Upheaval Gives Birth to a New Era

In the three days following the arrival of the invitation to the Hunters Summit, Chairman Yu was busy preparing for his departure. He and Chief Yoon would be attending, as usual. But he had something else in mind.

In the midst of those preparations, he took the time to invite and persuade Ji-woo to join the team he was assembling for tier-6 Portal Gate.

But the invitation was flatly rejected, just like Hyun-bin before. Hearing the decisive rejection, he gave up his plans to conquer the tier-6 Portal Gate. That was because, without those two people, the program would be nothing more than a pipe dream.

Suddenly, he got a call from Hyun-bin the day before that he was willing to join the team if the hunter with the new title, the Unknown-rank, also came.

That made Chairman Yu's hopes, which died out after being rejected by Ji-woo, rekindle.