we visited towa with yui and the three did not come and said they would do a lot of homework but I knew that they did not do it and I will also answer for them.

while yui and I were together I told her my life and she was happy that even though I was alone I was still in my dream in case I was saddened by the story of her siblings she said her parents always left her because of work.

so she took cleaning the house and feeding himself so he said he thought of going abroad and studying alone there and showing his parents how he can graduate from a difficult school even if they are not with her.

and we got to their house and I found him speaking alone and saying my name so I was a little ashamed of yui and yui told me he would just take a bath and take care of koraw towa first entered my mind that he would leave me embarrassing that I am alone here with towa.

while I was cleaning towa's body and heating water for hot soup for her yui saw me yui told me so koraw take care of her sister because she is always away and studying abroad so she was happy with me that what I do is pure good.

and towa woke up and she was wondering why I was here she was happy because she was a guest and she was with me even for a short time yui told me she will soon leave japan again and she will go abroad again because she will soon recover towa.

yui told me that I was alone in my house so while yui was not there I said I would take care of towa and I could bring a friend pede koraw with tomiko sometimes there to play and have fun in this house I know tomiko will like it because he loves games so we were able to play one game here.

I told yui not to worry about her because I am always with towa and I take good care of her.