I was happy when they came to my house to make me happy and while we were having fun tomiko found out that I was alone in my life so he was sad he said his house was only close so he could visit as long as he could.

and sugi got angry again that's what he was angry about is that if their house was closer he would visit me every day so we laughed because it entered sugi's mind ahead we thought tomiko and I would fight again but he gave this is just advice to her bf.

while towa took me out and gave me something so I said goodbye first I will only go out for a while and while we are outside they think something is happening between us and towa

while misu also has plans to give my birthday present case towa preceded him so he was embarrassed so he left it alone in my cabinet so I can see it when I enter school.

while towa gave me a watch so I knew what time it was and it was a sign that I was happy today and he smiled as I remembered his smile when I was young

I was very happy when they visited my house to have fun so I am very grateful to the lord that I have good friends who make me happy while tomiko on their way home for a while told me if I like misu and towa and I laughed and said I didn't like them at all.

and the next day when I woke up I would change my clothes to go to school and someone left a box in my cabinet with misu's name written on it so I opened it and its contents are a letter about my life written here are our happy days when we were young I was still so happy when I read this and it gave my body energy to get to school.