I slowly opened my eyes and regained consciousness, It felt like my body was on fire, I lowered my gaze to see the wound on my chest, It was all patched up but was still hurting. When I turned my face to the left I realized I was missing an arm. I could see very little from the eye Steve punched earlier. I tried to get up but it seemed like I couldn't, the pain was unbearable and after some tries, I gave up and laid straight. Thinking about how miserably I fought against my father and realized how weak I am and how strong he is.
The door opened and Luke walked in with the sword I fought earlier with, he sat down beside me and sighed. "Why did you do that?" He questioned. I had no answer to his question so I remained quiet. "Look what they did to you, you're missing an arm, your chest is wounded, your other eye is screwed, what were you thinking?" he continued. I took a deep breath,
" I'm not lacking hatred, I'm not low on confidence, I still can defeat them, I believe I can, even now" I explained, my voice was shaky and eyes wet.
"Do you really think we can defeat them? You know nothing, Alex", he uttered and turned his back on me. "What do you mean?" I asked. Without turning back he continued, "The dragons have slaughtered people mercilessly and they aren't restricted to just one place, they are spread all over the world, they are way stronger than you think, your father Steve is just a pawn, who just controls a single branch. He's just being used by the King". I was surprised by the fact that there is an even stronger foe up against us. "How did you know?" I quarried.
"I used to work with the dragons, they were once an organization working to restore humanity when the drought struck us. They used to help people in need but in a matter of time, when they realized the resources are too little, they started thinking the other way. They started to kill humans and devoured them. It was that moment I realized parting ways would be much better than killing your own kind, I at times regretted it as they soon killed my whole family, my mother, my father, my siblings, I failed to protect them" Luke's voice was trembling, I could tell he was sobbing"
It was hard for me to believe my own father annihilated the Crescent on his own and that I challenged him for a duel. Soon Emma walked in with some canned food. "I am sorry, Alex," she said before handing me some roasted peas. " It ain't your fault, Emma, It's all mines" I sighed. "Only if I wasn't that naive" I continued. She put her right hand on my shoulder to console me and smiled, I had to force myself to put a smile on my face. Luke wiped his tears and turned, I felt sorry for him. Emma left the room saying someone has to be on guard.
"We can't stay much longer in here, we need to move out of here soon" Luke's voice raised a bit. "I don't think I'll be able to move in this condition, you guys will have to leave me here" I blurted. "Ah, come on, Alex you know we can't leave you" Luke claimed.
He told me to get some rest and that we're gonna talk over it later. He left the room closing the door behind him. Despite that unbearable pain, I somehow managed to sleep in the darkroom. I couldn't tell what time I woke up, the room didn't have any light source. I managed to get out of the worn-out bed and was able to walk as well with some difficulty. I opened the door and headed where the corridor lead. I could hear Luke and Emma's mumbling which came from the common room. I greeted them with a smile and Luke came forward to help me sit on the wooden chair. "You slept for a whole day, pal" Luke laughed. "I feel much better now," I said before looking at Emma who was staring at a wall in front of her.
She has been silent lately and I didn't know why? I asked her but she said it's nothing. "Well, now is the time to discuss what we do next," said Luke dragging his chair closer to me and Emma. Luke explained, "if we move north we are going to get close to the Central of the dragons to be more precise, its heart." Luke looked confused and frightened for the first time and it felt like a dead end. "Death await's us," Emma said still looking at the wall.
I thought hard and one idea hit me like a tornado, "How about we join the dragons?" I exclaimed. Both Luke and Emma gave me weird looks, "I'll explain" I continued. I delivered my plan to them in detail and both of them seemed to like it. "It does sound risky, but it's worth a shot, right Emma?" Luke questioned her and she nodded.
"Well then we'll be leaving tomorrow" I sighed and took a deep breath and in my bed, I patiently waited for the sun to rise.