In search of answers

"Breathe! Breathe, hellish girl!"

-React! Let's go!- I cried.

There was not much time. And it was hell! Her lips were starting to turn blue and the muscles in the back of my neck were tugging. It was a cold, lifeless body that I held.

-Hells! - I thundered again. - Try to react!

I thundered forcing the air in her lungs, administering the first cares.

And no sign. Nothing. The chest rose and fell automatically and even then she still didn't breathe. The alarms from the automatic doctor's sensors started ringing in my ears as if mocking my helplessness.

She just didn't breathe. Dead?! For the first time in my life, the thought made me gasp in horror.

Ah, before I would have been elated. It was everything I had wanted. had always hated that girl and what she represented. I had suffered because of her growing up as a slave until I was rescued by Confederate troops.

I hated her for knowing that she should be mine and never would be. I hated her, even more, when our leaders decided to keep it safe and remote and I was captured and enslaved. And yet it was pure despair that experienced when I pressed her chest in a cardiac massage like a failure.

"Please! You are not dead!"

I was no longer able to feel the connection that allowed me to identify her contradictory emotions while appearing indifferent and irritated, refusing to accept that that girl messed with me.

"You damn annoying plague!" I cried out, turning my attention to the monitors.

My hands were shaking as I prepared 1mg of adrenaline to deliver to the lifeless body. All I wanted most was to constrict small arteries in that heart by injecting the medication into her arm.

A cardiac and vasopressor stimulant applied intramuscularly and cardiopulmonary maneuvers were all that beckoned me as a lifeline. The hybridization process ... Something should have gone wrong. Didn't her genetic and human heritage support the foreign genome?

I continued to promote compressions in her chest, counting on keeping her arms straight, intermingling her breath while taking a deep breath, and forcing air into her lungs.

Of course, the infirmary's ventilation machines did not work. The little energy had been saved by turning off the ship's camouflage systems. I tried to maintain the minimum frequency per minute, doing work on the heart that didn't beat and breathing mouth to mouth.

-Let's go, Girl! Just Breathe! Curse!

If I had witnessed such a scene, I would not be so perplexed. In five minutes, 50% of people like Angel died.

It was that simple. It could be stress or any other reason and the victim would fall dead by his side, even though he was an active person on a daily basis. It was suddenly. Sometimes it happened to a novice on her first flight.


I had still captured her heart before beating chaotically and without being able to bombard the blood that was supposed to reach the brain and the whole body. And then the intense chest pain before the fibrillar heart.

And it was my fault. A terrible oversight. In the moment of surprise, my mind let the barriers fall. Angel shouldn't have caught my emotions. She had felt all the anger and anger I kept under control and my feelings confused. I needed to explain it to her ... Damn. It had all been so fast ... A process of metamorphosis would take at least hours and she in shock had reacted in the worst way.

I hated her. I loved her. Only then did the truth beckons cruelly and scoff mercilessly.

"Mercy, I can explain ... Please ..."

There was still no breathing movement in the chest. I kept my mouth to mouth unable to accept defeat. I breathed air in her mouth, covering the nose so it wouldn't leave. My flattened and twisted hands supported me by pressing the weight of my body on the massages. I needed rhythmic movements.

"Please, honey. Just let me explain, Caílin."

And nothing yet. Just nothing and silence. The pain she had experienced a few moments before when she saw it through my eyes ... I needed to explain. Explain who we were. Explain to her the most important thing ... My feelings. Curse!

My final appeal was the unfortunate defibrillator and electric shock. I was going to appeal to everything in my power and find a way not to lose her. The device was far more sophisticated than those that the natives still used. It was enough to activate the electrodes when placing on the patient's chest and the rest of the device resolved itself.

"Fuck, Angel! That's not it! I can even explain!"

Of course, she was going to wake up! And I would be in too much trouble to explain several things. As my real intention in accepting the mission on that planet. Double curse! Hadn't I really thought about the possibility that the girl was a telepath?

The damn minutes dragged on and I feared the worst. The critical moment. She wasn't going to forgive me. I knew that from her horror at capturing my thoughts just before. Why would she wake up! Oxygen could be toxic to her brain and her body temperature had to be lowered.

