194. The love of my life

I sensed him take his hands back and I felt rejected again. Just like with Adam. He stood up and rubbed his face like he was in a boiler and the heat was getting to him. He turned the Aircon on and I sat down and hugged a pillow.

It was when he removed his hands from me that my desire to be touched intensified.

Then, he rushed back and sat next to me drawing me to his lap, I clung my hands to his collar and it made me feel better. By the second, I was pulling him close to me; pressing his hard body against my delicate one, forcing him to look into my eyes and I did the same.

I saw his eyes linger on my face and stopped on my red lips. I knew they were tempting. I agreed on that with him. I was told several times that I looked like Aphrodite in red lipstick but this moment with Philippe proved it.

With no warning, he kissed me.

And yet again, his kiss seemed awfully familiar. It was as if I'd kissed him before....but where?

His lips were hot and mine being cold;it was as a blend of fire and ice. His tongue then invaded my mouth and I gave my all to him. The desire to push him away had vanished and I knew it was equally inevitable for him to keep me away.

He couldn't control himself no less than I couldn't. The kisses became passionate and I felt at home with him.

I kissed Adam countless times but why is it that I never felt the sense of security I was feeling right then with Philippe? Does that mean Adam was not my true love and Philippe was??

How was that possible?

I just met him. How can he be the love of my life?

But he seemed awfully familiar. His cologne, his touch, his vault, his kissing style. It was an awful déjà vu.

Have I been to this place before?

Was Philippe the Godman I had been searching for my entire life? Was he the one that rescued me from Director Lane that night?? Was he.....my hero??

Confusion crowded my mind and I subconsciously drew us apart. We spent the next minutes taking deep breaths lest we die of suffocation.

"Who....who are you...??" I stammered while looking at him. I was breathless and I noticed he was sweating despite turning the Aircon on.

First, he hesitated and acted like he didn't hear my question. He just smiled and brought his face to mine in another kiss but I placed a finger on his lips and slightly pushed him away.

"Answer me first. Who...are you...???"

He rolled his eyes and pecked my nose. He pushed my hair back and ran his thumb on my cheek, wiping a tear I didn't notice was there.

"Philippe..." He replied and I felt betrayed. Why did I feel like he was lying? Was it him? Wasn't it him?

"Philippe??" I repeated.

"Yes..." He replied and nodded simultaneously.

"Just Philippe???"

"Yes...just Philippe....the king next in line to King Augustus the third..." He replied and I cried. Something was wrong. Definitely wrong.

"What's wrong??"

"Have we met before??? This isn't the first time we're meeting, is it??" I wept and hoped he would say yes. The look in his eyes was torturing but I still held onto the hope that he could be the one I'd been looking for.

"We met earlier at the christening...."

"No...before that....before all this....like a year ago maybe??" I asked and wiped off a few tears from my face. I stopped crying and hoped that he would give me a fitting reply.

"Do I suddenly look like Adam, ?" He asked a bit disappointed and annoyed. I suddenly felt sorry. I was acting weird and am sure it was putting him off.

He told me many times to stop acting like a detective and I realised it was finally time I had to. I had completely lost my mind and I started hallucinating.

"No...am sorry..it's just that...there was someone else apart from Adam and....tsk....and...." I chucked and failed to complete my own statement.

"And what?" He asked in a thunderous, deep beautiful voice that made me think of that God like man again.

"And I thought it was you but....but Gosh! Am severely mistaken...I need to get my game right....am sorry for bringing unnecessary stress...." I apologized and locked my hands around his neck.

"It's alright.... actually a lot of people think I look like a lot of people....." He joked and I laughed.

It felt good to know that my doubts were cleared and whether Philippe was that man or not, I didn't care anymore. I just loved the man I was with in that moment and I wanted to cherish it for as long as I could.

My arms still circled around his neck, he used it as a God-given opportunity and bent down to kiss my neck. I gasped, instantly yearning as fire spread through me. His big hands slid around my waist and comforted me. Without realism, he drove his arms up and took off my blouse. I smiled at him and when he smiled back, I did the same to him.

Seeing us act like that made me feel like I was in the middle of Indian Ocean with just only what I needed. A man that loved me.

What started with a game ended the next morning with us lying in the bed, side by side exhausted after such a heavily passionate night. With no cameras to witness it, it felt good knowing that it would be our little secret as the sheets would never live to tell the story.

"Mr Malik!!! What's taking so long?? Am going to miss my plane!!" I screamed after I stopped daydreaming and realised I was in the middle of getting myself home.

"She won't open the door...." He replied anxiously while constantly knocking at the seemingly locked door.

"It's alright let's go!!! Am gonna be late...."

"But Miss...."

"It's alright please....let's go am running late...." I requested and he came back running. He got into the driver's seat and started the car.

"Give me your jacket...." I ordered and he did in the next second.

I used it as the piece of covering for the shame that was all on me.

As he drove away, I looked out the window, admiring every piece of art for the last time because I wasn't sure if I'd be seeing it all again.