Wei Wuxian's Second Life Part Four

With a huge bump on his forehead, Fei Huaguang found himself on his knees in front of Wei Wuxian who was the one to know some sense into the man below him. Glaring daggers at this man who stole a kiss that is only meant for his fiance. Fei Huaguang was lucky that he didn't find himself speared through with Bichen because Lan Wangji was at his met end with his anger, but luckily after Wei Wuxian threw a saucer that was close by to his bedside at the man's forehead, knocking him out, Lan Xichen was able to drag his brother out of the room before Lan Wangji found himself on top of the other man struggling him to death.

Coming back to being tied up and looking up to a fierce burning eyed Wei Wuxian, Fei Huaguang realized he may have gone too far in his teasing with the encounter with them. Fei Huaguang, "If I may, I wouldn't have teased you as much if I didn't find out Second Master Lan was so protective of you."

Wei Wuxian, "I don't believe you for even a second."

Fei Huaguang, "Guilty as charged!" he huffs.

It took a moment but Wei Wuxian gathered his courage to ask, "Was it my Grandmaster who sent you?"

Fei Huaguang, "Yes, my Grand Immortal Master Baoshen sent me to make sure you were still alive A-Xian and I am her humble head Disciple."

Wei Wuxian, "Can't believe our own Grandmaster kicked you off the mountain to send you here to check on me, but would it be far-fetched to say she sent you away happy with the results being you may never return?"

Fei Huaguang, "Who ever said I couldn't return home once my mission was over?"

Wei Wuxian, "Says every single person who was her disciple who descended from her mountain."

Fei Huaguang, "Well yes this is true but I am her head disciple…"

"So was my mother," Wei Wuxian cut him off.

Fei Huaguang stops for a moment with his mouth agape, not able to respond back to that one, "Touche!" he leans back in his chair to stare at his Seniors son, "But this is far different, I was sent down here by her own hand, in fact I am to offer the invitation to you A-Xian, but I must warn you, you're not allowed to bring anyone else with us but your body."

Wei Wuxian let this settle with the news he was given. He didn't think twice to think that this strange man was lying to him and could possibly harm him and Lan Wangji in any way, but there is also the possibility he wasn't lying and he truly was his honorary Sect. Uncle from underneath Baoshen Sanren, but that might be the more unlikely scenario in this case, because he estimated that this was a thirty out of a hundred chance and opportunity of this being real, but there was still that thirty percent there and he has work with less before, so he made up his mind right then and there without input from his fiance.

Lan Wangji, "No."

Wei Wuxian sighs as he continues to pack robes for his trip to the Central Mountain to meet his GrandMaster. "It isn't up for debate Lan Zhan. I am going to go meet my mother's Master finally, and this will be the only chance I get to meet her."

Lan Wangji comes in from behind his fiance and once Wei Wuxian moves aside to grab something else, Lan Wangji grabs the clothes that Wei Wuxian placed in the chest back to their spot in their shared room. Lan Wangji, "I said no!" he says stubbornly.

Wei Wuxian brings the cloaks he retrieved to place over the robes to find them gone and back in the wardrobe. Wei Wuxian sighs and places the cloaks aside before turning to Lan Wangji and taking ahold of his arms, "I know this going to be hard for the both of us Lan Zhan, we haven't ever been separated over the year, I've been here after your family took me in, but I have to go Lan Zhan. It doesn't mean I won't come back though, it just means I will see you later and I will write to you when I get there."

Lan Zhan huffs like a child not budging from this argument for even a moment but once he sees his fiance being more serious about this than anything in his entire life, Lan Wangji crumbles. Lan Wangji, "What if he is lying? What if it's a trap? You are my fiance, you are a treasure to my clan. You are a worthy hostage that could cost us everything Wei Ying."

Wei Wuxian laughs, "So now you're saying I can't handle myself Lan Zhan?"

Lan Wangji's eyes went big, noticing his mistaken words, "NO! Not what I…"

But he was cut off with a kiss that made them both fluster, Wei Wuxian, "If things go south, then I will gut him like a fish and leave his body for the walking corpse to eat and come back into your loving arms, now make love to me and make sure I can feel it until I am able to return to you!"

Lan Wangji growls and picks up his fiance with ease, growling, "Mark your words." he whispers husky into his ear before throwing the squealing Wei Wuxian onto the bed.

However, it was poor Lan Xichen who decided to check up on his brother and soon to be brother-in-law and wanted to see if the pair wanted to have dinner with him and their uncle but stopped in his tracks before knocking on the door hearing a long and LOUD ass moan from Wei Wuxian and thought better of it. So with a crimson face Lan Xichen pulls out a silencing talisman from his sleeve (That he always carries when visiting the Jingshi) and slaps at least five on the door before running away and sending a letter to his Uncle letting him know he was going back into seclusion with his father.

The morning came too quickly for the couple, though it's safe to say neither of them got any sleep. Lan Wangji used all the time they had left to its fullest, or rather keeping Wei Wuxian full, but that is to be kept between them, and also all those poor souls who heard them before Lan Xichen got there.