-Curse! You are not dead!

Angel! ANGEL! Just Breathe!

It was a faint and almost inaudible sound of a groan of pain that at first, I managed to assimilate. She gasped weakly and with little strength in search of air.

-That, sweetie! That's right! Breathe! "I ordered, still stiff with tension.

Indifferent to the device, I lifted the girl in my arms urgently. Cool her body. Water...

-Computer! - I spoke loud and urgent. - Turn on the water supply in my cabin. Keep the water at room temperature in the immersion bowl.

Angel's head slipped on my shoulder as I ran with her in my arms. The girl opened her eyes and even looked awake but didn't respond to any of my stimuli in any meaningful way.

I immersed the girl in the water, controlling the temperature, and lowering it when touching the surface, attentive to her movements, rubbing her body to activate the circulation. This time her movement was slow and conscious as she struggled to get away from my hands.

-Angel ..

-Not! - She asked biting her lips and lowered her head, fleeing my anxious look. - And it's true?


Ah, it depended on someone's point of view.

I could lie. Of course, I could lie. And it was cowardice. Finally, my disguise as a respected captain fell. I was a miserable traitor. I relaxed my body against the edge of the tank and took a deep breath.

-I can really explain, honey. - I assured apprehensive. There were so many things that I needed to explain to her ...

She made a weak effort to walk away that did not pass me by.


I swore under my breath in a frustrated groan. Swear words were always the same anywhere in the galaxy.

- We are what remains of the survivors collected by the Confederation after the pandemic on Earth.- I explained slowly and ran my hands through my hair.- Much of the history has been lost in 400 years and the records are vague. The planet was invaded and destroyed in the invasion of a race unknown to the United Planets.

Angel sobbed softly.

-And ... You came from ... from ... - she couldn't find her voice.

I shook my head, hiding my frustration.

- Time travel, girl. - I explained even more slowly. - I would be surprised at how 400 years of technology change someone's routine and life. Only not everything changes for the better.

There was an eternity of silence while I waited for her to process the information.

- And these creatures ... - Angel showed terrible tiredness. The voice trembled between sobs.

-The Confederation was unable to stop them. Our only hope is that it is an endangered breed. Involutive process.

Angel covered the face with her hands.

-God! And why Earth? Why the past?

It was the question I feared most. Explain the whole truth to her? We had been hunted, chased, and enslaved even far from Earth. Those creatures carried viruses in their bodies so lethal that they had brought changes in us while feeding on our blood.

A pandemic had destroyed billions of people. Just over three thousand survivors had been rescued by the Essassani under orders from the Confederation. Édrin was all that remained of mankind in extinction.

-They needed DNA without mutations. Pure. The hybridization process between different species was not viable after we were infected.

Angel very slowly cringed as she drew her legs up against her chest and hugged her knees dizzily.

- But I...

I swore loudly and furiously. I could talk about that later, right?

-Your mother was a descendant of ancient lineage and chosen by our king. She was never an Edriana. It was a Terran woman abducted by us in an attempt to survive extinction. It was a chance to retake the pure genome of our race.

For the first time, Angel looked up at me, which flashed a red, spiteful split second.

"Is that why you decided to use me and avenge the death of your people?" The accusation finally created a voice.

- Damn it, girl. You read the reports. You know what this planet is. It is only a crop field for the genome in hybridization processes. Sometimes things go wrong.

I stared back at her with a lump in my throat. Only everything had changed. I liked her and in the hurt look, I realized for the first time that I had achieved my goal.

I had sought revenge against her. I wanted her to suffer. And the perception made me burn like a convict at the stake.

- It's not like this...

"I love you. Tell her. Why don't you speak ?", my withering thought was blocked.

Angel defended herself against me. Without waiting I had become the enemy.


By kalael

I was not at all satisfied when crossing those endless corridors and much more relied on the price they charged for a bastard. Mercy! It could bankrupt someone to need respiratory implants.

Well, a lot had changed there and it was never for the better. I looked carefully at one of the suns there. It was still very early and apparently, the city followed a protocol of collecting. The empty corridors did not display hellish merchants and their wares.

