this funny. He walked toward me while running his fingers over his bushy moustache.

"Halt????" I asked almost laughing.

"How may I be of assistance to thee, fair young maiden?" He asked of course with a heavy accent accompanying him. British English.

"Am here to see Ria. Open this gate and let me's urgent...." I demanded. Another guard in an identical uniform walked towards us with a grumpy face on. Didn't they get fed today?

"Who, with such audacity dares to utter such a name?" He asked looking at me. I blinked and starred back at him.

"Eleanor.....please tell her Eleanor is here to see's urgent. My life depends on it and so does either you let me through or she better come out and talk to me....."

"Look here madam...."

"Eleanor....." I corrected.

"Ele-noah....." He repeated. "Do you, by all realizations, realise you are asking for something quiet impossible? The one whose presence you request is no beggar in the streets. She is by far the renowned, soon to be crowned princess of Buckingham...."

"I don't care who she is I just need to meet her now, so please call her before I create a ruckus...." I warned pointing my fingers at them. I held onto the bars sternly as though I was seeking to breakout of a prison cell. I closed my eyes and lowered my head, cursing all the way. I should've thought this through and I didn't. Maybe if I had tried to get a proper invitation I wouldn't have to go through this humiliation. But no, that would take ages and without a connection, it was no different from impossible to get an invite to the palace.

Fortunately, I had a connection. Adam. But I loathed that idea immediately. I didn't want Adam to know that I came here. Using his connection would only mean he would interact with Ria and warn her that I was going to meet her. That would be absolutely shameful. I was going to do this on my own. Am Eleanor DeLaRue. I lacked absolutely nothing.

"Look not some assassin...." I convinced them removing my disguise. I took off my shades and the scarf I had around my head.

"Ooh...I might have stumbled over that face....I remember those delightfully created eyes...." The one with a moustache grinned as he walked toward me. I felt relieved. Maybe now he would let me in.

"So am I getting in?" I asked happily.

"'ve created enough would you be so kind and leave....." The other one thundered and turned around to walk back in.

"I would be so kind...." He smiled. " me your invite and I might just let you in...." The smile on my face faded. This was not getting anywhere.

"I didn't come with an invite.....darn! Just call her for me...." I yelled, my voice coming out like sparks from a furnace. Well of course there was a fire brewing inside me.

"Ms. The princess has a lot of affairs of state to run and a tightly busy schedule such that it's impossible to accommodate a wandering street ran along...." The other guard with a grumpy face chased me and I really got angry. I shook the gate to its foundations and hoped that it would break down.

With my eyes closed tight, I continued to violently shake the gate. On and on non stop hoping that it would awaken the sleeping sense in this men. Why they were being difficult, I didn't know but I certainly knew I wasn't leaving this place without getting what I wanted.

Tired and weary, breathless over the exercise I'd been through, I stood with my hands loosen from the tight grip. My face facing my feet and slightly dizzy. I was panting like I'd just finished running a marathon. Then, the sound equivalent to that of shoes hoofing on the gravel, echoed in my ears. Each stride resonating purpose and pure intent.

I slowly raised my eyes and saw a golden embroidery over the hem of what seemed to be a dress. A white dress. No no... creamy white. It had golden prints all over to the waist which sparkled in the sun and gave it the royal society blueprint. All this was supported by another golden band, whose embroidery matched the one of the hem. This one however had pearls all around it, also exposing just how tiny this person's waist was. A set of hands with fingers interlocked laid back against her just below the waist on the front, preaching nothing but an adroit manoeuvre. My eyes hurt of perfection.

Wasting not even a second, I stood upright and looked at who this elegant woman was. She looked at me as much as I looked at her. Her hair fell with grace pulled towards her shoulder. Golden like Aurora's. Her skin was silky smooth and almost white. She had a diamond decorated crown on her head and summing up everything, it made her look like a fallen angel.

A team of four women and a sum of three men, also in similar matching outfits surrounded her. One woman was holding the umbrella for her while another held the basket. The others stood behind her fixing her gown as it touched the dirty road. The men surrounded the women, and were holding very sharp spears. The stood guard around her and paid no attention to me.

I was amazed. Not even a bullet would make its way to her with such ..... protection? It seemed like torture to me.

I watched, as though in slow motion, while she lifted her leg to take a step. She pulled her gown up and exposed her tender white feet strapped around a wedge. She walked elegantly as though she owned the world, her move screaming grace and poise being sure to show off just who the princess was.

"Your highness ...." the two guards bowed before her as she walked past them as though unnoticeable. All her attention was at me.