Wei Wuxian's Second Life Part One

Wei Wuxian found it easy to fit back into his childhood when he woke up in Lotus Pier back to where he was young again. Though, he was much more distant from Jiang Cheng, and Jiang YanLi. It also seemed that Madam Yu hated him even more than the first time around, which caused Jiang Cheng to be resentful of him early on, but nothing that a little distance couldn't fix. Wei Wuxian acted more like a servant rather than Jiang Cheng and Jiang YanLi's siblings. He also never called Jiang Fengmain, Uncle Jiang, but only Jiang Sect. Leader.

Wei Wuxian found himself, rather lonely, wishing that this was all just a bad memory. Even though he calmed down, and didn't cause much trouble for others, Madam Yu found it in herself to punish him even more than she did then in her past life. Instead of being known as Wei Wuxian the trouble maker in Jiang's Sect, he must mostly be known as Wei Ying, the poor soul under Jiang's care, who treated him worse than a beast.

Though he tried, he tried so hard to act like the perfect disciple for the Jiang Sect. that he even became the third greatest master of his generation under the Lan Jade twins of Gusu, which only seemed to bring even more misery for Wei Wuxian as Madam Yu believes he stole that right under her son's nose.

It was all a disaster for Wei Wuxian, though things seemed to look up a slight bit when he turned thirteen when Sect. Leader Jiang announced that he was going to Sect. announcement conference in Cloud Recesses Gusu. Right away, Wei Wuxian jumped at the opportunity to see his lovely Lan Wangji early rather than wait for another two years.

Madam Yu, "Absolutely not!!!" she roared. "We don't need some bastard ruining some face for our Sect! I forbid you from leveling Lotus Pier!"

Jiang Cheng, "Father I would gladly come to Cloud Recesses with you." he gets up and bows to his father.

Jiang Fengmain, "Then that's perfect! A-Cheng can come along and keep A-Ying in line."

Madam Yu, and Jiang Cheng, "What?!?"

Wei Wuxian, "Sect Leader, I..."

Madam Yu, "You shut your wretched mouth!" she snaps at Wei Wuxian causing him to snap his mouth shut and lower his head, close to tears. She turns back to her husband. "I thought I said I forbade it, Husband of mine!"

Jiang Fengmain, "And I've made my mind up of bringing him along before he even said anything, My Lady. That boy needs to get out of your grasp and away from Lotus Pier. Do you know what they speak of that you do to him all because of where he came from? Have you no face, My Lady, because you are already making our Sect lose face all on your own."

Madam Yu, "Of course you would take that bastered child's son over your own!" she snaps.

Jiang Fengmain, "No I am not as I also agreed he should come. Stop pinning my son against me and Wei Ying!"

Madam Yu, "You listen to me you..."

Jiang Fengmain, "NO! You listen to me!!!" he snaps, shooting straight up out of his chair. "I AM YOUR SECT. LEADER AND MY WORD IS FINAL!!!"

Shocked to find her husband standing up and putting his foot down towards her, she also gets up and stomps away. Jiang Fengmain however didn't let her get away with this, this time. he followed her out not letting her amusement continue, because not only was she physically abusing Wei Wuxian but she was also mentally abusing Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Fengmain had enough, and he figured so did his children.

On his practice sword, flying next to Jiang Fengmain, and with Jiang Cheng on his father's other side, they were on their way to Gusu, for Cloud Recesses. Though Wei Wuxian was distracted for multiple reasons, for one, Madam Yu and Jiang YanLi weren't going to be there when they returned.

The fight from that night, weeks ago, turned to be more than just a fight. Sect Leader Jiang kicked Madam Yu out of YunmengJiang, telling her, "I won't tolerate you hurting the children anymore." Even though most weren't sad to see her go, it tore the Jiang family part. Madam Yu took Jiang YanLi with her, saying that, "That man has no right raising a lady on his own." and also, "I won't let that bastard corrupt my only good child!" which broke Jiang Cheng into pieces hearing his mother toss him to the side.

Even though Jiang YanLi kept repeating, "This isn't your fault A-Xian, this was bound to happen, and don't let anyone tell you differently." over and over he still couldn't bring himself to believe these words. He does blame himself, and by the looks that Jiang Cheng shoots at him, he seems not to be the only one who blames him.

It took them three days and two nights to arrive at Cloud Recesses, the excitement that was rising in Wei Wuxian was unbearable. He couldn't wait to see Lan Wangji again. He even almost tripped over his own feet as he climbed the steep stairs up to the entrance.

Upon being led inside, Jiang Fengmain with Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng at his sides were met with the GrandMaster, Lan Qiren, and two very young Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji at his sides. Awestruck at the sight of a babyface, thirteen-year-old Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian wanted to tease him, and break his gold star behavior, but he obtained his demeanor and bowed politely at the Lan Family.

Jiang Fengmain, "GrandMaster Lan, it's a pleasure to meet you and be welcomed in the beautiful Cloud Recesses. This is my son Jiang Cheng, and my head disciple Wei Wuxian."

