Chapter twelve

The scream building at the back of my throat only came out as a yelp once I realized I was facing my husband. He held onto me to steady my footing as I almost jumped off balance. Our eyes were locked as we stared in to the soul of one another and the confused look in his eyes mirrored the thought in his mind.

"He's calling me. We need to find him".

"who's calling you?"

"Junior Is calling me. He needs our help; can't you hear his cries?".

He concentrated to hear. "I don't hear anything".

Immediately he said so I realized the crying had stopped.

"I heard him calling me."

Jonathan's eyes softened. "It must be your imagination playing tricks on you. C'mon let's get back down stairs"

He tried leading me downstairs but I refused to move. "No! I did hear him call me. I swear it, and he's here in this house"

My companion pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Okay, let's take a look around then".

We Looked through every room on the floor but nothing. Jonathan then began to lead me back downstairs; this time I didn't refuse.

"PLEASE MOM HELP ME". I heard it again and stopped.

Jonathan came to a halt as well beside me. "Did you hear it?"

"I don't. You are tired and too desperate to find him, that's why your mind is playing tricks on you. Let's just go down so you can rest a bit".

At first I didn't move, I stood and listened but I heard nothing so I let him walk me downstairs with my body pushed up against his, few steps to the landing his body went rigid, abruptly making us halt in our steps and his stance became protective.

I peered ahead of us from my position behind my husband and my system seemed to shutdown instantly. Hanging from the enormous chandelier above the landing floor was a ghostly corpse of a man dressed in a complete attire from the 1800's. The blood in my vein ran cold, the beating of my heart tripled it pace and my rib cage suddenly became too tight to hold my frantic heart in it. Jonathan's breathing had become heavy while my lungs almost failed me.

Bella's voice caught our attention as she called our names, she stood at the entrance to the living room staring at us, obviously not seeing what we were seeing. That brief distraction made us take our eyes off of the figure and when we both looked back to where we saw it, it was gone.

Just then my legs gave up and I collapsed, the world around me turned dark and the last thing I heard was Bella's voice calling me as she ran over to where I laid and the feel of my husband's hands on my cold skin as he touched my face and called my name.

Slowly I peeled my eyelids open and the brightness of the sun pouring into the living room through the window momentarily blinding me, making me cover my eyes with my right palm. After a few seconds of adjustment my eyes could see clearly and I saw myself laying on the three seater sofa and Jonathan slept beside me on the single seater while Bella slept on his laps with her head on his chest. They both looked at peace and I felt bad to wake them up but I have to because the sun was already up and the wall clock says 12:20pm. We slept throughout the morning because of fatigue from the events of the previous day.

I wondered what the day had in store for us.

I patted Jonathan on the knee and his eyes reluctantly opened. I told him it was day already and his sleepy eyes went wide, with any trace of sleep leaving them. He tried sitting straight and Bella woke up in the process.

"What happened last night?" I asked.

"You fainted". He replied. "I need to call the hospital".

I took Bella's hand and lead her upstairs so as we could brush our teeth while Jonathan got on the phone.

Once we got her toothbrush, we came back to our room to use our bathroom. I turned on the tap of the sink it made a strange noise before its content began to pour out, instead of water to pour out from the tap blood started pouring out and Bella screamed while I stepped back and stood transfixed on the spot.

'When will this nightmare end?' I thought to myself.

Jonathan came running into the room then the bathroom, seeing we were unharmed he continued towards us and stopped only when he was in front of us. Bella hugged his legs and cried there while he tried consoling her with his hands on her back and head, he looked at my face and I pointed to the sink which he did look and saw the blood coming out of it. He reached for the sink and I hold him but he reassured me by placing his palm on my hand, then reached out and closed the tap.

He bent down, picked the still weeping Bella from the ground and onto his body then lead me out of the room and down to the living room.

"This is all getting too much Jonathan." I wiped.

"I know. I'm sorry. I should have believed you guys in the first place." He said consoling me. "We can move out, stay in a hotel till we get someplace new".

"But what about Junior? We can't just leave him".

"No, of course not. We could continue to look for ways to help him from there. We could even come here during the day and see what we can do!"

"What's the point then? We will still come back here eventually".

"Let's just find someone who can help us find him, because clearly we can't do much about it." I added.

He nodded his head and remind quite, he looked deep in thought. And as of this point Bella had become silent as well. Then the doorbell rang and I moved to get it when I noticed a shadow moving through the partial dark hallway of the servant's quarter into one of the rooms. I stood there contemplating whether to follow it or not.

I know it sounds stupid, even to me but all the fear I had felt since the start of all this horrific events is beginning to morph into frustration, which in turn fuels my subconscious and then, there's the desperation to find my son which also acts as a drive for me. The bell rang again making me head to the door instead.

"Hello officer." I greeted. "Please come in".

"Good morning Mrs. Davis".

Jonathan stood from the chair as the officer walked into the living room.

"Good morning officer".

"Good morning Mr. Davis." Answered the officer as they shook hands.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" I asked.

"That's very generous of you, but no thank you".

"How can we help you today?" Jonathan asked as I sat next to him facing the police officer.

"Actually I am here to collect evidence from the place he went missing"

"Of course it's around the back." Jonathan said standing up to show the police officer to the orchard.

Bella came up to me after Jonathan left her on the sofa to attend to the officer.

"Mom I'm hungry".

I had almost forgotten we hadn't had breakfast yet. "You boys go ahead. I will be in the kitchen." I told them as we reached the dining area.

They both nodded and walked through the kitchen and out the back door, while me and Bella stayed behind in the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

After some few minutes Jonathan walked into the kitchen with the officer behind him, at that point Bella and I were already done cooking breakfast.

"So soon?" I asked.

"No evidence was found". Jonathan answered.

I did already know that no evidence would be found. It is a supernatural crime; ghosts don't leave evidence behind.

"Are you guys sure this is a ghost's doing?"

"I told him about everything". Jonathan said to me seeing the expression on my face. "It is officer".

"Then I would suggest a priest or an imam. The police can't help you".

"We are still new to all this, can you recommend someone?". I chipped in.

"well there is this priest in town, I think he might be able to help you out".

"Do you have a number? An address? A name perhaps?". Jonathan asked.

"His name is father Matteson, St John's Anglican church, Darling Street".

"Thank you officer, you really are a life saver." Jonathan Thanked him.

"Who would think you believe in the supernatural." I said.

"Well the house has a history, even before I was born weird things have been happening here. It's no wonder to me at all". Said officer Michael.

"Well thank you once again. Are you sure you won't stay for breakfast?" Jonathan asked.

"No thank you Mr. Davis. Breakfast?"

"It's a long story". Jonathan said.

"Well I'll take my leave now".

"Thank you officer." I bid him as he walked out the door.

"So...?" I questioned.

"We go see Father Matteson".
