Chapter 13

The next morning everyone at White Hawk's house was up eating breakfast and talking.

"So what are you guys going to do today, since you do not go to school anymore?" asked Running Water.

"Well Big Ben is going to give me a job at the Lakota Sioux Shopping Center with him," said Nuka.

"That's great, I'm glad to hear that," said Angel.

"Thanks, mom," said Nuka.

"What are you guys going to do?" asked Angel.

"Brother and I are going to the youth center to speak, we're going to have games, food, desserts, and the old ones are going to tell their stories," said Spotted Eagle.

"That's awesome, maybe they will open their eyes and have the power and the ability to change their world and the community," said Running Water.

"Yeah, hope so, some of these kids are hard-headed and think too much of the past," said White Hawk.

"That's true," said Running Water.

"We best be going," said Spotted Eagle.

"Okay, see you guys," said White Hawk.

"All right you two have fun and be careful," said Angel.

"We will," said Spotted Eagle.

So they got in the car and drove to the youth center. They had Pepsi, food, and dessert at the center. They also started talking. They were talking about gangs, violence, and how to stay in school. When the talking was over, the kids went back to playing games.

"Hey guys," said Jimmy.

"Jimmy how's it," asked Spotted Eagle?

"Nothing much, just came by to see how everything is going," said Jimmy.

"It's good, everything went great, the kids learned a lot," said White Hawk.

"That's good," said Jimmy.

"What are you doing today?" asked White Hawk.

"Nothing why?" asked Jimmy.

"Well do you want to go to Jeremiah Johnson's house," said White Hawk.

"Sure, let's go," said Jimmy.

"Spotted Eagle?" asked White Hawk.

"Go ahead," said Spotted Eagle.

"Thanks, come on let's go," smiled White Hawk.

So they jumped in the car and drove to the mountains, they stopped on the side of the road and got out. They walked towards the mountain and started climbing. When they arrived they knocked on the door?

"Hello Jimmy, White Hawk, what brings you here?" asked Jeremiah Johnson.

"Nothing just to say hello and ask how you have been doing?" asked Jimmy.

"Things are good, Eagle Crow is out hunting, he should be here soon," said Jeremiah Johnson.

"Cool," said White Hawk.

So they talked some more, then Eagle Crow came through the door with a rabbit.

"Hello White Hawk, Jimmy, it's good to see both," said Eagle Crow.

"You also," said White Hawk.

So they started talking about it then it started to get dark, so they walked down the mountain and drove away in their car. He dropped Jimmy off and then he went home also.

The next morning, they woke up and ate breakfast, and started a new day. Big Ben and Nuka were going to work as Spotted Eagle and White Hawk helped the community clean up on the reservation. They helped rebuild homes and helped put food and clothes in the homes and educate them. Some Natives on the reservation didn't want any of the items, which were given to them.

After the years have come and gone, the reservation started to get better slowly, Jimmy kept going to see Jeremiah Johnson and Eagle Crow, and White Hawk also when he could. White Hawk and Spotted Eagle were at the youth center, White Hawk was telling the children about the disorder.

"At first I thought the great spirits were giving me power or a vision. Then I started to get sicker and not even realizing how bad I was getting," said White Hawk.

"Oh really, wow," said one of the children.

"Can anyone get that disorder?" asked a boy.

"Yes, but it's very rare though, if anyone in your family has the condition, then it could be passed down, my grandfather had it, now my father carries the gene, so remember if you start seeing things that you're not familiar with, you better tell your parents right away, or tell a teacher when you're at school, don't wait until it gets worse," said White Hawk.

Then all the children got up and played video games.

"How did it go?" asked Spotted Eagle.

"Good, they paid attention and listened," said White Hawk.

"I'm glad, hopefully, they learned about the disorder and how it affects family and friends," said Spotted Eagle.

"Yes, I think they learned a lot today and yesterday," said White Hawk.

"Well it gives them something to do and to talk about, this place keeps them off the streets and out of gangs," said Spotted Eagle.

"We try, when they get older they'll make their own choice whether to do good or wrong," said White Hawk.

"True, very true," Spotted Eagle.

So the children left the youth center and everybody went home. When Spotted Eagle and White Hawk went home, they saw three men jump somebody, so they quickly ran towards them.

"Hey get off him," Spotted Eagle pushed all three guys and helped the guy up.

"Jimmy?" shocked Spotted Eagle.

"Thanks, guys," said Jimmy dusting himself off.

"Jimmy are you okay?" asked White Hawk.

"I'll be all right," said Jimmy.

"What happened? Who were they?" asked Spotted Eagle.

"I don't know, just some guys looking for someone to jump I guess," said Jimmy.

"Come on, we'll take you home," said Spotted Eagle.

"Thanks," said Jimmy.

"Your welcome," said White Hawk.

So they walked home, now as the years have come and passed, they were getting older. Nuka was working with Big Ben at the store, Spotted Eagle is now fifty years old, Big Ben is Forty years old, and White Hawk just turned thirty years old and Nuka was a 28-year-old. As White Hawk was getting older, he kept getting worse, even on more meds. His brothers decided to put him in a mental hospital for good; they couldn't afford to take care of him along with taking care of Running Water and Angel of their old age.

Jimmy, Nuka, Big Ben, Spotted Eagle, and Eagle Crow would visit White Hawk all the time at the hospital. One day their father passed away, their mother was a widow now, they took White Hawk out of the hospital to the funeral, he did not show any emotion, just a straight face, then they took him back and visited with him and left.

Now it's been three years since their father died, Angel, their mother fell ill and died in her bed at home, she was ninety-eight, and Running Water was one hundred years old when he died. So they took White Hawk out for his mother's funeral again showed no emotion, just a straight face and then they took him back.

Spotted Eagle was still working at the youth center, and Jimmy was taking White Hawk's place. The reservation was doing great, then suddenly it started to get back to the way it used to be, people started drinking again, their children are going to bed hungry again.

At least Spotted Eagle and his brothers tried, but you can only do so much for people who do not wish to change.

It did not go bad until the brothers and Jimmy died of old age, neither one of them had children, so they could not keep it up. But maybe one day a young person will have the same mindset as the brothers did for their generation to come.

- The End -