Tier-5: Brand New

Blayze looked like a lunatic for never stopping chasing Ji-woo. Whenever a distance occurred, he would immediately close it with all his might. He was already like a ludicrous creature. He didn't even notice that Ji-woo had managed to dodge his attacks smoothly three times before.

Ji-woo kept his breathing steady. On another note, he still did not feel happy even though he had managed to dodge well. After all, he still couldn't deliver a single damaging attack to the creature.

'I have to be faster!'

Ji-woo tried to dodge the oncoming attack. But this time, he failed, unlike before. He got a slash in the neck, and luckily it was shallower than the cut in the lower left abdomen. However, he had no time for that other than correcting while walking because Blayze didn't give him the space and time to adjust.

A series of attacks got launched. There was no break in every swing of the long greatsword. And there wasn't a single gap to perform a counterattack.