I didn't care about that. knew exactly where Zogart was staying there and the types of shady business that the infamous pirate enjoyed. The illegal slave trade was always advantageous and attracted a lot of attention without the Confederation being able to impose Federation guidelines there.

Brunzac accompanied me and four other ship's crew and knew that I was looking for the confusion. All I wanted at the moment was a good fight to discharge the energy and the concern with the Terran. Damn you human!

She could have all the reasons, yet her taunt with the comments after spying on what shouldn't have caused enough confusion. I didn't care much about the silence of the dawn. I crossed the hall and stopped in front of a closed door, sniffing Zogart's trail.

There I was a predator hunting for prey. My look was of little interest to Brunzac. It was typical to find the unfortunate pirate in a place like this. A den that gathered a clientele looking for fun and pleasures. I could easily recognize her scent and the number of pheromones, a natural odor that, during contact with the opposite sex, made me very horny.

My anger doubled when I kicked the door furiously, oblivious to the resigned sigh of Brunzac and my crew. A scream echoed in a loud fright and I saw Zogart curse still on a female, stopping motionless and stunned. And his eyes fell on mine, causing me immense satisfaction.

I definitely wanted to create a lot of trouble and confusion!

-Kalael ...- Brunzac still called me.

I advanced through the possessed room as I grabbed the pirate by the throat and pulled him out of the armchair, lifting him a few inches under the floor.

-I think it will be another busy day, comrade. It is just before dawn! I still think that the Association and the inspection will be very busy, don't you think? - I asked half-sleepily.

- Mercy, Kalael. Brunzac groaned in horror. - You will not mess with this scum just because of ...

My eyes there said more than words. I was a killer for him, and then came evaluative under my prey. The smell of fear now exuded through his scaly skin much more than the pheromone

- Ah, Kalael ... - Zogart gasped when he spoke my name. - I know you must be a little angry, but the point is that I am innocent!

I rolled my eyes and threw it against the wall seeing everything red.

-Let's consider the little question that took a refugee from my ship without authorization. - I shouted low and furious. I kept shrugging and pulled out the energy pistol in a subtle warning. - Also considering that this refugee is my companion under the laws of my people ... Considering that you were warned ...

-Come on, just you. - Zogart exclaimed perplexed. - She doesn't even have meat on dry bones. I have top quality goods here ...

I didn't let it finish. I aimed the pistol and fired too close to him and I could almost have hit a very delicate part. I saw Zogart's eyes roll with relief when he realized he was unharmed.

-God, Kalael. It's a delicate area, buddy. - the unfortunate complained touching himself without believing that it was still whole and got up looking for the clothes.

I took advantage and stared at the female without action and perplexed and growled:

-Get out. Now! - and then turning his attention to him smirks: And it will be even more sensitive. The human! Now!

I had no intention of being nice. Caty. I couldn't smell her scent there. I might as well look for what they called the authority there. The big shot was in was worse than me at that moment. A rule ran between merchants and dealers there. Do not create confusion that would cause the Confederation's unwanted attention. Well, I represented the Confederation and my patent emblem was very visible.

-Calm down, calm down, buddy. Not quite. Things take some time and moreover ...

I fired again at a subtle and menacing warning. He noticed the movement and the sound of the shots began to attract the attention he was looking for. Great!

Let's see what Valdriack thinks of all this! I will very much appreciate talking to this scum.

It was hell. I must have been thinking about Gargoyles, and all that occupied my mind was Caty. Curse! Where would a human being placed in N'Tirlay? Humans in a market with exotic creatures always aroused more interest. There were creatures that inhabited the surface of the planet and that were worrisome. It was widely said that the toxic atmosphere there had been responsible for several mutations.

The Confederation was still speculating whether it was precise because of this that the K'Aldriants were undergoing an involutive and dangerous process for us. They had come out of nowhere hostile and deadly, contaminating planets and destroying populations in the outermost quarters of our jurisdiction. Like the planet Earth. If it had been sold to them, it would have been just-food. The thought alone made me burn with fury.

-Try to tell me that you didn't sell her...

Zogart gasped without color on his miserable face.

