196. What will you do, Jeanine

It didn't take long for the cameras around me to flash and capture as many pictures of me. Question after question, the reporters asked me and I didn't even understand any of them. My mind suddenly flashed back to the night I was with the fat pig Lane and I felt gruesome. I wanted to vomit not only my gastric contents but the anxiety that the world had put me through.

I wanted to let it out and reprimand them for misjudging me and betraying me like they did.

It was about a year ago and some months when I lost everything but it was still hot bread on the market like it only happened yesterday.

What exactly was the problem? They didn't care that I was a recovering depressive. They out me through so much stress and didn't care about my health in the least. The world was full of terrible people.

And now to my horror, Jeannine was back? Why was she approved of bail? Who grunted her that after how strong my case was? She was an antagonist and yet was doing fine. From the look she had, she looked rich and well to do compared to last time.

What happened?

All these things crowded my mind and I couldn't think straight. I was already exhausted from running away from Philippe and here I was in this hot mess. My past and my present were constantly colliding and I had so many questions up in my mind. Everything was confusing and blurry that I suddenly couldn't feel myself anymore. To make it worst, the soreness between my legs hiked and I pressed them together to try and hide the tension I was in.

The situation was so bad and there was just about nothing I would do about it.

I was helpless all over again like I was when Adam left me.

Why did this keep happening to me? I closed my eyes to try and take deep breaths. A trick Marcello told me to maneuver each time I felt a build up in me.

As though in a dream, a warm body appeared from next to me and brought a beautiful cologne flavoured coat on me. A hand was driven through my shoulder and from the strength within I felt it belonged to a man.

"I am Jake Lew, interim spokesman of the Anderson family. If you have a question, I would be more than glad to address it...." He finished and immediately they all put their cameras down.

The Anderson's were a very powerful and remarkable family in the city. I knew this the very moment I co-starred the movie Rustom with their son, Drake Anderson. He had the power to stop and resume shooting whenever he wanted. Also, I was taken aback by the fact that the movie got full publication before shooting even started. We didn't even bother holding a promotion conference for it.

It was all done for and it was then I knew, with money you can do anything.

This family was old money rich. They had money in the 80s when they first lived in Asia and then moved to England to adopt a British title of nobility. Just like the Young's, these people aren't just everyday rich with a few hundred million. They are China rich! I honestly didn't know it mattered until now. But who from the Anderson family was helping me? Wasn't Drake in prison??

"Why are you all just standing there?? Did you take any pictures whatsoever? Such news cannot be left unnoticed. It must get out to warn all parents out there of what kind of people are posing as an inspiration to their children?!!" Jeanine gave a speech and am not sure it did enough. Everyone, me inclusive was still frozen and living the aftermath of this entire fiasco.

I still didn't understand what was going on but whatever it was, I think I was suddenly liking it.

"Clearly this is an act of premeditated assault and is punishable by law as it falls under willful negligence destruction. You can be sentenced up to seven years of imprisonment and up to ten years of license suspension along with a penalty of one million dollars. So should I call the police on you???." He explained calmly and clearly rendering the whole place silent.

You could literally hear a fly pass through and I was able to hear my heart beat faster than ever before.

"Are you kidding me??" An angry Jeanine hissed at this man who's name I had already forgotten. In her state of anger, she walked towards me and aimed to give me a tight slap but this man grabbed hold of her hand and I could see he was controlling himself and doing his best not to squish it.

"Let go of me! Eleanor! Which deep sea did you bath in? Seems like you have all rich men under your leash. Can I borrow a leaf from you?? Perhaps is he working for the man you slept with last night?" Jeanine joked and laughed. I for one didn't find it funny. In fact, no one laughed. I was a consenting adult and whatever I did behind closed doors was no new thing to any of them. We were all victims.

That must be why no one but her laughed at her silly joke. We all grew tired of her childish ways and wished for all this to just come to an end.

I started feeling hot and my blood was already boiling in my veins. Jeanine Lana was an obstacle in my life that I had to get rid of once and for all.

I thought returning home would mean a new beginning after what happened with me and Philip but apparently she wouldn't let me forget it.

She had issues with me and this was the day we were settling all scores. I turned around to look at her as Jake Lew was still speaking to her. She didn't seem any less interested and I was on the opposite end.

I was eager to see exactly what she would do this time.

'What will you do, Jeanine?' I asked under my breath and watched the drama unfold.