Chapter Eight

Mathematics class started as predicted, so did all the other classes, which started with the respective teachers introducing me to the students and welcoming me to the school. At break, Andy introduced me to some of his friends, one of which lives on our street.

"So you live in that old scary mansion? Isn't it haunted?" William, who lives few blocks down from where we are, asked.

My mind travelled back to all previous events at the house. "Why? Is it supposed to be?" I asked, trying to see if I can get any information from them while playing it cool.

"There are rumors in town that the first owner was involved in dark magic or some cult thing before he died in the house, after which the house became haunted. Since then, anybody who moves in would either be haunted or killed." One of Andy's friends said.

"There is also another theory I heard, that the house was built on an old graveyard, disturbing the peace of the dead which made the house haunted." Andy remarked.

I sat watching them trying to process the information.

"So is it true?" William asked.

"What is? The haunting?" I asked feigning ignorance.

"Yes, the haunting." He answered.

"Yes it is." I confirmed.

A series of 'Really' echoed around the group as everybody stared at me with disbelieve. Just then the bell rang, saving me from further interrogation from the guys. Everybody walked to their next class.

Few hours later, the closing bell rang and we all filed out of school. Bella was already waiting at the parking lot with mom.


Back at the house around 4pm, I and Bell were seated in the living room watching TV while mom was busy making diner. We were watching an episode of an old series comedy called Gilligan's Island, which three of the film's episodes will be showing consecutively.

Just after the second episode the channel changed to cartoon network. I turned to where the remote was kept on the center table and it was still there, I looked at Bella sitting on the three seater besides my one seater and she was also looking at me questioningly, apparently having as well, seen the remote hadn't been moved. Our attention was brought back to the TV being changed from one channel to the other, whereas the remote control hadn't been moved from its position on the table.

Fear was clearly written all over Bella's face, Hell, all over our faces both. The air around the room got really thick. The volume of the TV began to go up making the sounds louder each second.

We were clearly on edge that we practically jumped in our seats when the kitchen door slammed close as mom walked out into the dining room stopping at the base of the first step connecting the two rooms. Hands on hips, she was clearly annoyed.

"Turn down that TV." She yelled from her place of posture.

I found myself quickly and picked up the remote control since I'm the closest to it and completely turned it off.

"Why did you guys raise the volume so high?" she asked when all was quite again.

"We…. uhm…. I" I stammered completely not able to form a single word.

"We didn't do it mom, they did." Bella ran to her saying.

"Who are they?" She asked holding Bella who is hugging her legs closer to her.

"The people scaring us." Bella replied.

"Come on darling, nobody is scaring you. It's just your imagination." Mom said looking at me with frustration on her face. But it quickly changed into concern, maybe it was the state I seemed to be in at that very moment.

"Junior are you okay?" She asked. "You are shaking, Are you sick?".

I blinked multiple times bringing my attention back to her.

"Sit down." She said moving closer to me. I did as she instructed and she put her hand on my forehead and my neck, feeling my body temperature.

"You are burning." She commented. All the while Bella was clinging on her.

'Being haunted and scared out of your wits will definitely make you burn. Figuratively and literarily.' I thought.

"Come here and lie down." She said bringing me to the three seater sofa. "Bell please hurry into your brother's room and get his blankets."

"I'm scared mom". Bella said with trembling voice.

"Honey, I told you there is nothing to be scared of."

"Mummy please don't make me." This time she said with tears in her eyes.

"Okay stay here with your brother. I will go get them myself." Mom said after releasing a breath. She left us there and went upstairs to get the blankets from my room.

"I'm scared Junior" Bella said sitting next to me.

"I know, don't worry I'm here" I said trying to assure both myself and her.

Mom came down with my blankets in hand. I wasn't exactly feeling sick but I'm chilled to the bone.

Call me spineless, but after what happened some minutes ago, who wouldn't be?

I was tucked and Bell stayed close to me. A faint burning smell filled the air and smoke was coming out from the kitchen, causing mom to be alarmed. She ran to the kitchen to see what's burning causing me and Bell to follow suit. We halted at the door of the smoke filled kitchen, Mom was coughing vigorously while trying to open the back door and window.

"Did any of you come in here after I went upstairs and switched on the cooker?" Mom asked after letting the smoke out through the kitchen window and back door.

"No we didn't." I said.

"I could have sworn I switched it off after cooking". She said a bit confused." Now diner is ruined". She groaned.

Bella and I were quite; we both knew what may have happened but we couldn't voice it out. Mom went over to the landline and made a call, we then sat down in the living room, mom and Bell settled for TV while I slept off on the three seater sofa.

I woke up to dad's car coming to a halt on the driveway. Moments after, he came in holding his work bag on one hand while the other held a big cardboard bag from Joe's pizza palace. Apparently mom had called dad and asked him to buy us diner on his way.

Pepperoni and cheese pizza with Pepsi cola soda drinks were served for diner. We talked over diner about how our day went, mom told dad about how the diner she prepared got ruined.

Shortly after diner, we retired to bed. Mom wanted to tuck Bella to bed but she declined saying she will be sleeping in my room. We headed upstairs to my room, although we held our breaths hoping that nothing pops out of the ordinary, we prepared just as the night before, we slept on my bed.



After the kids went to bed, I helped my husband to wash the dishes. My mind was in ruckus. I was debating whether to tell him about my recent suspicions or not. Seemingly unaware of my mental absence.

"Hello! Anybody there?" My husband teased, bringing me back to reality.

"Sorry." I apologized quickly.

"What's going on up there?" He asked pointing to my head.

"Not much." I said shrugging.


"Yes really." I replied.

"Okay if you say so."

"How about your interview? Haven't they called yet?" he added. Apparently, two days ago I went for an interview at a local law firm and they said they would get back to me in a couple of days.

"No they haven't, hopefully one of these days." I said and he nodded.

I watch him return to washing the dishes while humming to himself. 'He seems to be in a good mood at the moment' I thought. Then I decided to tell him.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked to gain his attention.

"Of course, anything." He said rinsing the last plate and handing it to me for drying.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking and observing." I said, dropping the plate into the dish rack and looking straight into his eyes.

"What about?" He asked.

"About what the kids are claiming."

"Oh come on, Not this again. You of all people know that ghost don't exist." He protested.

"What if they do, huh?!"

"So what are you saying that they exist and the house is haunted?"

"Maybe, I'm saying Maybe!"

"Have you seen one?" he asked.

"What? A ghost?"

"Yes a ghost! Have you seen or heard one?"

"Sort of."

"Then it's a no?!"

"Am not sure, but it could be." I defended. "Look Jon, I know what I've observed about the kids, Okay? Am not saying the house is really haunted. All am saying is it might be, and if it is then our children might be in danger."

"And why would you think that?".

"This evening after cooking I know I switched off the cooker before leaving the kitchen. How would you explain the cooker turning on?" I asked.

"You might have had the intention to switch it off but forgotten and you think you did."

"I was absolutely sure I switched it off. But then how would you explain what happened the night we moved in?"

"What? If you are referring to junior's injury that night and Bella's screaming episode, we both know that it was Junior's prank to proof a ridiculous fact. Just like you are trying to do."

"It might and might not be his doing, maybe he was a victim and not the culprit. That night after we got him into the car and I went back to lock the house I saw someone watching us from his room window, I don't want to believe but I can't ignore the fact anymore."

"All am saying is we should be more open minded about the situation." I added then left him in the kitchen and headed upstairs.




Yours faithful,


NB: Ah yes, almost forgot. In the next chapter, we'll continue with Junior's POV.