Lan Qiren, "Sect Leader Jiang, it is our pleasure to have you accept our invitation, welcome to Cloud Recesses of Gusu. These are my nephews, future Sect Leader Lan Xichen, and my head disciple Lan Wangji."

Bowing his head, Jiang Fengmain, "You have lovely nephews GrandMaster Lan. It's an honor to meet the twin's Jades of Gusu."

Nodding, Lan Qiren turns to Lan Wangji. Lan Qiren, "Lan Wangji take Young Master Jiang, and Young Master Wei to the guest rooms, and keep them company." which usually meant keep an eye on these brats and make sure they don't make any trouble.

Wei Wuxian almost laughed but hid it well under a fake cough, though he is sure that Lan Wangji noticed the glare he was giving him. At least Lan Wangji will never change in any life, Wei Wuxian thought.

Jiang Fengmain, "Go on you two, and stay close with Young Master Lan," he looks to Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian, "Also keep an eye on A-Cheng, A-Ying."

Wei Wuxian, "Yes Sect Leader Jiang," he bows to Jiang Fengmain.

However, Jiang Cheng didn't like this and snapped at his father, Jiang Cheng, "Who's watching who?!?"

Taking his arm, Wei Wuxian whispers, "Jiang Cheng this isn't the time for this."

Jiang Cheng, "Let go of me you bastard!" he tugs his arm from Wei Wuxian's grasp and slaps Wei Wuxian in the face.

This shocked everyone and Lan Wangji were about ready to jump in, but Jiang Fengmain beats him to it by taking hold of his son's hand and tugging him roughly to the side, Jiang Fengmain, "That's enough Jiang Cheng! How dare you raise a hand against Wei Wuxian without real reason, have you no face?!?"

Shocked and embarrassed, Jiang Cheng apologizes, even though Wei Wuxian knew it wasn't directed to him. After the ruckus that Jiang Cheng caused, Lan Wangji leads them to the guest room as his uncle asked.

Wei Wuxian, "This disciple apologizes for my Shidi's behavior back there Young Master Lan." he breaks the silence on the walk.

Shaking his head, Lan Wangji, "No need to be sorry for something you didn't do."

Wei Wuxian, "Still I didn't want our first meeting to be like this."

Lan Wangji was shocked for a moment, Lan Wangji, "Meet me?"

Wei Wuxian, "Of course, I couldn't wait to meet the famous head disciple of Gusu."

Lan Wangji's ears turn red and he looks away, Lan Wangji, "Shameless."

Wei Wuxian laughs a little bit, Wei Wuxian, "Not shameless Young Master Lan, but the truth."

Lan Wangji's ears got even redder.

Eating his dinner, outside on a table, all alone, Wei Wuxian enjoyed the peace and quiet. He missed Cloud Recesses considering he lived here for Twenty-Five years when he married Lan Zhan and stayed here until he died. Cloud Recesses became more of his home than Lotus Pier ever did in the end. And he wishes he could just come back to it again, to leave his home life he has grown back at Yunmeng Jiang. He would miss his Shijie but he already lost her to Madam Yu when she left Lotus Pier, and Jiang Cheng and he never grew close as they once were in life before. As for Sect. Leader Jiang Fengmain, well, he never truly cared for Wei Wuxian, and deep down, Wei Wuxian always knew that in his last life and into this one. He knows the only reason Jiang Fengmain ever kept Wei Wuxian was because he was reminded of his parents, but it wouldn't matter if his Uncle would recognize him or not, it would be all the same pain.

Wei Wuxian didn't realize he let a tear fall from his eyes until it was pointed out to him by none other than the Second Master of Lan, Lan Wangji who just so happened to come and check up on him at this very moment. Lan Zhan, "What made you cry?" he asked.

Wei Wuxian, "Everything I guess. Everything about Lotus Pier and how I feel so much at peace here than I do there." he didn't lie. "Here everything feels at peace, and I don't want to disturb that peace."

Lan Wangji sat next to Wei Wuxian, who was just putting the plates of his dinner back on the platter, and looked deeply into his eyes, though Wei Wuxian couldn't meet his gaze. Lan Wangji, "Do the Jiang Sect. abuse you, Wei Ying?"

Wei Wuxian, "What? NO, no!!!" he raises his hands and waves them trying to avoid this topic, "It's nothing like that!!! I just don't feel welcomed there because of all the rumors and the resentment that Madam Yu has against my parents, but nothing like that! I mean yes I get disciplined all the time, but that's because I am a troublemaker through and through!!!"

"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji stops him, "There are two forms of abuse. Do they treat you right at Yunmeng Jiang?"

Wei Wuxian's mouth opened and closed but no words seemed to be able to form, instead only more tears fell from his eyes and right away he tried to wipe them away, using his hands and his sleeves, but nothing seemed to be able to stop the flow that he has started, Wei Wuxian, "I'm sorry!" he let out a weak laugh, "I'm not sure why I am crying! It won't seem to stop!"

Lan Wangji didn't say anything and he wanted to so bad to reach out to his boy and offer him comfort, but his outreached hand fell back to his side realizing he doesn't even know this boy and it would be wrong of him to touch him considering he doesn't know what he goes through back at home. Maybe Wei Wuxian doesn't like to be touched and he would only make it worse when all he was trying to offer comfort, so instead he sat there by Wei Wuxian's side and offered him comfort in the silence and letting the boy cry to his heart's content.

