The Ayatullah's Merchants

In preparation for this wedding, I have been very keen enough to consider cultural differences of visitors. I may be busy attending my royal duties for both Akazia through the aide of my very supportive aunt and as Crown Prince of Baltimore. "Your majesty the meeting for the final presentation of your wedding preparations will be two days from now." my secretary updated me. "Prince Raphael will be arriving tomorrow for the said event while representative from the Royals of Akazia are on their way and expected to arrive early tomorrow too your majesty." he added.

I browse the files in front of me to simply hide my excitement of the arrival of my husband to be. While looking at the folders, I recognize the list of materials to be used for the wedding which reminded me of how Raphael visited me in Akazia by surprise.

"As you stay here, we will attend and visit events and royal gatherings. I want you to be close with our people. We have to let them accept your relationship my dear." Aunt Ma Catherine advised me. "But i don't know how will I act in front of the conservative people of Akazia." I answered. "Don't think too much, let me handle that okay? Take a nap, relax. I am really happy that you're home. I am glad to see how your presence brings smile and life in the whole palace of Akazia my dear." she added as she helps me lay in my bed.

As i close my eyes, my phone rang. "Honey? how are you?" I asked. "I am better now hon. Until when will you stay in Akazia? I miss you." Raphael answered in the other line. "I will be staying here for a while hon, I will start my official function as Crown Prince of Akazia tomorrow. How I wish I am with you here." I answered. "My congratulations hon, my happiness is overwhelming. Don't worry, we can be together soon. Let's just do what we have to do okay? I love you and I am always being here for you and forever." Raphael replied. "My brother also look up to you. He said he's concern on how will you manage to do your duties for both the Kingdom of Baltimore and the whole country of Akazia, but I told him, you can manage them well." he added. "I miss Reux too, thanks for his concern. I miss the exchange of thoughts in governance, anyway hon I am afraid for tomorrow. Akazia is a conservative country unlike our kingdoms. That really concerns me a lot now." I ask. "Hon, just be who you are and show the real you. I mean the way you think, the way you talk, the way you decide and I am sure people will understand you. Now better sleep and relax okay? I miss you so much." he answered.

"Your majesty, here are your official schedule for the whole week." the secretary for royal public affairs and engagement presented. "As you can see your majesty, many of your schedules covered attending several festivities and commemorations in the different cities of Akazia. This will bring you closer to the public." my aunt who's sitting beside me explained. "Your majesty, you will be escorted by the following royal personnel." then the door opens and five men came in wearing the same military clothes, followed by five royal guards of Baltimore. "These are the chosen elite military officers headed by Gen. Sean." she added. "Your Majesty!" he bowed his head and greeted me. I just nodded.

"Major General Hino and some of our royal guards will be with us too your majesty." My secretary added. "The King had assigned a secretary for you to accompany and helped Marlon in all your needs while here in Akazia your majesty, she's court lady Shen." My aunt added.

We were in the middle of our meeting when my grandfather arrived. We all stand and give greeted him. "Your majesty." I uttered. "How is my only grandson? Catherine, look after his safety and be vigilant in dealing with all the matters concerning him." He instructed my aunt. "Yes father. I am presenting all the personnel and his schedules on a weekly basis." My aunt replied. "I am ordering all of you here to put your life before him. Don't let him be out of your sight. He is the most precious member of the Royal Family for both of Baltimore and Akazia." he instructed everyone. "Yes your majesty!" they all replied as they bow their heads.

My first event to attend is a commemoration of the Peace Agreement between two cities in the east of the country. "Aunt? Can i go incognito? I want to observed the celebration the day before I give my message to the public." I suggested. "But your majesty, this is not Baltimore." my secretary uttered with so much concern. "Don't worry Marlon, Akazia is not far from Baltimore in terms of hospitality. I will allow you but when suspicious things happened, be back immediately." My aunt granted my request. "I will assign guards in disguise to the area and I will advise the military in the area to strengthen their presence your majesty." General Sean added.

I am walking in the streets of the city of Juanchi with secretaries Marlon and Shen. I saw many kids playing, many stalls selling different products manufactured in other cities of Akazia. I saw a pin similar to my Baltimore royal emblem with 2 doves below it showing my emblem as crown prince of Akazia. I approached and pick one. Try to see how they design such and produced it. "That's 120 Yon." The vendor priced it. "But if you will get two, I will give it 100 Yon each." he added. "Which city did this came from?" I asked curiously. "These are manufactured here in Juanchi. and we only sell this while His Majesty, the Crown Prince is here". he answered. "Well I will get a hundred pieces of this." I ordered. "Whattt??!!" the vendor replied with his big eyes opened. "Are you sure?" he added. "Yes, I am a fan of his majesty." I replied. Marlon paid it in cash.

