Back to the Past

Throughout Kota's and Asami's time in the spirit world, they were having a great time. They were riding some of the aviation creatures and were swimming in the waters. The married couple were laughing and were having fun exploring the Spirit World, they were currently laying down together on a grassy field and looking out at the sky. Asami's head was resting on his chest as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"So, how do you like our vacation so far?" Kota asked his wife.

Asami smiled and she pulled herself over to lie on her husband's chest, "I love it, just you and me, no stress, no worries, nothing."

Asami later leaned in to kiss her husband, she slipped her hands into his black hair as he wrapped his arms around her back. But as he pulled back his head started to hurt, he then started to go unconscious and Asami was now concerned.

"Honey?" She gently shook her husband and was now concerned when he didn't wake up. She later leaned into his chest and was relieved that he was breathing at least. After a few minutes he woke up and shot up while taking heavy breaths.

"I had a vision," Kota said.

"What?" Asami asked.

"I—" Before Kota could say anything a portal opened below them and they fell through. When the two fell on what looked like snowy ground, the two were out and unconscious.

On an island, there was a group of familiar people from over 50 years ago: a 12 year-old air nomad with a pair of siblings, a 16 year-old brother and a 14 year-old sister from the Southern Water Tribe. Katara was concerned for Aang who had just ran away from an Unagi.

"What was that thing?" Katara asked Aang as he put on his robes.

"I don't know," Aang said. Sokka stood up and brushed his hands, "Well let's not stick to find out, time to hit the road—"

They all heard a massive thud and ran towards it. Katara, Sokka, and Aang look to see a crater that was created by two people. The first person looked to be around 23 years old with black hair and a full beard that was there to cover his face. It wasn't shaggy and long, but it covered his face. He wore a green jacket that opened to show a dark blue t-shirt, he also wore traditional air acolyte trousers which made Aang's eyes widened, why did this man wear pants belonging to Air Acolytes? The second person lying beside him was a beautiful woman who looked around 22 years old with black hair, purple eyeshadow, and dark red lips from the lipstick. She wore an outfit that resembled a mechanic, but it looked a little too advanced.

Aang was the first to go towards them with Sokka and Katara following.

"Are they okay?" Katara asked.

"They're still breathing." Aang said, though he stared at the older man. He couldn't shake off the feeling, but he felt like he knew the man from somewhere. He saw that the man had no injuries. Sokka looked at the woman and saw there were no injuries, though he couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. Before he could do anything, there were a group of Kiyoshi warriors taking the three conscious people away while taking the two unconscious people in a room for them to rest and wake up.

Kota slowly opened his eyes and noticed that he was in a room, he slowly got up and saw that he had no shirt on. So he got up and looked for his shirt which wasn't that far and put it on. He looked around suspiciously and used his seismic sense to see that Asami was next door to his room. He also noticed that there was no one nearby and took this as an opportunity to get out and go to Asami's room, but before he could go to the room she was staying in, Kota heard a childish voice call out for him.

"Oh you're awake!" the child's voice said.

Kota looked and his eyes widened at who was sitting while eating buns and desserts for breakfast. He was seeing a 12 year-old Grandpa Aang and a 14 year-old Grandma Katara, eating food. Kota looked to see Sokka who was sitting there, pouting.

'Nonononononononononono,' Kota thought. This can't be happening, he and Asami were back in time, but he later remembered in his vision that he was with Aang fighting a figure. So he deduced that he was here for a reason, he later snapped out of his thoughts as he heard his young grandfather call for him.

"I'm sorry what?" Kota asked politely.

"Are you gonna eat with us?" Aang said.

"Uhh," Kota stammered, "later, I'm going to check on my wife."

"Oh you mean the pretty lady?" Aang said, ignoring Katara's glare, "she's next door."

"Thanks," Kota said awkwardly. He later went to the door and knocked on it and heard Asami's voice, "Come in."

Kota opened the door and got in in a frantic manner, he looked to Asami who was also shocked. "I think we just—"

"I think so too," Asami said, "do you know why?"

"Probably has to do with a vision I had," Kota said.


"I had a vision where I was by Grandpa Aang's side and we were fighting a figure," Kota said, "now whether or not it is before Ozai's battle is yet to be determined, but if we defeat this figure, I think we could get back home."

"What do we do?" Asami asked.

Kota stood there for a second and then decided. "We shouldn't do anything out of the ordinary, so no electric gloves for you and no earthbending for me," Kota said, "they are last resorts and if Aang finds out I can earthbend he will ask me to teach him and if you remember…"

"Toph taught him earthbending." Asami said.

