Tier-5: The Other Groups

Ji-woo was still able to outperform the seven Red Undead Knights. The swing of the blades was hard enough and capable of repelling the creatures so that he had time to take turns facing each other. Unfortunately, that didn't totally give him the advantage.

Ji-woo couldn't finish off a single creature even though he kept repelling them. At every opportunity, the other Red Undead Knights would approach and disrupt the flow of his attacks. That led to a stalemate situation against the seven beings.

However, even though the battle dragged on for a long time, the one that took the most damage was the seven Red Undead Knights. Meanwhile, Ji-woo, despite suffering several cuts from the swords of the creatures. He still looked strong, and there was no sign of being overwhelmed.

Now, three of the seven Red Undead Knights had lost their swords as they shattered against the heavy swing of Ji-woo's blade.