I continue my stroll in the area when I saw many people are gathered in one place and laughing as if a circus is happening. I walk closer and see a clown play.

"I am ordering all the handsome men to come forward!" the main character of the play ordered. "But your majesty?" the three men wearing evening dress answered while hesitant to the main character. "You!" he pointed to the tall man. "Spend your night with me, and the other two will be tomorrow night!" he added. And the audience laugh. The main character is wearing a combination of Baltimore and Akazia Flags. "I will spend nights with all the men in Akazia!" The main character shouted and the people laugh out loud.

I look at Marlon and he's so worried. I don't understand why i felt angry with this play at first for playing and mocking my personality. I am controlling my emotions while standing steadily waiting for the continuation of the play.

The main character comeback wearing heavy make-up and a long hair. "I am the New King, I mean Queen, oh King, oh Queen! Never mind! I am the ruler of this place!" all the people again laugh as they find this entertaining. All the other performers bowed their heads to the main character. "You look ugly, I don't want you in my court. Also you! You're fat like a rolling pig! I hate ugly men in my court. You! I want you to remove you clothes. I want handsome guys here to assist me. But you have small penis! You will be beheaded at once, having a small one is a sin! I don't need them!" he shouted and the people laugh a lot too.

"Halt!!" a man in the audience near me shouted. And he is General Sean. Everyone stunned and look at him! "How dare you mock his majesty!" he shouted again. "Why? are you one of those who slept with his majesty handsome man?" the main character replied. Everyone laugh. "Don't talk as if you know the immoral evil Crown Prince." One of the audience answered. "Silence!" another replied, this time few men stood and look at the direction where i am seating. "How disrespectful are you!" the man also added while removing is cap. I saw it was my General Hino of Baltimore. The audience froze with the situation. More men stand and look at me bowing their heads. "His Majesty, the Crown Prince!" Marlon announced unintentionally!

All the people in the area and the members of the clown play shocked and immediately bowed on their feet, "Your majesty!" they all greeted. I just smiled and laugh alone and clapped my hands for my amazement. "Congratulations! It's very entertaining." I uttered. "Forgive us your majesty!" the performers shouted.

Secretary Shen escorted me to the stage, Royal Guards as well secured the stage. "You may all raise your heads." I ordered. "You are all fortunate to be of his majesty's audience." secretary Shen announced. "Punish us your majesty, we deserved to die!" The performers uttered. "Punish of death? because of a play? I am glad to witness this act, and i am happy to correct your wrong perception of how i look and how i act." I answered. "Your intention is to earn money to support your families and dependents. I salute you for putting up a show like this. You have all the courage to do a show. It's just that your portrayals of me is unimaginable." I answered.

"I understand for you have not seen me in the past and never encountered me here in Akazia. Now I hope my presence here in front of all of you cleared and will correct your thinking of your Crown Prince. I will forgive you for this, and I commend you for giving me the idea of what may be happening in the remote areas of the country where I have not visited yet." I added.

"Your majesty!" they uttered while bowing their heads when my royal carriage arrived. I saw smiles and respect from the faces of the people as I leave the place. I know, all gets shocked by what happened but at least I was able to show myself to the people. I have showed them that the real Crown Prince never wear make-ups, never cross dress, never slept with anyone.

Early in the morning, "My dear, are you okay? I apologize for what happened last night in Juanchi. I already ordered the Governor of Juanchi to correct this by banning a clown play about the Royal Family. That will never happen again." My aunt run to me worriedly while learning what happened from Secretary Shen.

I smiled. "No worries, I understand them." I answered. "Your majesties, if i may suggest a Royal Parade?" Secretary Shen uttered. "I agree with her your majesties; this is to let the public see our Crown Prince closely. I know it will need more security concerns but our Baltimore troops and royal guards are used to this kind of event." My secretary seconded.

And this was granted. My grandfather, the King accompanied me in the Royal Parade in the City of Zambiza, capital of Akazia. I started the Royal parade which concluded after 14 days. This has been the longest yet most satisfying tour I spend in Akazia. I have learned about the places, the people and who they are. I have met people and understand the diverse culture of the minorities of the Kingdom. My royal tour ended in the City of Babweza, a neighboring city of Zambiza. I decided to go incognito the night before my last Royal Parade which will end in the Royal Palace in Zambiza.

