The Royal Meeting

It was 5:09 in the morning, Los Angeles Palace. I am drinking my coffee as I continue reviewing my preparation for a quite unusual wedding of mine which will happen a month from now in my Kingdom's Cathedral. As I was rechecking the lists of our guests and sponsors, our memories came in to my mind like the beat of my heart that comes one at a time in a continuous manner.

On the top of the list, I saw Mr. Simons, the director of the National Junior Legislator's League. He was the one who introduced me to the Prince who will be my husband, in one of the gathering in our country about 12 years ago. I was in my second year as the Crown Prince of the northern, largest and richest Kingdom in our country. After my regular morning routine, I went to my office and do my daily routine; check documents, read memorandums, petitions, call for a meeting, plan for an activity, etc. I was about to open the first folder on the top of my table when my personal secretary came in. "Good morning Your Majesty" he said. "We will be going to the planning ministry later I have some questions regarding our plan to conduct the annual Offering Week" I uttered. "Yes your majesty, but I was directed by the Queen Mother to give this invitation for the National Junior Legislator's League which will happen tonight in the country's capital. So I suggest your majesty to better forget about those plans and review your privilege speech which the ministry of communications had prepared your majesty." while handling me some pages of papers. "Okay, I wanted to talk to the Queen and King first." "Yes your majesty."

We went to the King's Palace where my father and mother are waiting and expecting for my visit. "You will be using one of the royal carriages to be accompanied by several royal armies. I have already directed the ministry of external affairs to look on the protocol for the places where you will be passing through." My father said. "I understand this would be your first official travel as the crown prince and I should not be worrying but it would be hard for me to let you attend, knowing that you will be alone. I hope and pray for the success of your journey my dear prince. I also instructed your retainers to prepare your things, and bring some food for your travel." My mother said.

After my visit to my parents, I get myself up and go to the Executive Palace for a courtesy call to the Queen Mother before I go to the said event because it will took me 3 hours to be in the National Capitol which is located between the three Kingdoms, Baltimore, Treiz and Cex.

As I approach the palace, I heard the servant telling the Queen Mother for my arrival. "Your Majesty Queen Mother" I humbly said. "Oh my dear grandson, I apologize for the urgent event that you have to attend today. I know it was a surprise to you and an adjustment on your daily routine but dear crown prince I just received the invitation early this morning too." The Queen Mother said. "No your majesty, It would be my honor to represent the Queen Mother and the kingdom in the said event. This would also be my chance to witness an event of the country." I immediately replied. "Always smile and relax, bear in your heart and mind that your the Crown Prince of the people my dear grandson. Whatever you do and you talk in the event represents not only the kingdom but the people of the kingdom as well." She advised as she hugged me. "Okay, Ronald please take good care of his Majesty, the Crown Prince, remember that he will be the next King of the Kingdom, and he represents all his subjects all the time. Never leave his side and always use this for his food" The Queen Mother directed my secretary as he handed a silver spoon and pair of chopsticks. "Do not let him eat any food without using these." she added. "Yes your majesty, I will." After a couple of hour, we left for the said event.

It was a long three hours journey but full of pride on my end for i will be representing the Queen mother of our country in such big and glamorous event.

In the national capitol, I observed that I am the only Junior Legislator using a Royal Carriage and a dozen of royal armies. All the other Prince and Princesses stared and smiled at me. I am overwhelmed with this experience, i am excited as well as nervous. I wear my biggest smile in return when the director of the National Junior Legislator's League, Mr. Simons announced "Announcing the arrival of the His Majesty the Crown Prince from the largest Kingdom of the Country, Prince James Reynolds." As he look at me.

The event started and Mr. Simons came to my table which was situated in the first column along with the other 4 large Kingdoms of the country. He said to me, "Your Majesty, I want you to meet the prince of Ayatulla in the eastern part of the country, His Majesty Raphael McCabe III."

That was the first time I meet and saw The Prince who will be with me in the altar a month from now.

I was the first one who delivered my privilege speech and report regarding my Kingdom since I represent the largest and the richest Kingdom of the country. Prince Raphael accompanies me during our vacant time and we had a long conversation about leaderships and plans. He invited me to his kingdom and so did I for us to visit and observe norms and cultures of our own places.

That's the beginning of our close friendship and camaraderie that drives into a solemn and unusual partnership.