Warlord: Tier-4 Portal Gate

Ji-woo got greeted with a rather dark scene and a chilly breeze. The knee-high grass stretches along the road. The trees were thin and tall, with wet leaves dangling from the tops of the trees. The lights entered between the gaps in the tall trees.

The soil was also slightly muddy, and in some areas, there were swamps. The smell of dirt exposed to water was very sharp in the nose. It was a quiet and eerie environment.

No one could guess what creatures would live in that dungeon.

Ji-woo used his Mana sense to check the surroundings. And nothing was detected. He then walked over to search and looked around.

After an hour of exploring the dungeon, Ji-woo found nothing. It was a completely different situation from before. There were no Magic Crystals and Magic Stones. The Spheres also had not come into sight at all.