-Hold on, Kalael. I can arrange two or three for you ...that would make you very satisfied. And courtesy of the house. No cost. Do you know how much they offered for a human?

I saw everything red at that moment. My anger was beyond all limits. I grabbed Zogart again and could choke her with great pleasure.

-Where? Who? - I managed to growl ignoring the sensation of danger.

It was almost a certainty. For the little he knew about Caty, he was beginning to expect the worst. How could someone so small and frail in appearance manage to get into so much trouble?

-I asked. Who? "I repeated slowly.

-Kalael, if you kill Zogart without any justification you will find ...

I looked at Brunzac, measuring him from top to bottom. Coward! He knew our laws better than I did. In Urodela, his attitude of giving up the human under my protection could be the cause of his exile. It was only necessary to communicate with the authorities of our planet and file the complaint with the Confederation. Our species procreated very little. Soon we would be in the process of extinction.

"Have you thought about this detail before, my friend?" I asked dryly and without any pity. I stated before witnesses that I recognized the human as my female. It was a vile act on your part ...

-I ... I ... Who could imagine that soon such a pathetic creature would go ...

-Enough! growled annoyed and I turned to Zogart, not at all friendly when I pressed more and the pressure in his throat made him gasp again without enough air to breathe.

- There are some mestizos that came to me yesterday morning and ...

Mestizos? Rays! They were hybrid creatures and many still showed little tolerance for their coexistence in our society. There was still a small part that was worrying. I was sure that the floor was missing under my feet.

Shit! Please say that they are not carnivorous and appreciate foreign meat for exotic dishes.

Zogart had a grotesque face with livid features.

-I ... I didn't know! - the defense was of no use to me.

Were you able to stop now in the hands of these people? Wasn't it enough to get you out of the Gargoyles?

-What didn't you know? I growled again.

-I heard comments. Note that these are just comments, of course. They went around saying that they bought a few more slaves and each one of a different species. They claimed a little of the little flesh of the human and ...

Holy shit, Caty. Did I really get involved with carnivores? I do not believe this!

What were my chances of finding the human still alive? He was beginning to expect the worst. Dead. Probably dead. It's all my fault. Damn hesitation. Why hadn't I said anything?

Did it cost so much to forget pride and counter Zogart's offenses? Any fellow would have reacted like that! Is that you? What did you do, miserable?

Nothing! I did not do anything!

"It's a ship in our quadrant, I can assure you!" Zogart started to explain as soon as I eased the pressure on his neck.

- This does not mean that they follow our guidelines if they came to do business here. - I observed irritation. - What the damn ship?

-Do not know. I saw it quickly. Simple Angorian style. Few defense systems. They looked like friendly creatures. - explanations became excuses.


I would definitely kill that human if they didn't do it before. Before she killed me with grief.

"Hot or cold-blooded creatures?" He asked doubtfully.

Please. Just a little help. Say it wasn't for cold-blooded creatures.

Zogart's embarrassment made me sigh. It was impossible to believe.

-They are creatures a little different from those we normally see here. Thermal clothes ... They move freely through the sectors without the need to breathe through our ...

I no longer heard anything. Thermal and mestizo clothes. It indicated only one type of creature. Mestizos were poorly tolerated, but those who were cold-blooded and roamed the streets and corridors of N'Tirlay were worse. They took advantage of the illegality of trade there to smuggle fresh, live food.

"Did you manage to sell my property to animal scum like that?" I roared out of me.


By Catty

-Really. I must have a bad taste even when seasoned and cooked. - I replied with a calm of not imagining where it came from.

I looked just at the pieces dropped on the huge counter and at the creature that speculatively probed my weight and tested my arm, tightening my muscles to assess my weight.

-I definitely have terrible taste! I can assure you! Human flesh! Bad for health. Very bad. You will die of miserable indigestion, damned bastard. I'm not a damn piece of meat to be evaluated that way!

That creature paid little attention to my complaints.

Was it possible for someone to get into so many problems because of a simple walk?

Kalael, if you intend to make a rescue, I think it's good to hurry.

-I hope you die of indigestion ...- I groaned wailingly.

And when the door opened ...