I am walking the busy markets, "This city has so many merchants. Is there a celebration?" I asked. "Your majesty, the City of Babweza is a business city where merchants from other countries spend their official businesses." Secretary Shen answered. I continue walking when I saw a food stall displaying food products from Baltimore. I suddenly missed my parents, the people and everything of Baltimore. I immediately approached and ordered food. "Your majesty, you are not allowed to eat here for your safety." Secretary Shen whispered. "Don't worry, I know Baltimore a lot." I replied.

I was about to start eating my food when a Man come in. I don't know why my world froze upon seeing who the man was. It is Raphael! He was followed by my secretary Marlon. He sat beside me and ordered the same food.

He was scolded by Secretary Shen, when Marlon whispered to her who this man is. Secretary Shen then paid his respect.

"How come you come here and never told me?" I asked with my big smiles. My face turned red and my ears too. Marlon and Secretary Shen on the other table smiled too. "I asked permission from my parents to join the Royal Merchants of Ayatullah in their travels here." He replied while looking at me. I hardly calm myself. After the dinner. I and Raphael walk the streets of Babweza.

We arrived in the official royal residence when Raphael hold my hands. All staff in the place turn their back at us. We were holding hands as we go to the studio. I hugged him tightly. I felt like all my tiredness from a two weeks' royal tour were gone. "It means, you're in the country last night when we're talking via phone.?" I asked. "Yes." he replied. He held my face and look at me with so much love. "I am so worried of you after the mocking news weeks ago." he said. "I told you, i am okay. and everything will be okay." I replied.

We were talking about the situation of Ayatullah when my secretary arrived. "Your majesties. Our last Royal Parade will be tomorrow. It will start from 8:00AM and may ends at the Royal Palace." he updates me. "Marlon, can you arrange Raphael's passage to the Royal Palace secretly early tomorrow? So he will be waiting for me their?" I asked. "I regret your majesty but Her Majesty Catherine had already prepared everything for Prince Raphael's arrival." he answered. To my surprise, "What? how about my grandfather?" I asked. "Your majesty, just relax, focus in our royal tour and Her Majesty will take charge of everything as she advised you to relax." he answered.

Marlon left us and we transferred to our room. While in our room, Raphael held my hands "I am sorry for causing you so much stress hon." he uttered. "Don't be like this, please. We both decided to be in it. I love you more than anyone does." I replied. "Will it be okay if i spend the night with you here? I can stay in my room if it's for the best of both of us." Raphael said. I don't want to but I have no other choice. "You take shower here and have a rest in your room after." I answered. "I will leave once you fell sleep honey." he kissed me in my forehead.

The next day, I left Raphael in the royal residence after breakfast for the royal parade. He was instructed to prepare and arrived in the Royal Palace before me. My entourage arrived in the Royal Palace at 4 in the afternoon. My grandfather and aunt were in the royal hall. I greeted them both and take my seat as future king. "Did you find the country well my grandson?" the king asked. "Yes your majesty, I am amazed by the people. They love the Royal family alot. " I answered. "Let the visitor enter." My grandfather ordered.

Raphael entered the hall wearing his royal attire. I was shocked and immediately look at my aunt. She just replied with a big smile. "Your Majesties." Rapgael greeted. "So you are Prince Raphael of Ayatullah?" my grandfather asked. "Yes your majesty." he answered. I don't know whether to be happy or not knowing that my grandfather had never give his permission nor objection to this relationship i have with Raphael. "Well, it's nice to meet you. As I can see, you traveled from your kingdom to here as a merchant only to meet my grandson. I appreciate the courage." my grandfather said. "And it's nice to have you in our family too. I can see how you bring smile and happiness to my nephew." My aunt said. My grandfather looks at my aunt.

During the dinner, Raphael sit beside me and it was very silent in the table. After dinner, I visited my grandfather and talk about this. He only gives me few words, "I trust you and your decisions." When I came back to my room, I saw Raphael and his things placed in my room. "What are these?" I asked when my aunt came in. "Don't asked him. I just do what father had told me to do." My aunt explained? "Father? grandpa approved him staying with me?" I asked again. "Yes my dear. and nice to meet the husband of my nephew. Let's just talk tomorrow, I know you need sometime for yourselves." She replied and closed the door.

"Hon." Raphael uttered as he come to me and embraced me. I feel his heartbeat as I lean towards his chest. I know deep inside me that he's afraid too while facing my grandfather. "I love you and thank you hon." I uttered. I look at him. he holds my cheeks and kiss me.