Back on Duty

"Toss it back."

Ji-woo asked for his wrist weights back while Dong-hyun got still dazed in awe. He didn't expect the little trick that he did would surprise Dong-hyun so much. It should be a common thing in a world where magic exists.


"Don't Daydream in the middle of practice." Ji-woo took the weights back and woke Dong-hyun from his reverie with a light blow to the head as usual. It was a habit now to hit Dong-hyun when teaching him something.

Ji-woo put the wrist weights in his hand. The total weight he carried reached 80 kg. Of course, That was still less than what he wanted.

"Let's continue our practice tomorrow. Ah, right. Want to come with me to the food stall?"

Dong-hyun nodded in agreement to the invitation while massaging several parts of his body. His body ached with pain from being beaten by Ji-woo. The two then walked toward the bus stop.