Deku’s birthday

Todoroki POV

"Shit it's Dekus birthday today well just shit!" I whispered because it was midnight and deku was sleeping. I have decided to go to fallmart and get some party stuff and a present for deku.

When I got home it was 2:00am and I only had 4 hours to get all of his party things up and wrap the presents. So I hung the banners up, wrote cards, blew up the balloons and wrap up his presents all in the space of 3 hours. In the 4th hour I made deku his favourite food for breakfast pork cutlet bowl (I know it isn't a breakfast but I had to).

"Shoto-kun where are you?" Deku asked. "Get back in bed sounds like you need more sleep!" I replied while I was dishing up Dekus pork cutlet bowl.

"Tada! For my prince!" I said opening it up for deku on his bed.

"Aww thank you shoto-kun!" Deku said before giving me a kiss. As deku was eating his breakfast I brought his presents and cards into his bedroom for him to open.

"Thank you shoto-kun you shouldn't have!" Deku said as I sat down on his bed. "Your welcome" i said yawning. Deku opens up his presents while I fell back asleep.

Deku POV

"Thank you sho- shoto-kun you fell asleep well it did look like you needed it!" I said to my sleeping baby as I have him a kiss good night. I'll just stay here set an alarm for 8:00 because it's 6:30 so Shoto can be cute in my bed as we both slept.

Time skip

*Beep* *beep* *beep* oh shit the alarm I thought turning it off as shoto woke up. "Huh" Shoto wondered. "Don't worry Shoto-kun you fell asleep just as I opened your card. But don't worry I never read it" I said to half awake shoto. I decide to read the card out loud to Shoto it read "To my dearest and only boyfriend deku happy birthday baby love you always Shoto Todoroki xxx" "Thank y-" I said as I was abruptly interrupted by a sudden knock on the door "I'll get it!" I said to Shoto before he got up and got the door.

Todoroki POV

"Oh" Uraraka and Iida said as I opened the door "hi Todoroki I didn't expect you to be here!" Uraraka said before she asked where deku was "I'm here!" I heard deku say from behind me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Uraraka and Iida shouted to deku "thank you!" Deku said before starting to explain why I was here. "Goodbye!" I said to Uraraka and Iida before they left. "Deku I think we should get ready for your birthday treats." I said to deku before he could say another word.


Thank you for reading this chapter! I'm sorry it would of been longer if I could be bothered to write the birthday treats deku gets but nah that can have its own chapter.