"Exactly," Kota said.

Asami paused for a moment and nodded as she agreed to what Kota suggested. The two later exited out of the room and approached Aang and Katara.

"I assume that you guys were the ones who helped us?" Kota said.

"Yeah," Aang said, "I also told the Kiyoshi Warriors that you two were with me."

"Oh," Kota said, he later nodded, "thank you."

"It's the least I can do though…" Aang looked at Kota analytically, "I feel like I know you from somewhere."

Kota started to pale and gulped, "O-Oh is that so?"

Asami noticed her husband's uneasiness and changed the subject, "Come on honey, let's eat I'm starving."

"Oh right thanks," Kota said. The four proceeded to start eating and Kota couldn't help, but notice his Great-Uncle Sokka sitting there.

"Sokka?" Aang said, "What's your problem eat!"

"Not hungry," Sokka said.

"But you're always hungry," Aang rebuttals.

"He looks like he got his ego diminished," Kota said bluntly. Sokka looked at him with a glare and Kota simply shrugged, he didn't know that his Great-Uncle was this pathetic. Asami just stared at the scene with awkwardness.

"He's just upset because a bunch of girls kicked his butt yesterday," Katara said.

"They snuck up on me!" Sokka said, now sitting up.

"Right," Katara said to Sokka with a smirk, "and then they kicked your butt."

"Sneak attacks don't count!" Sokka said, now standing up. "They tie me up with ropes, I'll show them a thing or two."

Kota looked at Sokka with shock, he didn't know his grandparents and relatives back then were this childish, just then Sokka went up to the table.

"I'm not scared of any girls," Sokka said while taking some buns, "who do they think they are anyway?" He proceeded to eat one and relished the taste, "Mm, this is good."

As Sokka walked away Aang looked at Katara and the adult couple sitting across from them. "So…" Kota asked, "what's that kid crazy about?"

"Sorry," Katara said. "Sokka's like that sometimes. I'm Katara and this is Aang."

"I'm Kota and this is my wife," Kota said.

"I'm Asami," she said. "Nice to meet you."

"You know, guys," Aang said, "it's great here, they're giving us the royal treatment."

"Hey don't get too comfortable," Katara said, "it's risky to stay in one place for long."

"I agree," Kota said.

"I'm sure we'll be fine," Aang said, "did you see how happy I'm making this town? They are even cleaning up that statue in my honor."

Kota was simply stunned at how naive his grandfather was, in a way he was just like Korra.

"Well, it's nice to see you as the Avatar," Katara said, "I just hope it doesn't go through your head."

"Come one," Aang said, "you know me better than that, I'm just a simple monk."

Aang stood up to look out in the window and there were a bunch of girls cheering for Aang. Kota got up to look and see a bunch of girls ages 6-10 cheering for Aang. He looked to see his grandfather smile with blushes on his cheeks, his attention shifted to his grandmother when he heard a raspberry from her. Kota simply dropped his head in sadness, he was stunned at the childishness of this whole group, he couldn't wait to see how his Grandma Toph was like at this age.

Aang later jumped out of the window and started to play with the kids and Kota just sighed while shaking his head. Asami noticed her husband's disappointed expression and rubbed him on the back. Katara shifted her attention to the couple and decided to ask a question.

"Hey Kota," Katara asked.

Kota hummed as he looked at Katara. "Why are you wearing Air Nomad trousers?" Katara asked.

"Oh," Kota looked to his pants, "My ancestor was an Air Nomad and for generations, my father's side of the family has been passing on some of their teachings. As for my other choices of clothes, it is to represent my heritage of Air Nomad, Water Tribe, and Earth Kingdom."

"You're part Water Tribe?" Katara asked.

"My grandfather was of Air Nomad descent. He was a non-bender and married a woman from the Northern Water Tribe. Their child, my father was a non-bender as well and married my mother who is from the Earth Kingdom."

"I see," Katara said, "would you two come with me to get some groceries, I need to pack up for food when Aang, Sokka, and I leave Kiyoshi Island."

Kota and Asami looked at each other and then nodded to Katara. Katara smiled at the adults' kindness and the three walked out to get some vegetables. They were minding their own business when Katara was now grabbing some vegetables. They soon saw Aang with the same group of girls and they were getting a ride on Appa, Katara narrowed her eyes.

"A simple monk," Katara said with sarcasm, "right."

After Katara finished getting some vegetables, Kota grabbed the basket, "Here, let me take them," Kota said with a smile.

"Thank you," Katara said, "you guys have been very kind."