Wei Wuxian, "I'm sorry!" he sobbed, "I don't know why! Why? WHY?! Why is this happening to me?!?!"


Later that night Lan Wangji had tea with his Uncle and Dage. He brought up what he learned while being with Wei Wuxian, and it broke Lan Qiren's heart to hear such suffering for such a young youth. Once upon a time, he was in love with Wei Wuxian's mother, even though he had hidden it well, saying he despised her wildfire personality when in truth it was what caused him to fall over head and heels in love with that women, and he would've NEVER wish such a fate on her and her husband's only son, so he decided to break their own Clans rules and shot out of his chair and march right to Jiang Sect. Leader's guest room, who was sitting with his son, also having tea before bed, with Wei Wuxian looking miserable off to the side of the room with a full attention stand.

Lan Qiren knocked on the door and hardly waited to hear Jiang Fengmain let him in before he got inside staring down the man. Trying his best to not show the anger he felt for the Sect. Leader Jiang, he meditated in his mind and let himself think rashly before he came to a harsh conclusion. Lan Qiren, "Sect. Leader Jiang Fengmain I apologize for this late hour visit but something that was brought to light by my youngest nephew that is in need of an immediate decision."

Jiang Fengmain, "I am sorry to hear that, please come have a seat with me and my son. Wei Ying, may you get a cup of tea for Grandmaster Lan Qiren please?"

Wei Wuxian nods and comes out of his corner of the room to retrieve a cup for Lan Qiren without saying a word or making eye contact with anyone. Lan Qiren couldn't help but notice this and the hateful glare that was coming from the Heir of Jiang Sect., Jiang Cheng. Lan Qiren, "Thank you young Master Wei." he says, accepting the tea but he never took a drink of it, just sat it down by his hands on the table. Lan Qiren looks back to Jiang Fengmain who seemed oblivious to the behaviors that were happening around him. "What is Young Master's Wei's home life like back home?" he decided being blunt is the best action to take with this stupid man.

Jiang Fengmain who was taking a sip from his tea quickly coughed it back up in his cup before coughing into his sleeve. He lifted his head and placed the cup down, meeting Lan Qiren's eyes, "What is there to discuss about Wei Ying's home life? I mean, my soon-to-be ex-wife and I never seemed to meet eye to eye, and all the arguing can make any young child act up. I apologize if Wei Ying caused any trouble in Cloud Recesses, I will take him home soon so he won't cause any more problems. I suppose it was a mistake to bring him along."

His words cut Wei Wuxian deep and Lan Qiren noticed right away and his eyes hardened. "Young Master Wei caused no such trouble. As the matter of fact, my nephew brought up how they were discussing Young Masters home life and how the boy couldn't stop crying when it was about the discussion of abuse."

Jiang Fengmain was sweating in his chair and Jiang Cheng also seemed to look concerned as well, which was a red flag for Lan Qiren. Sighing, Lan Qiren stands up and looks to Wei Wuxian, "Young Master Wei packs a bag and comes with me. I am not leaving you here with Sect. Leader Jiang any longer."

Shocked to hear what was going on, Wei Wuxian was quick to go out of his room, to his shared room with Jiang Cheng and picked up his bag. He was never given the chance to unpack and walked out the door to find Lan Qiren making his way to him and Uncle... Sect. Leader Jiang demanded what Lan Qiren was thinking about taking his head disciple from him, but Lan Qiren didn't answer him, instead kept making his way to Wei Wuxian.

Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen were notified about the ruckus that was happening in the guest quarters and went to see what the matter was about but was shocked to see their Uncle leading Wei Wuxian away from Jiang Fengmain. Wei Wuxian looks torn whether to run back to Sect. Leader Jiang or let Grandmaster Lan Qiren continue to lead him away from that place, and away from a home he once knew but knew wasn't welcoming to him anymore.

Lan Qiren came to a stop in front of his nephews, "Lan Wangji, take Young Master Wei to the Jingshi and stay there with him. Lan Xichen and I are going to see your father."

Bowing, Lan Wangji waits for his Uncle and brother to go past them before taking Wei Wuxian's arm and leading him away from the guest quarters and to the Jingshi that he shares with his brother. Once inside, Lan Wangji takes Wei Wuxian's bag and sets it on a dresser before getting to work, making a bed behind a private screen for Wei Wuxian to sleep in.

Once he was done, he let the boy undress and take a bath first, and with Wei Wuxian's permission, who was still in shock from what happened a few minutes ago, bathed while Lan Wangji was cleaning his back. He noticed scars that looked fresh and that it could've been from a whip of some sort. They looked painful.

Wei Wuxian got dressed in his sleeping robes and was led to his floor-made bed and crawled under the comforter and hid there before he heard Lan Wangji walk away. After he walked away, Wei Wuxian started to cry to himself, covering his hand over his mouth to silence the broken sobs and allowing it to be what drifts him off to sleep.