Slightly limping, Wei Wuxian holding onto Lan Wangji's arm fully dressed for the both of them they made there way to the front of Ancestors Hall where Fei Huaguang and two others dressed in rich forest green and sun gold robes standing behind him in full attention and their swords at their side. Once Wei Wuxian came into sight, Fei Huaguang and the two other disciples of his clan knelt on one knee and bowed their heads in respect towards Wei Wuxian.

It was only a moment before they rise again and the two standing behind Fei Huaguang came out and took the trunk from the two Lan disciples carrying it for Wei Wuxian, Fei Huaguang, "We must be leaving now A-Xian, our master is expecting us in a few minutes."

Wei Wuxian, "Excuse me? Minutes? That's impossible and there are too many of us to be transported by talisman."

Fei Huagaung smirks and winks at Wei Wuxian while placing a finger on his lip in a hush signal. "It's a trade secret A-Xian."

Sighing in frustration, Wei Wuxian says, "Stop calling me that! Only two people in my life are allowed to call me that and you aren't them."

Throwing his head back in laughter, Fei Huagaung shakes his head before saying, "A-Ying it is then since your mother is my Shijie."

Not giving the man any more attention, Wei Wuxian looks back to the Lan's who were waiting for them to say their goodbyes. Wei Wuxian first pulled Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen into hugs, thanking them both for what they had done for him. Promising to return of course and to always write back to them.

Lan Qiren, "Remember you always have a home here among us, Wei Wuxian and I am holding onto your word to return to us, but I believe it is best for you to return to your mothers home to learn where you came from."

Wei Wuxian was now a sniffling mess, trying to hold back the tears, "I will Uncle and promise me to watch over Lan Zhan for him. He is going to be a wreck without me being by his side."

Lan Qiren laughs softly which surprised Wei Wuxian, "Don't worry about your fiance, he is in the good hands of his family. Now go meet yours."

Nodding Wei Wuxian turns to Lan Xichen who was having a harder time of holding his tears back which just made Wei Wuxian's flow like a waterfall down his cheeks, now the both of them were a crying mess which only made others chuckle a watery laugh. Lan Xichen, "I am going to miss my little A-Xian, but I know you will be able to take care of yourself and wouldn't take any nonsense from no one, so be conscious but remember to also have fun."

Pulling Lan Xichen into another hug, Wei Wuxian whispers, "Thank you, Big brother. I will miss you very much."

Clearing his throat Lan Xichen pats his back before pulling away but Wei Wuxian didn't have much time before being bombarded with both Lan disciples and Jiangs who couldn't bear to be able to say goodbye for a second time. Even the younger children who would follow Wei Wuxian around in Cloud Recesses like the Mother duck he is, protective of his baby ducklings. After a few shared tears and good wishes everyone finally let him go and lastly Wei Wuxian was met with his soulmate, his lover, his fiance and the world slowed to a stop for them both to share a moment before it was gone.

Lan Wangji, "Wei Ying." he whispers.

Smiling softly, Wei Wuxian takes his fiance's hand, letting himself be pulled into a loose embrace, "Lan Zhan, I don't want to say goodbye! Never to you because you are my heart, my everything and I can't live on without my heart. So I won't say it. Instead I will say I love you, and as certain as I am of the sun rising again and the ocean waves touching the sand, we will see one another again, and I will count the days until that day comes to greet us both."

Lan Zhan, "Mn." he says before being as shameless as he always was and pulls his soulmate into a kiss. A passionate one at that would steal anyone's breath away and it sure did make Wei Wuxian's legs wobble and almost give out underneath him.

Lan Qiren clears his throat, glaring at his nephew again who releases Wei Wuxian. Before he truly let go of his Heart, Lan Wangji places a kiss on Wei Wuxian's forehead. "Please return to me, Wo Xin*."

Nodding, not able to speak because of the lump in his throat, Wei Wuxian peels himself from Lan Wangji's arms before making his way over to Fei Huaguang. Fei Huaguang smirks over to Wei Wuxian before saying, "Close your eyes since this is your first time traveling this way. It will be over before you know it."

Nodding again Wei Wuxian does as he was instructed and closes his eyes and he feels a cold breeze and a wave of dizziness hits him like a ton of rocks smashing into his skull causing him to fall to his butt. When he opened his eyes he noticed it was semenly brighter and more clouds that looked more beautiful to be real. He would have expected for the heavens to look like this but when he came again he saw a woman with long light brown hair being pulled up with gold flower pins and her robes were the utmost beautiful then he has ever seen. Her inner robes were white and gold, with flowers embroidered into them, her outer robe was a beautiful emerald green with cranes embroidered into it. On the top of her head was a beautiful hair ornament holding up half of her hair that was in the shape of a crane, with its wings spreaded out and its head held up high and proud. Though it was her eyes that were the most bewitching of her, they were blue as the sea and around her pupils is a gold rim meeting the blue. Her facial looks, well they looked similar but he couldn't pull up the memory to where he saw that woman.

That is when a musical voice rings in the back of his memory saying, "My A-Ying! My wonderful child with the eyes of the moon but the smile of the sun!" it was his mothers voice, this woman reminds him of his mother, someone he has forgotten over the years. Not even when he was a child in this lifetime could he remember his A-Niang* and A-Die*

"Mother?" Wei Wuxian asks before he passes out from the trip, being met with a cold stone below him.