"It's the least we can do," Asami said, "if you didn't cover for us, we wouldn't be here."

When they were in the room they stayed in, Kota and Asami were in a room together. "So how was meeting your grandparents?"

"I think we both know an answer to that, honey," Kota said, "It was… interesting, to say the least."

"Despite the heinous reactions you made about them?" Asami asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't know they acted like this when they were younger," Kota said.

Before either of them could say a word, they heard Aang and Katara arguing. They heard that Aang was going to ride the Unagi and Kota narrowed his eyes. He got up and looked at Asami, "I am going to keep an eye on Grandpa Aang. Can you stay with Grandma please."

Asami smiled and nodded, "Sure."

Kota smiled and gave Asami a quick peck and left the room to find his grandfather. When he was outside the village he used his Seismic Sense to track down where he was and felt 7 heartbeats along a shore so he went there and saw a bunch of girls waiting for Aang to ride the Unagi. He didn't hesitate to walk in that direction as he saw the girls starting to walk away.

"Kota, you came," Aang said with surprise.

"Well of course," Kota said, "I'm a responsible adult." Kota noticed the sad look on Aang's face, "You okay, kid?"

"I let the attention go into my head," Aang said, "and Katara was right."

"Well if you want to say sorry, then come on," Kota said with a smirk.

Aang smiled and started to swim back. Kota was smiling, but his eyes widened when he saw a fin of what looked to belong to an unagi.

"Kid, get out now!" Kota called.

Aang looked back and saw the giant unagi's head. Kota gritted his teeth as he saw Aang's shocked reaction and had no choice, but to Earthbend. He stomped with one foot and a massive boulder came up from the ground. Kota got in a basic earthbending stance and did a punch, throwing the boulder to hit the unagi in the face. He then looked to Aang, "Come on, kid!"

Aang then sprinted to Kota and threw him his clothes. "Are you okay?"

Aang nodded as he put on his clothes, Kota looked around and saw an old Fire Nation ship.

"What was that?" Aang asked.

Kota looked to Aang, "What?"

"You're an Earthbender," Aang said.

"Yes I know I'll explain later," Kota said. "The Fire Nation is here, we need to get you out of here, now!"

Aang nodded and they went into the village to help out the Kiyoshi Warriors. The two looked around and saw the whole town being burned down by the Fire Nation. He remembered from history class in Republic City about what the Fire Nation did during the 100 year war, but the destruction was so immense. They looked around and saw Katara and Asami gathering the children to go inside the house. Kota and Aang ran to them and the current Avatar was the first to speak.

"You're right," Aang said to Katara, "staying here made things worse and I let all that Avatar stuff get in my head, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too," Katara said.

"Sorry to rain on your parade," Kota said, "but there are people in the Fire Nation trying to find the kid and we need to find the other one."

"Right!" Katara said.

Aang and Katara left and then noticed that Kota and Asami were running in another direction. "Where are you guys going?" Katara asked.

"We're going to distract them," Kota said. "Get the other kid and go!"

Aang and Katara nodded and ran off while Asami and Kota were confronted by Prince Zuko and his men. "I see you are protecting the Avatar," Zuko said.

"Well, it's part of the job description," Kota said as he created a rock column to knock down the soldiers and the prince. Asami joined in and got two fans, the two fought the soldiers with Kota using an aggressive style of Earthbending and Asami fighting with the fans. The two were able to hold off the Fire Nations soldiers, but they stopped as they heard Aang calling for them.

"Guys!" Aang said, "Come on!"

Kota looked at Asami who wrapped her arms around his neck and without hesitation, he used Earthbending to create a strong column that made them catapult to Appa. When they landed on Appa's saddle, they looked to the town in sadness. It was burning until Aang decided to jump in the water.

"That idiot for a monk!" Kota said.

Before he could go on, the Unagi came out and was thrashin with Aang holding on to it's whiskers. Kota was in shock as he saw his Grandfather ride the Unagi and make it spray water to put out the fires in the city. When the Unagi thrashed his head up Aang was able to get a good amount of air for Appa to catch him and the young Air Nomad climbed up the bison.

"Now that was crazy," Kota said.

"Not as crazy as what you did," Aang said with an impressed tone.

"I know," Katara said, "you are an Earthbender. That will be great for Aang."

"Uhh, I will teach him how to do that after he masters Waterbending," Kota said nervously. Crap, this wasn't supposed to happen, hopefully by the time Aang master's Waterbending, he will be able to come up with an excuse to why he can't teach him without revealing who he is. Asami had the same expression to as she saw Kota's concerned face.