
Chief Joo came at Chief Lee's urgent request. He didn't understand what Chief Lee wanted. His job was to gather intelligence, contrary to what Chief Lee did to deal with field matters surrounding the hunters. However, when he came to his destination and saw the crime scene got perimeter by the police, he frowned.

In front of Chief Joo was a corpse of a hunter lying with his eyes and mouth wide open. The condition of the corpse's skin also looked dry even though the blood that came out of the eyes and mouth was still regarded as fresh. Then, his attention turned to the neck of the corpse.

"Is that a bite mark?"

"Yes." Chief Lee replied.

"What kind of bite mark is that? It's shaped like the letter Y. Also, instead of blood, I feel there are traces of Mana in the bite mark."

"Yes. That's why I asked you to come here. And the corpse in front of us now is the third one."

"What do you mean?"